Looks like K. Jennerd sold her soul. God banned blood sacrifices/rituals for a good reason. Yet, these satanic abominations glorify it. Best thing you can do is cancel your tv cable. Do not patronize the godless heathen pedosatanists.

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Power Generation by a Double-Sided Tape


TV? Nope. I gave mine away and we do not miss it. People offer me TVs, and I say, thanks, but I have a computer. Why would I want a boob-tube? When I was 6, we got our first one. Bored me to tears and always has. I always did my best to keep the kids away from it and that worked. Great grades all through school, good personalities, independent people.

Sex: Women need a reason, men just a place. This is why men excel at things like hunting and war, working livestock (which is why stockmen call war a vacation). Woman is man’s better half, and excels at teaching, mothering, healing. In any 3rd world nation, women train young animals, including horses, and control the fields, and is why they wear gold to work. A child’s first and most important teacher is his/her mother. Between the two, we even out.

Assange and Snowden should be awarded the silver star and Nobel Prize. It’s only liberals who hate them for exposing liberalism.

Gates is also enthusiastic about reducing the world population by 350,000 lives a day to save the earth for nazis. As hitler said, the earth is man’s only god. See: Hunger Games for reference to what liberals want.

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It is smart to keep the children away from tv. When I grew up programming wasn't so bad. I have dvd's of Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, and of course, original Star Trek. Also old 50's sci-fi movies. There is entertainment value in them. The new tv stuff I quit in 1973. That's when pervert programming started out in full swing. People don't realize they are being subliminally programed to tolerate abominations. Some people do, and say no. One of my best pals of 55 years still watches all the garbage. His mother raised him right too. I shake my head sometimes, but some people are fine with a secular lifestyle and all the traditions of man. I don't even try to point out things anymore. Some people have eyes to see, and ears to hear. Others do not.

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Blood rituals are what jews do. Very few people know they are neanderthals, even their own scientists proved this and an unedited version of the bible says their "jealous" god raped eve and made the race that was kicked out of the "garden" and met real humans who were perplexed at stupid tales of their violent god.

And...btw... Hitler did not hate blacks, no matter what garbage "they" write to the contrary.

We're way too far down the rabbit hole of evil for you to be that naive, heck, I have lots of employees that know what is going on and who is responsible. The bolshevik revolution will affect you in bankster land (switzerland) as well, I hope you get a clue before it's too late. Like Solsenitzyn said, Everyone thought it would never happen to them.

Or , you can continue in your naivety and pretend the holohoax was real, pretend all those hundreds of countries who kicked them out - it was never anything the jewsurious jews did - bloody ignorant, bloody brainwashed by years of subtle media and a "need to belong".

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Dec 5, 2022
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As in the days of Noah. As I pointed out to a new atheism faithful believer, humanity had over a century was being warned of the coming disaster, and ignored it. Note tyhat they also ignore the contempt of even moderate muslims for atheism, and continue to vote for liberals who love terrorists as much as hitler did.

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