Play stupid games get stupid prizes, with cows.

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From what I understand, mrna is not a friend. In any capacity. I read the article - 😳 - b o l d horrid and greatly exaggerated (as to its wonderful “helping abilities”) propaganda! Instead, it pairs nicely with a type of we pon, which some people have and still are, being affected with. W O W. They are shameless.

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Among the many things I’d like to say about these great posted items, but just won’t :

Fluoride in the municipal water systems. It seems I heard of this quite a few years ago. That fluoride is a byproduct of something else. I don’t remember what, and that while “brilliant scientific minds” were trying to figure out what to do with it, because there was a lot, someone of them remembered or realized there was a “calming effect” via a dumbing down effect. There were “problems” with restless people in some confinement camps somewhere and they figured it would be a good idea to “help” these restless humans by calming and dumbing them down so they wouldn’t notice their misery quite so much. That idea spread re the general populace (“us”), and so it began. Or so I remember. Sadly, it seems to have worked.

In that vein - filter your water, Everyone!

A la General George Patton (was it General?), geez, everyone seems to keep on fighting , and/or making allowances for the wrong what they think, is enemy. This re those men banning singing and reading by women. I will say no more…I bet they don’t teach those females to wield machetes….I’m pretty sure, being pretty peaceful myself, but seeing the value in self defense, I know what I’D do. One of several.

And to think, as it is said, the good lord made them all….chew on that. Just sayin’.

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I found this:

"Many are surprised to learn that unlike the pharmaceutical grade fluoride in their toothpaste, the fluoride in their water is an untreated industrial waste product, one that contains trace elements of arsenic and lead. Without the phosphate industry’s effluent, water fluoridation would be prohibitively expensive. And without fluoridation, the phosphate industry would be stuck with an expensive waste disposal problem." Link to article below...


I also heard that the manufacture of paper products creates fluoride of some sort which they also use to dump into public water supplies. It took many years for me to figure out that fluoride ROTS THE TEETH. But this truth is held back by the majority of the population that would hear this and call "conspiracy theory" and then NOT EVEN CHECK THE FACTS FOR THEMSELVES! They'll just continue to buy fluoridated toothpaste for their children, (which warning label says that if an amount of toothpaste bigger than a pea is swallowed to contact the poison control center!) drinking the water and going to the dentist - an industry of the medical industrial complex that THRIVES because of fluoridated water!!

I'm living proof of my claims! I was good for one or two BIG cavities per year up until the point that I moved into my current home (20 years ago) which has a well water system. I immediately STOPPED getting cavities when I stopped consuming fluoridated water! I haven't had a cavity for 15 years!!! (I still drank lots of fluoridated water at work after moving into my house with well water but when I stopped drinking water at work the cavities stopped immediately)

I don't think that common water filters can filter out fluoride and other harmful chemicals but there are at home filters that can do the job for a bit more money. I use well water so I just use a Brita filter. If I had city water, I would most definitely spring for fluoride filter.

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Thanks for the News Roundup, Manuel!! ;-)

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