Just saying: the UFO any UFO is our antigravity ships, to be brought out at the right time. No Spacey green men. They're from inner earth, they always have been

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When we took Greamny off the USSR in places like Thuringia, we got more than nuclear scientists. Scientists were developing anti-grav and unmanned drones. Long list of things they worked on, but, also thanks to them, little was more than experimental when Patton rode in. Hitler never got beyond testing the A-bomb because his scientists played "It got bugs" to stop him from using it.

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Thanks for catching all the world news we wouldn't hear about otherwise, Manuel!! ;-)

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the peculiar aerial phenomena in India remind me of what historian Matt Ehret reveals about US military having conducted holographic experiments on unsuspecting citizens in China and Brazil


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I wish we had you when the investigation of Kids for Cash was going on. I lived in Pennsylvania, and heard more about it from Dakar times (English version my Bangladesh son-in-law bought in NYC) than anything in the state. Liberals are still keeping things as much under cover as they can.

Maternity UK, not safe...Well, you can’t say you weren’t warned by the late, great prophet, Benny Hill.

Gaza, wow, but the terrorists kind of overstepped things. They owned Gaza since 2006. The only thing Israel had to do with things is pay for health care and welfare. Gazans are protesting at the UN, but the UN never recognized that Israel made Gaza an independent nation. niio

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Thanks for that F song. Now I'll be walking around all day with the f-ing song stuck in my head!

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The Mississippi man story is enraging. But is it true? You've heard the contradictions about the death of George Floyd in 2020, the black man that was allegedly killed by police. He was arrested for having passed a phony 20 dollar bill and other counterfeit bills were found inside his car. In this age, how do we know the police didn't PLANT that fake money? Could we really put it past them?

Floyd also had a history of drug abuse and a criminal record and was said to be on Fentanyl and meth at the time of his arrest. This caused the whole ANTIFA and BLM movements riots killing 24 people and causing billions of property damage and it was all probably a LIE.

It's very suspicious how that EVERY link to George Floyd, in any search engine, even in DuckDuckGo, comes up as an MSM link even though there is BIG controversy about his death which has arisen since. How does a search engine avoid showing ALL the considerations? Flat out censorship, that's how.

The autopsy report showed Floyd's blood to contain multiple drugs including Fentanyl, Methamphetamine THC and more. I wonder if the truth of this has gone to critical mass awareness and now they need another racial issue to turn up the heat so, enter buried dude in Mississippi.

It's divide and conquer like I have never seen it before. I have to question BOTH sides of what is said. Is the drug autopsy report true? Could it be a lie on both sides to foment maximum radical hatred on BOTH sides of the debate?

That's the furthest I could go on this for the time and I can summarize by saying that, in the final analysis, WE CAN KNOW NOTHING as a fact unless we see it firsthand. Not a very comforting reality, is it? It is now more important than ever to discern the truth by THINKING critically on everything we read, watch or are told.

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I hope this play better for you. I tried to find more links but no luck. https://www.bitchute.com/video/Qq09EFnHvNIx/

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Probably ours and are products of Operation Paperclip.

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