Excellent post. From your first one to many others here, the theme of 2025 is "follow the money". Trump is turning over all the tables and under tables is where most evil deals happen,...so exposure is sending everyone lunatic. Love it,....wish 3D glasses worked with all this.
everything is so bad these days, that one does not know where to even start...
The millions to the TelAviv university, is that on top of the billions which US gives to that country every year...? not to mention for the current Gaza war.. Imagine BILLIONS of $ for a country with what, ~9mln people??? And that's not everything, do not even ask how much Germany is still paying for WWII 'repairs' to that country...
ANd then try to ask their scientists for any type of collaboration, good luck with that. The 2 major topics with their best scientists, working not only in Israel, but across the world, judging by science publications, is molecular biology, genetics and telecommunications, 5G/6G, etc. Clearly the victims of WWII are being well served for decades...
Regarding that little elephant, would any animal on this planet like to be born in such conditions?? It looks worse than GUantanamo..
When you only know Hell, Heaven becomes even harder to imagine over time. Thus it becomes much farther away from existing in your world. That little elephant will be as happy as it can be in Hell...its soul will cry every day for something it will never put its finger on though. How is that any different than the Western world right now?
I love your perspective… I have always had this longing and ache in me that something isn’t right in our world since I was a little girl. Well, now I know…at least I can see what’s been going on for the last six decades. But yes, it’s a feeling that ths isn’t the way things are supposed to be in.
And I’m not just talking about my individual circumstance. But for everyone…. However, regarding the baby elephant,
I live in Oregon and if there’s one thing Oregon is good at it’s loving animals… We have a very beautiful zoo and people who work there really do care. Still, yes it would be nice to see all the animals back
The balloons over the US were NOT Chinesse balloons. I wrote a lengthy paper on it. One of the first was used by the Biden administration to spy on Montana militiamen. Later flights were tagged as American military. In fact, most military balloon flights stay at 80,000 feet. Several apps assign them to the US military.
I must stop my rant for a moment to say OH MY GOODNESS. Could anyone but our Loving Creator God think up AND THEN call into existence anything with a huge proboscis, ears like tent canopies, thick leathery skin (in one color only) and a tail ten times too small and skinny and somehow make it ADORABLE? And the mom??? How is a 3 ton creature so gentle?
The depopulation newspaper found with Bill Gates stating his MAIN purpose in his life, I was very interested in getting a copy of that into my computer but when I clicked the link, it took me to the USArchives.org site but THIS came up;
"Item not available
The item is not available due to issues with the item's content.'
"When will he jump from animals to children? This guy needs a life sentence..." The world will continue its slide to Sodom and Gomorrah as perverts think up NEW ways to pervert nature and themselves, as if the old ways weren't good enough! Those who have rejected their Creator and Savior; "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections:" Romans 1:26
"A seismic crisis is underway in Greece, involving more than 8,000 earthquakes..."
"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Matthew 24:7 KJV
How does this look? Like a newscast? There is more, just read Matthew 24 the whole chapter but there is much confusion about Matthew 24 even within the church. It is used to reject the doctrine of the imminency of the Return of Christ in the Rapture but His Return for those who love Him is most certainly going to happen and very very soon.
His disciples asked Him, " what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" Jesus is telling them about the things which will lead up to the end of the world as we know it, i.e. the battle of Armageddon when satan and all of his will be thrown in the bottomless pit and shut up for 1000 years and the earth will return to its pre fallen state, that is, the Garden of Eden. The end of the UNIVERSE is something entirely different and is described in 2 Peter 3:10 when "all the elements shall melt with fervent heat". One must be familiar with all of these things to rightly divide the word of truth and to understand what Jesus is saying in Matthew 24. That is the problem with those who criticize we who understand that the Rapture MUST happen BEFORE the great tribulation.
