This is demonic activity. The underworld is ramping up their game because they know their time is winding down. Jesus is coming back folks. It's all laid out for us in God's word, The Bible

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Feels like we are approaching some great event to me. Praying Christ protects his flock, and the faithful.

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I would tell you this offgridman, if you are locked in to Jesus, his Word, you pray all the time and you don't mind speaking his name in public and are repulsed at the things the world throws at you to think as normal, I don't think you have a thing to worry about. When he returns we will be instantly changed just like his WORD says! I yearn for that moment brother. It's the only thing that matters. Seriously.

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Yep, I agree. No use for traditions of man. Only have faith in Christ. When I was younger, I was not as tuned in. When I grew older, and took it seriously, then miracles happened. Turned my life around and I thank Christ every single day for my blessings.

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Amen brother, if the only thing Christ did was save me that would be enough! But he has done countless things no earthly library could fill! For everything he has done I am surely grateful! Serving him is the least I can do!

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Really strange pic/vid of the sun-tornado-object, really does look like a refueling op. There are some really great pics and vids still floating around showing strange craft very near the sun. Just as in Nebuchenedzer's Babylonian reign, knowledge is controlled and even more so now. Names and methods have changed but the principle remains the same. For instance, in Babylon it was Mystery Religions and the Chaldeans tried brainwashing Daniel, Meshack, Abendigo, and Shadrach (read Daniel), but they kept their beliefs. FFwd to today, Globalists control nearly everything now in the Western world (USA and Europe, Australia, Canada, etc), especially NEWS sources and most education. But just as in Babylon, knowledge is only given to the elites of power and selected individuals willing to pay the various price in higher education (MBA's and PhD degrees), but even then only a limited amount. Prime example was the 50 year release of JFK files and current Freedom of Information acts, so much is redacted (blacked out) due to "National Security" issues. In essence Mystery Religion knowledge of Babylonia now equals National Security knowledge of today. I also mentioned Western/Gloablism controlled NEWS material, they push the globalization agenda, partly why America is now a divided country based on political and socio-economic views. It also tells a completely different narrative than what RT tells it's people regarding the UK vs RUS proxy war. History shows us that 3/5ths of Ukraine have belonged to Russia (aka GOG) since pre-babylonian days. This conflict today has been back and forth since then just as Israel has seen it's lands won and lost since Isaac was given the promised land some 5000 years ago. Ukraine at one time, was primarily an Edomite (Jacob's brother Essau) region. This current conflict was also on going since 2010 when Obama tried escalating it to war but Putin wouldn't bite at the time. Point being, the conflict is allowed because God is letting it play out regardless of who is right or wrong, and you will see another side of it if you saw the RT NEWS, but it's hard to find here because it's globalist controlled. Hope that all makes sense.

Thanks for all you do brother!

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ivermectin in birdseed effective in control of west nile: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8827915/

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It looks like the Hellfire Clubs is still alive and running with the wealthy. We haven't had a real exposure to it since the Packer family was caught sacrificing and eating small children in Jim Thorpe, Penna., 1866 or thereabouts. No, nothing was done. Asa was a major player in the dem party.

One thing noted, strongly noted, in Alien Intrusion is that when people were confronted with aliens, they commanded them to go in the name of Jesus. A century ago, sightings were common in non-Christian nations, but not in the West where Christianity was still strong. That they are run off by the name of Jesus is a definite sign they're demonic and not living beings.

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Wow, that I never heard about that stuff in paragraph one. I have heard about the stuff in paragraph two.

I know one thing. If I have any severe sciatica pain, I pray to Christ to bring me relief, and it works. I am afraid of doctors now, so I only use prayers. Psalm 91 is a good one too.

