Apr 12, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Aloha Manuel. Great article about Libya. For years I have told people that Gadaffi had increased literacy to somewhere @ 90%, sent them to universities, provided housing and medical care, improved the living conditions so greatly that they no longer lived in dirt, liberated the women, etc...and that final Obummer kill shot was him trying for the African gold dinar. Again, I believe everything in my whole life has been a psyop, and before. Crazy people don't want to believe in Jesus, but believe what the governments tell them without question. Maybe you will find one of these article on British Petroleum and the real story of how Iran turned into the mess it is. Cheers.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Manuel, this was awesome. Although I do think they are deliberately messing with the weather now...

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Apr 11, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The rat stealing the diamond necklace: Rats are amazing, intelligent, social and playful creatures. I used to keep them as pets and I would absolutely fall in love with every new rattie I got. They all have different personalities. Most young rats when provoked to play, as with a sock or toy or something, will get the zoomies just like dogs. They will play bite your fingers running, jumping and even hiding from you will playing. I miss them so much but one of them was so special that I didn't get any more after his demise. Just one thing stops me from keeping them and that is their longevity. None of my rats lived much more than two years and when you're old like me, it seems like a year lasts only a few weeks! Rats are very easy to train also. That burglar rat could have easily been trained to swipe that necklace!

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Libya---absolutely horrifying. Evil is so invasive today.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

notice the Taiwanese pilot with ‘belted Pooh Patch’ staring intently at salivating Wiley Coyote painted on the plane.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Winnie the Poor gets his blocked knocked off by Bear the healer/dedanvwiski. I like that. And never liked the Poo crap, no pun intended. Maybe. But, Bear is both Healer and family executioner. May Taiwan remain free!

Labour Party, UK, went nazi/elitist socialist in the 30s. All through the war they remained in favor of nazism. So far, they haven’t changed though they’re losing members in the lower middle class thanks to their pro-poverty economy. Note, Sen. Kennedy’s father, Joe, was a staunch nazi as was Ted K. When asked about it, Ted even stated, “My father could do no wrong in my eyes.”

I can already hear it, Damn, them bigot white Oreos!

My sympathy to those with the fungal infection. I have suffered one for too many years. Started in one sinus area and spread from there. Every doctor I’ve seen was happy to treat the infection caused by an allergic reaction, but not the fungus, itself. What works? Go natural as much as possible. Chemical antibiotics only make things worse. When it got in the lungs, a few cigarettes with a drop (a very small drop!) of oil of oregano, smoked that and it was gone the next day.

MRNA platform: “We can reduce the world population by 350,00 a DAY with vaccines.” Gates. Looks like he found a way to fulfill Arrhenius’- and hitler’s dream of ridding the world of all us despicable mongrels.

War, good God, y’all. Nana (means Granny) used to joke war had it’s uses. It got men out from underfoot so women could straighten it all out. “It gives them something to do other than lay around, get drunk, and fart.” America was not meant to have a large standing military, but local militia. But, liberals hate that because it means a strong US easily resisting invasion. It’s like no-gun laws around schools. Those states with fewer guns are always those hit hard by terrorists. I’m a lousy shot by that shotgun isn’t.

OK, that's done, so what is there for the rest of the evening? After this, even a good horror flick seems boring. Much thanks Manny, for being there. niio

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Author Todd Farley predicted the rise of ChatGPT, and he exposes law students studying for the bar during work hours, cheating, and blue collar crimes in his book Making the Grades. https://www.amazon.com/Making-Grades-Misadventures-Standardized-Industry/dp/098170915X

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They Live is great. Thank you

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