No Donald, you ninny, it’s vaccines by the dozen given infants. Think Newton—for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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It’s GMO‘s. Glyphosate disrupts the gut… Meaning disrupting the gut brain access. And we are now generations into GMO‘s. That’s not actually all of it but GMO’s specifically, meaning glyphosate. Glyphosate takes the B vitamins out of the gut and wreaks havoc. This leads to all kinds of downstream problems. And inability to properly digest, absorb nutrients, and minerals, an inability to detox, yada yada yada.

I had chronic acid reflux. I gave up wheat and within three days it was completely gone and no more bloated belly. And yes, vaccines cause harm. Those poor babies with such an incredible buildup of heavy metals and drugs in their bodies. There is no science. If there was science, you would have to study those VAX to those non-VAX and that has only been done in Africa. 3 kids died. Why did we used to die in the 1800s and early 1900s at a young age? It wasn’t because we had a lack of drugs. It was because of cleanliness. That’s a really simple explanation for children dying in Africa. No humans can barely survive on this planet because everything is toxic, from the food to the water, what we put on our bodies when we wash, chemicals in our clothing, and worst all those liquid chemicals we spew happily into the air, being sprays, candles, plug-ins, it’s everywhere. We’re exposed to thousands of chemicals a day. Don’t think that for one second all of those companies creating all that crap in the grocery stores don’t fall under one or two companies that are big ag, big food, or big chemical companies. They don’t give a shit whether you die or not of cancer. They just want your money today.

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The American flag flying upside down in Yosemite in a distress signal was hung by park employees after a large swathe of National Park employees were fired without reason by Musk

Several park employees have said the National Parks are under attack by DOGE. The parks will no longer be safe or clean or managed due to lack of staffing and that's by design.

Which means they will be increasingly unavailable for tourism.

There are plans in the works to drill for oil and exploit other resources in the National Parks which will privatize the parks and they will no longer belong to the American people.

In a program announced by Trump known as "Drill, Baby, Drill."

If I get shyte for simply saying the truth I will not engage and will block you.

I don't have time to suffer fools any longer. Go "service" your two-headed King.

My King is Jesus Christ and none other.

Thanks for the article. God Bless.

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I don't know why some are assuming Trump is talking about chemtrails. Oh, does the evil government avoid spraying over specific areas where Amish live so they don't get autism? First, the Amish do have autism and a host of other health issues. Second, they are mostly farmers and they don't spray all the pesticides on their crops that the big agribiz companies do. Trump is referring to agricultural spraying as one possible contributing factor, not the gov't spraying chemicals from 30,000 ft altitude just to kill off American taxpayers, their only source of revenue, which would be pretty stupid.

As for vaccines, I wish somebody would come up with a valid research study showing any link whatsoever between vaccines and autism. So far, I haven't seen anything other than anecdotes, which do not meet the burden of proof we need to prove a link between vaccines and autism.

I do know there's a link involving gestational diabetes in the mom, and my daughter-in-law had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with my granddaughter, who has classic autism. She did not have gestational diabetes while pregnant with my grandson, who was quite at risk of autism, but he is normal.

There isn't going to be just one simple cause of autism. There are many factors involved and I hope to see a lot more good research coming from the Trump administration so we can figure this thing out. I work for a provider of outpatient therapy and we see a lot of kids with autism here. It's a National tragedy, but there are several countries that have higher rates than here in the U.S. (U.K., Sweden, Japan) and a list of others that have rates almost as bad as ours. I don't think it makes any sense to blame it all on chemtrails or vaccines, especially when you take the rest of the nations of the world into account.

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Thank You Manuel for the news!

Yosemite workers must know something many don't know... Trump caught lying, heavily this time!

Where is MAHA? That not to say that sprayings are indeed heavy too. But just recently a RFK Jr.'s collaborator claimed FLorida suddenly sees blue skies, for long time, no Sprayings, apparenlty ever since the shake up of USAID, well that's only Florida, CA sees the same toxic skies, every day! Why Florida only???

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