“These symptoms or experiences can include hallucinations, paranoia or radical alterations in thinking or behavior and can have a significant impact on well-being and functioning, even in the absence of a psychotic disorder diagnosis… Bullied teens' brains show chemical change associated with psychosis…”

This “study” has a date of January 5, 2024..the bullying, depravity and injections to these poor kids for the last 4 years might explain their findings. Not surprising that isn’t mentioned...

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Norovirus is a bug that is easily communicable. It makes you very sick, with fluids coming out both ends. The best preventative is to clean everything touched with bleach. It is known to really hit nursing home, hospitals, and cruise ships. Confined spaces seems to be the worst. Key: wash your hands throughly.

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London slavery. "The love of money is the root of all evil." I have worked with many affluent people and I can tell you there is a spirit of 'entitlement' with them all. Whether generational wealth or new wealth. New wealth is sometimes the worst. Thank God people are rescuing these people.

I quickly scanned the eye colour vid,....and as you can see by my spelling, I am Canadian. I have green eyes. You never know if you are different from others until someone might mention it. When I got out of high school, 3 of us moved to Toronto and shared an apartment, way in the north part of the city. Every Friday night we would pile into one of the guy's car and go downtown to party at bars. It was not part of my memory until years and years after we all moved on and one moved to Edmonton and on his return he looked me up and the first thing he said was "can you still spot a cop in the dark from a mile away?" LOL I've always been able to see in the dark and far away compared to others which I never spent time thinking about. Mind you,...I have had few tickets because I always look for them hiding their cars somewhere for radar or whatever. I am 68 and have had maybe 2 tickets in my life. My advise is always drive looking for them and not trusting other drivers either. Zero accidents for me. That doesn't take eye colour.

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oh, there is an incredible documentary out there, about future of humanity, children:


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Those Joro spiders have bodies of an inch or more and with legs up to four inches wide. Their webs are six feet in circumference. These beauties will eat every and any thing that enters their nets. You can kiss our bees, wasps, butterflies, probably humming birds, good bye if these ladies establish themselves. Horrific problem, yet the idiot in the link thinks they are totally cool.

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Oh my goodness that poor woman passed away at 63 years old two years ago (cough, cough) of "natural causes"? (Reeeeally?)

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Miigwech Manuel.

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...it is actually taught in Islam under Shite Law ,that these Muslim so called Employers have a "Religious Right" to enslave these non Islam workers and abuse them sexually as well! ( Note : I late May '22 there is a Video Clip played of Joe Biden giving Homeland Security Director Alejandro Mayorkas Executive Orders. Joe Biden states in these exact words, "I WANT UNBRIDLED, UNMITIGATED, UNRELENTING, ONGOING SURGING OF THE UNITED STATES BORDERS ; TILL ALL AMERICAN WHITES BECOME THE MINORITY!" (&) 'The Epoch Times', 'Alex Jones', 'News Target', 'Tucker Carlson'etc.,all have indepth Interviews and Documentaries showing clearly that this MASSIVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is highly orchestrated by the corrupt United Nations,Top Leaders of many Third World Nations, and many elements of the United States Government Agencies and NGO'S under the Joe Biden Administration. Many of the undocumented Illegals are from Religions such as Islam and Nations such as China, where they are taught from Birth to hate Americans, Whites Christians,Jews,etc ,and disrespect Women on every level.

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Thank You for the nice collection of surprises, as usual! For that poor dead 63 years old Christina(what a message), this great concert:


with one song in it with following words at ~1:00:00

my hope is that the death is the begin and hope for a new life...

my hope is that the death is a step towards light and infinity

my hope that death will not end anything in my life

all is in Gods' hands, including that last breath..

And to Ashley, you could write back to USHAA:

anything about my BLOOD is NONE of your business.

Massie's message about the congress is now reposted in this post:


mentioning Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was SO friendly with congress starting so early in his life ..

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You can also check out my latest interview concerning the transfection of lipid nanotechnology from person to person at: Young Blood Solutions to Pollutions in the Prevention and Reversal of Any Sickness and Disease - https://rumble.com/v25i0j8-fresh-off-the-oven.html  

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I would invite you to investigate and learn, The New Biology and the Alkalarian lifestyle - a new way of living, eating and thinking.

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