The very next thing on the timeline of God is the catching away of the Bride of Christ or all those who believed in Him since He ascended up into Heaven. Those who died believing in Him shall rise first and then we who are alive at that time (very soon) will rise with them to meet the Lord in the air. That will bring about the rise of antichrist and the 7 year tribulation. Those left behind will witness the greatest trouble this world has EVER seen and billions will die. Many will believe after we rise and will have to hide and starve and then have their heads removed for not taking the mark of the beast. The world news reports coming out daily follow this line of prophecy found in the written word of God, the Holy Bible, the ONLY Preserved written word for the people of this age, the King James Bible.
My warnings will only increase as the urgency of my message increases with the approaching of that long awaited Rapture of the church. Please take heed my warning! Read Matthew 24 and Romans beginning in chapter one and ASK God to show you the Truth. If you honestly want to know, He will show you and save you and you will KNOW that He has saved you by His Shed Blood and you'll want to tell others too. Hurry. And I'll say it again, HURRY!
After Strange Sounds' almost daily bashing of President Trump and Elon for what they're doing, suddenly they report the goodness of what they're doing that has to be acknowledged. Does it hurt? Does Manuel regret at all trying to play both sides of the net?
All i'm asking for is equal opportunity doxxing. Why are only conservative good guys ever doxxed? Since the obnoxious protests at the homes of SCOTUS justices was deemed perfectly okay by courts and media, could someone please post the home addresses of activist judges and other politicians trying to impede President Trump’s scrutiny of government corruption? Because, who knows, maybe someone on our side wants to "mostly peacefully protest" there.
Excellent post. From your first one to many others here, the theme of 2025 is "follow the money". Trump is turning over all the tables and under tables is where most evil deals happen,...so exposure is sending everyone lunatic. Love it,....wish 3D glasses worked with all this.
everything is so bad these days, that one does not know where to even start...
The millions to the TelAviv university, is that on top of the billions which US gives to that country every year...? not to mention for the current Gaza war.. Imagine BILLIONS of $ for a country with what, ~9mln people??? And that's not everything, do not even ask how much Germany is still paying for WWII 'repairs' to that country...
ANd then try to ask their scientists for any type of collaboration, good luck with that. The 2 major topics with their best scientists, working not only in Israel, but across the world, judging by science publications, is molecular biology, genetics and telecommunications, 5G/6G, etc. Clearly the victims of WWII are being well served for decades...
Regarding that little elephant, would any animal on this planet like to be born in such conditions?? It looks worse than GUantanamo..
When you only know Hell, Heaven becomes even harder to imagine over time. Thus it becomes much farther away from existing in your world. That little elephant will be as happy as it can be in Hell...its soul will cry every day for something it will never put its finger on though. How is that any different than the Western world right now?
I love your perspective… I have always had this longing and ache in me that something isn’t right in our world since I was a little girl. Well, now I know…at least I can see what’s been going on for the last six decades. But yes, it’s a feeling that ths isn’t the way things are supposed to be in.
And I’m not just talking about my individual circumstance. But for everyone…. However, regarding the baby elephant,
I live in Oregon and if there’s one thing Oregon is good at it’s loving animals… We have a very beautiful zoo and people who work there really do care. Still, yes it would be nice to see all the animals back
100%…where they belong in their natural habitat!
In Paris, they do not need to remove the trash. Rather they need to remove the people creating the trash...back to Africa.
The problem with French people is, they only speak French..
just my own experience, independent of what the RIP Robin was telling about the French:
or this one:
They're not elite. They're useless ELiters. Or, as I often call Them, the moneyed psychopaths in control.
They are parasites on humanity.
In a sense, yes. Thus My work to solve for Them.
Obsoleting Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/obsoleting-money
They can wipe all they want. We still know where the a hole is. This calls for an audit right? There you go.
Cute baby!! Excellent News Roundup, as always!! Thanks, Manuel!! ;-)
The balloons over the US were NOT Chinesse balloons. I wrote a lengthy paper on it. One of the first was used by the Biden administration to spy on Montana militiamen. Later flights were tagged as American military. In fact, most military balloon flights stay at 80,000 feet. Several apps assign them to the US military.
