It was definitely a military hit,....someone on the plane to get rid of. Clinton style stuff. At least they timed it over the river. But the ozzie helicopter guy was wrong that there was no response from air traffic. https://www.facebook.com/reel/537039722707283

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Thank You Manuel, as always. The Black Boxes data are telling everything, the Hawk was intentionally steered towards the plane.. One could see it actually on the trajectories from 2 directions, all posted yesterday.. Who were all the passengers??? Few listed here:


CIA, as always, this time plain MURDER with more psyop.

Technically, just wonder is there no way to shut down autopilot in 20 seconds??? That's a long time.

Add this to that: steer the plain towards Runway No 33, where the plain was supposed to land? Isn't that the signature of the highest masonic order? Jesus was killed at the age of 33.

This is just a total conspiracy...

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Plane, not plain. Misspellings make your arguement weak.

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By coincidence a few hours before the plane crash General Miley (an army general) had his security clearance revoked as well as funding for security. Funny how it was an army helicopter that flew into commercial aircraft. Probably remote control but what about the pilots? Were they on the helicopter dead or alive? The supposed transgender who was flying the helicopter is alive and debunked official story. Of course it might have been AI. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark....

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Yeah, it is called owning a colony named Greenland.

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'MATRIX autonomy system with SARA, which can perform full-authority flight control inputs for autonomous flight — including takeoff, route planning, obstacle avoidance, site selection and landing. Sensors give SARA a 3D understanding of its environment in real time.'

looks like if on the autopilot, the frikking SARA got completely falsified data input. ANd given that the windows of the entire helicopter are bigger than any piece of metal on the entire front AND sites, the pilots must have been completely incapacitated in order to safe their lives. Assuming they were there...

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"Assuming they were even there" is exactly right.

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we got second crash, within 2 days! Philadelphia this time, hopefully less deceased!

30 seconds from takeoff and landing almost perpendicular on a building...

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Exactly, "assuming they were there".

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Has anyone else thought about the horror perpetrated against the NC residents, the Hawaiian residents, the California residents who have had everything decimated and NO ONE is helping??? Idk action spreads louder than words….if the billionaires of this realm we call “Earth” actually had care like they pretend to do, how much $$$ would it take to rebuild the homes of those who lost everything in NC? Hawaii? California??? Etc etc etc???

I know the why. These are rhetorical type questions. Because I tell ya if I had a worth of $440,000,000,000 I certainly would go into the destruction and HELP people.

The GREED behind those of the intentional destruction of the areas targeted should be recognized…perhaps many will start to understand the entire “hide to e ball under the coconut game” the government and the “billionaires” play.

They have ZERO care and empathy for humans….HOW MUCH CLEARER CAN IT GET????

Little Season of Satan is upon us.

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are 'they' trying to shut down the entire sky travel..??? 2 pilots jet hit a building with HUGE explosion...

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If you want to know more about Adrenochrome and how Hollywood hides it in plain sight, watch the movie "Monsters, Inc."

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This guy must know about what happened:

Maj. Gen. Walter Rugen, director of the FVL Cross-Functional Team

where FVL means Future Vertical Lift assets, like FARA and FLRAA. And, of course, FARA and FLRAA have objective requirements to do autonomy as well.

They can operate that Black box from ~300ml away, AND the data goes to.., AT&T , quote:

“The AT&T 5G millimeter wave private cellular network wirelessly transferred data to the 5G.MIL network through ground support equipment from the Black Hawk’s Integrated Vehicle Health Management System,” Lockheed Martin wrote in its announcement. “The data was then routed to local Sikorsky networks for processing and distribution through the secure Lockheed Martin 5G.MIL pilot network to the Waterton, Colorado, 5G test range site.” Processing time ~5min, in 2022, according to:


How easy it is to open the door and land in the river and how difficult it is to hit exactly the tank area of the plane..?

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Remote flight did come to mind when I heard about this, and especially when I saw the video of the airliner approaching. The Helo, slightly lower and behind the airliner, looked to have not only rose to a level altitude, but had to accelerate (coming from behind) to even catch up to the plane, somewhat. It sounded fishy to me from the onset, but after seeing the short video clip, the whole thing became even "fishier".

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