"nano-structures are formed from COVID vaccines". I lost my YouTube channel for saying this.

I spent 360 out of 365 days on restriction on "facebook" for saying it as well, along with many verifiable sources, (peer reviewed) and I'm still catching shit for it. However, it's all TRUE and then some. They'll NEVER admit to it.

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🤣. “We” have gone waaaaaay past the Twilight Zone, and even further than One Step Beyond. Just where in the cosmos ARE we?

That’s my first reaction reading through the news items. Will delve into a few of them a bit deeper later.

Thank you.

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Has anyone here ever heard of "dry drowning"? I smell a dead fish on this yacht story. 40 million dollars for a boat! This world has gone completely nuts.

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Omg the claustrophobia...

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Anytime you can't figure something out, the cell towers are doing it.

Where's all those sattilites anyway?

24 hr news cycle & it's gone …

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About the nano ? When somebody post this on twtr days ago someone replied that was contamination, cholesterol Cristal…

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Thanks for sharing. Thanks for the links for further reading. Another excellent read.

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You finished strong today, comrade! The socialism is strong with this one. i compiled a list rebutting every communist propaganda point in your final item today:

Don't go to government school. Home school responsibly to avoid agenda-driven programming.

Get a job. Why do you always seem to have a problem with that? Other than being a societal parasite on government handouts, how else would you expect to survive? Start a newsletter, maybe? Oops, that would be a job, wouldn't it. Here's a primer that will put legitimate occupation in perspective: https://www.prageru.com/video/work-to-live-or-live-to-work

Pay off debt? How about teaching your kids to try to not acquire debt? Avoid the problem instead of having to solve the problem.

You don't have to climb the ladder all the way. We can't all be CEOs. Most of us don't want to be CEOs. Find your niche and be content.

Have kids. Absolutely. One of the biggest causes of today's crummy world is good people not having enough kids and bad people breeding like cockroaches.

Distract yourself. What's wrong with having a hobby? Just don't obsess over it.

Die. You don't like that part? Then don't. For the rest of us, finishing a well-lived life is a worthy goal with further reward afterward.

Instead of complaining about "the struggle" of just being, why don't you emphasize building a meaningful existence for oneself? The more each individual succeeds, the more society as a whole benefits.

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