If you're a believer, know this, that our redemption draweth very very nigh. Kari Lake not winning Az's election might give her the last laugh if she's the Christian she says she is. This earth 🌎 is done. Stick a fork in it.

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"Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away." Hosea 4:3

We're there folks. All those dead fish.... made me want to weep and lament for this dying world.

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U of Manchester, wasn’t that the first college in Britain to go fully into Nazism in the 30s? One of the hitler can do no wrong groups like the Labour Party. Penn State was very close to nazism before the war and still is.

FTX: Crooks work with the party that gives them the most. Dems win the big ‘donations’ to look the other way.

Agreed with the left v. right BS. Both sides lead to nazism. You can claim nazis are leftists, and that’s true, but are because they’re so far right they give hugs and kisses to leftists.

Signs of the times, computers elect politicians, not the people. In Mexico, it’s not seen openly, but the people have been in revolt since the PAN party lost, thanks to the PRI (their dnc party) allowing foreigners to vote.

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