The best pedophile is a dead one. As for the world, resistance isn't futile, it's mandatory.
I must stop my rant for a moment to say OH MY GOODNESS. Could anyone but our Loving Creator God think up AND THEN call into existence anything with a huge proboscis, ears like tent canopies, thick leathery skin (in one color only) and a tail ten times too small and skinny and somehow make it ADORABLE? And the mom??? How is a 3 ton creature so gentle?
The depopulation newspaper found with Bill Gates stating his MAIN purpose in his life, I was very interested in getting a copy of that into my computer but when I clicked the link, it took me to the USArchives.org site but THIS came up;
"Item not available
The item is not available due to issues with the item's content.'
What issues??? The TRUTH? Now I'm getting riled.
"When will he jump from animals to children? This guy needs a life sentence..." The world will continue its slide to Sodom and Gomorrah as perverts think up NEW ways to pervert nature and themselves, as if the old ways weren't good enough! Those who have rejected their Creator and Savior; "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections:" Romans 1:26
"A seismic crisis is underway in Greece, involving more than 8,000 earthquakes..."
"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." Matthew 24:7 KJV
How does this look? Like a newscast? There is more, just read Matthew 24 the whole chapter but there is much confusion about Matthew 24 even within the church. It is used to reject the doctrine of the imminency of the Return of Christ in the Rapture but His Return for those who love Him is most certainly going to happen and very very soon.
His disciples asked Him, " what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" Jesus is telling them about the things which will lead up to the end of the world as we know it, i.e. the battle of Armageddon when satan and all of his will be thrown in the bottomless pit and shut up for 1000 years and the earth will return to its pre fallen state, that is, the Garden of Eden. The end of the UNIVERSE is something entirely different and is described in 2 Peter 3:10 when "all the elements shall melt with fervent heat". One must be familiar with all of these things to rightly divide the word of truth and to understand what Jesus is saying in Matthew 24. That is the problem with those who criticize we who understand that the Rapture MUST happen BEFORE the great tribulation.
The very next thing on the timeline of God is the catching away of the Bride of Christ or all those who believed in Him since He ascended up into Heaven. Those who died believing in Him shall rise first and then we who are alive at that time (very soon) will rise with them to meet the Lord in the air. That will bring about the rise of antichrist and the 7 year tribulation. Those left behind will witness the greatest trouble this world has EVER seen and billions will die. Many will believe after we rise and will have to hide and starve and then have their heads removed for not taking the mark of the beast. The world news reports coming out daily follow this line of prophecy found in the written word of God, the Holy Bible, the ONLY Preserved written word for the people of this age, the King James Bible.
My warnings will only increase as the urgency of my message increases with the approaching of that long awaited Rapture of the church. Please take heed my warning! Read Matthew 24 and Romans beginning in chapter one and ASK God to show you the Truth. If you honestly want to know, He will show you and save you and you will KNOW that He has saved you by His Shed Blood and you'll want to tell others too. Hurry. And I'll say it again, HURRY!
Look on Benjamin Fulford’s sight for Feb. 7th, he has announced the real Donald Trump was on that helicopter that crashed. Trump is dead!!
After Strange Sounds' almost daily bashing of President Trump and Elon for what they're doing, suddenly they report the goodness of what they're doing that has to be acknowledged. Does it hurt? Does Manuel regret at all trying to play both sides of the net?
All i'm asking for is equal opportunity doxxing. Why are only conservative good guys ever doxxed? Since the obnoxious protests at the homes of SCOTUS justices was deemed perfectly okay by courts and media, could someone please post the home addresses of activist judges and other politicians trying to impede President Trump’s scrutiny of government corruption? Because, who knows, maybe someone on our side wants to "mostly peacefully protest" there.