Global Affairs Canada has suddenly WIPED their entire public database of foreign aid spending and the data is no longer available to the public…
Global Affairs Canada which is the equivalent of USAID wiped out their entire data base! The government of Canada does NOT want you to know that your tax dollars were wasted and laundered amongst the elites! Where’s the accountability?
Original page can be found here: Link
The archive can be found here: Link
Santorini update…
A seismic crisis is underway in Greece, involving more than 8,000 earthquakes and an intrusion of magma at the Santorini volcano…
Paris, the city of love...
These two German tourists were looking forward to discovering Paris.
Once they arrived, they found themselves in a neighborhood filled with trash and mattresses...
Paris has been one of the first European capitals to realize an illumination system on the streets, earning the nickname of 'la Ville des Lumière', the City of Light…
Now they should remove those lights… And, by the way, the trash too…
Thank you Macron for transforming a city, where I lived 3 beautiful years of my life, in a thrid-world nightmare…
Sadly, Elon didn’t discover this one, nor will it stop. Who’s really in control?
The US gives Israel billions in military/non-military aid each year and Israel has free healthcare and cheap tuition while the US pays out the nose for both….
And it looks like it is a yearly grant. In 2023 they received $615 million from the US taxpayer. Just that one university, I don't even want to look at the others. There are a couple of places covering the story: Times of Israel, AA…
Here’s the form 990 from 2016…
Interesting that the US taxpayer pays for foreign students education in full but put their own students in a lifelong debt.
A legit question: Why is the U.S. government actually funding foreign universities?
What has Milei done again?
And suddenly a canal in Buenos Aires, Argentina, turned blood red...
Toxic spill?
Residents are alarmed and officials, baffled (again), have taken water samples... I would not touch a single drop of this water in the meantine…
Where the press on this?
These people should all be in prison. Training them to lie to the people…
USAID took half a billion dollars in taxes from Americans, and sent it to an NGO called Internews Network.
They work with 4,000+ outlets to “train journalists” and “tackle disinformation”.
It’s led by Jeanne Bourgault, who USAID paid $500k a year.
Btw, Soros used your money to destroy the justice system…
Beware it is disgusting!
A man has been convicted of sexually abusing his cat in the canton of Zürich. The 58-year-old Frenchman had poured milk on his penis before having his cat lick it. He also filmed the act and posted the video on the internet... Police found many other files of animal and child pornography on his computer...
Can you imagine? For this he just received six months of suspended prison and a fine of 2,000 francs...
Is this enough? Nope… When will he jump from animals to children? This guy needs a life sentence...
This newspaper from 2011 says it all...
We're just conspiracy theorists huh?

Chinese spying ballon saga continues… Now over Taiwan…
You remember those Chinese balloons flying above the U.S.? Now they are appearing above Taiwan... 6 in total… And nine military planes, six warships and two Chinese "official vessels" were detected in parallel...
While the political situation in the U.S. is going out-of-control (well, it seems at least, when you read the globalist MSM), the mice can play…
Are the Chinese going to take advantage of the situation and annex the island next?
Everything is poisoned…
Pizza boxes contain among others forever chemicals, bisphenol-A and bisphenol-S, sometimes in staggering quantities…
Why? Because bisphenols were allowed in thermal paper (eg supermarket receipts) and the stuff was recycled on a massive scale…
Yep the recycling scam is also harmful for your health…
A bit of lightness in this world of heavies...
The Oregon Zoo introduced its new baby elephant... A female born on Saturday, February 1... She weighs around 90 kilograms and appears to be in excellent health... Such a nice little Dumbo…
Hate crime law in Australia…
A very sad week in Australia with the passage of the new hate speech laws… Australia passed strict laws on Thursday to combat hate crimes...
Below, you will find the text of CitizenGO_AU, whose post was censored by Elon’s ‘X’, and reposted by Senator Babet…
Good luck trying to censor an Australian Senator, free speech app.
Btw, what if the act of the Australian government enacting the new “hate speech” law is “hate speech?”
I’m sure many groups are offended and feel targeted. The law was passed with no opportunity for debate. It was a very “reckless” process…
Divide and Conquer…
Hey big dawg, the elites don't care about us…
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Excellent post. From your first one to many others here, the theme of 2025 is "follow the money". Trump is turning over all the tables and under tables is where most evil deals happen, exposure is sending everyone lunatic. Love it,....wish 3D glasses worked with all this.
everything is so bad these days, that one does not know where to even start...
The millions to the TelAviv university, is that on top of the billions which US gives to that country every year...? not to mention for the current Gaza war.. Imagine BILLIONS of $ for a country with what, ~9mln people??? And that's not everything, do not even ask how much Germany is still paying for WWII 'repairs' to that country...
ANd then try to ask their scientists for any type of collaboration, good luck with that. The 2 major topics with their best scientists, working not only in Israel, but across the world, judging by science publications, is molecular biology, genetics and telecommunications, 5G/6G, etc. Clearly the victims of WWII are being well served for decades...
Regarding that little elephant, would any animal on this planet like to be born in such conditions?? It looks worse than GUantanamo..