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Someday, being an RPh for 40+ years, I'll put it all together. I've witnessed alot of red flags in my profession. About 4 years ago it finally connected. I understood what Rev 18:23 meant when I learned that "sorcery" in the original greek means Pharmakeia, which has been around since Babylon and is in the Mystery Religions which God given healing herbs were also a part, but so was the deadly poisons, and the hallucinogenic and spiritual portal tampering drugs (satan jacks everything up). As empires collapsed and expanded, this knowledge was captured/transferred to the new rulers, added to and subtracted from. Eventually, the Babylonian/Iran "recipe book" (a pharmacopeia of sorts) went to China dynasty and to the Roman empire. From Rome it went to Europe, I'm guessing around 400-600AD, where the medical doctor started becoming more common but it wasnt an institutionalized (aka university degree) type practice yet, but the ruler and their court of elites had medicine men in their ranks, of course they also had men of espionage/mercenary types to kill enemies and "witches" for brews of enlightenment. Side street, recall Luke was a physician as well as Ananias who was sent to heal Sauls/Pauls eyes in the "road to damascus" story. Back to history...so the two big pharmacopeia sources leading up to current modern medicine was the Brittain version and the Chinese version which were the primary Europe culture and Asia culture. As the world expanded and America grew, the Doctors of the day became a little more sophisticated and even main stream by the time Columbus and the Pilgrims settled here. The early years and the doctor/practitioner of the era had copies of the Brittish pharmacopeia and probably their own formulas too, and thus Western Medicine began, the bigger practices hired chemists or apprentices to concoct the common formulas for sicknesses while the doctor did housecalls. Were talking the 1700's to later 1800's here. Then when John D Rockefeller got control of the "oil" industry in the early 1900's , thus began the Rockefeller Medicine boom and also chemistry education exploded (no-pun intended) which opened the doors to our modern medicine era. I said all that to say this, "pharmacy" as we know it today is really only about 100 years old, prior to that it was the doctors and apothecary shops and most of those were owned/operated by the doctors, and prior to that as mentioned above, was limited to Kings and their Courts of the various empires for the most part. Just as God has provided us with "healing herbs", satan once again twists everything, he puts poison and spiritual tampering drugs into the mix. Much more to be said here, but I rambled on enough for now. I conclude with this, re-read Rev Ch18, if God destroys Mystery Babylon for using "Pharmakeia" to deceive ALL the nations, does it not paint a different picture than just using the word sorcery? Be ye not deceived by any man. Don't throw medicine under the bus, there's still some good but it's also become very corrupt, we all have to use discernment. I'll add more specifics at a later time, keep this thought in mind, the older drugs that are based on herb/plant (pharmacognosy) are generally best because they've been around longer and are well studied, just don't forget your doctor, there will be times you need them.

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Yeah, well you are telling the truth. The satanic elitists would have your license revoked. The same way they pressure medical doctors to peddle the scamdemic. I have been calling it pharma-sorcery since I read about the origins of the word pharmacy.

You had quite a bit more depth to your story than what I read in an article a while ago. I seem to stay healthy these days. I don't drink, eat poorly, or take any Rx. I do take benadryl for pollen allergies. I know at my age I will end up in medical situations where I will have to go to a doctor, but I haven't been in 12 years. We had doctors in our family, and my best friend, his father was a doctor, and stitched us up in his office at home.

Medicine has changed since the days of house calls. I still believe my prayers get answered when the sciatica flares up. However, that is the worst of my ailments. So, I consider myself fortunate.

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Well said brother and you sound extremely knowledgeable on the matter. Can't do it now, got to work, but will post some more insight later.

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Psalm 91 is the main psalm for casting out demons. We used it a lot thanks to a nazi in the family (they're new agers (dark side), and it always worked.

"In the Name of Jesus (when I have pain, which is often), I rebuke you (the pain), and cast you out. Jesus took all of you on Himself when he went to the cross. He nailed you there and when He died, you were taken with Him to the Tomb. 3 days later, He rose from the dead and walked out. He did not bring you with Him and you are dead, defeated, and have no over over me." I was also taught to pretend to grasp the pain and throw it away, out a window. "Be gone back to the demoniac who sent you." Peace to you, and health!

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Hahaha. When I get bad sinus allergies, and sneeze a few times, I say----Get thee behind me satan boogers.

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It works! But, I use ginger and a saline solution. Scotch snuff is great, as well, if there's a headache. niio, Walk in His beauty!

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Sounds good. I need to try some new things. Juniper cedar pollens kick my ass.

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You're in Texas? Ashe Juniper is said to be one of the worse known. Me, mold and mildew. Where I lived in Penna it's loaded with coal mines and black shell fungus. The spores are so toxic doctors ask me how I survived. Easy. I avoided medical care and did it on my own. Well, truth be told, I couldn't afford it LOL, and that may be what saved me.

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re: the report over Catalina Island - milktoast response, similar to the scientists in this article who just can't understand https://www.wired.com/story/the-mediterranean-sea-is-so-hot-its-forming-carbonate-crystals/

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It is quite notable that most who follow UFO activity and have a strong dispensation to those subjects like aliens are heavily involved in occult practices and mysticism. These go hand in hand.

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That substack has quite a bit of news. The aliens refueling off our sun video wouldn't work for me. I tried a couple of times. Maybe it was just a .jpg?

The flight near Catalina and ufo reports from the former military pilot were interesting. He sounded credible to me.

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Absolutely LOVE your work Manuel.

Seeing as I and others can only be thankful for that as well, you need to know...LOTS of people were already on top of this when they were considered tin hats. Made into a joke! My own family made jokes when I seen what I seen. Been listening to Jimmy Hendrix they asked.

Nice, yet, ON YOUR FEET SOLDIER info.

Close Encounters, circa 1977 told it for everyone to see.

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