In Paris, they do not need to remove the trash. Rather they need to remove the people creating the trash...back to Africa.

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The problem with French people is, they only speak French..

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They're not elite. They're useless ELiters. Or, as I often call Them, the moneyed psychopaths in control.

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They are parasites on humanity.

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In a sense, yes. Thus My work to solve for Them.

Obsoleting Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/obsoleting-money

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They can wipe all they want. We still know where the a hole is. This calls for an audit right? There you go.

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everything is so bad these days, that one does not know where to even start...

The millions to the TelAviv university, is that on top of the billions which US gives to that country every year...? not to mention for the current Gaza war.. Imagine BILLIONS of $ for a country with what, ~9mln people??? And that's not everything, do not even ask how much Germany is still paying for WWII 'repairs' to that country...

ANd then try to ask their scientists for any type of collaboration, good luck with that. The 2 major topics with their best scientists, working not only in Israel, but across the world, judging by science publications, is molecular biology, genetics and telecommunications, 5G/6G, etc. Clearly the victims of WWII are being well served for decades...

Regarding that little elephant, would any animal on this planet like to be born in such conditions?? It looks worse than GUantanamo..

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