Has anyone else thought about the horror perpetrated against the NC residents, the Hawaiian residents, the California residents who have had everything decimated and NO ONE is helping??? Idk action spreads louder than words….if the billionaires of this realm we call “Earth” actually had care like they pretend to do, how much $$$ would it take to rebuild the homes of those who lost everything in NC? Hawaii? California??? Etc etc etc???

I know the why. These are rhetorical type questions. Because I tell ya if I had a worth of $440,000,000,000 I certainly would go into the destruction and HELP people.

The GREED behind those of the intentional destruction of the areas targeted should be recognized…perhaps many will start to understand the entire “hide to e ball under the coconut game” the government and the “billionaires” play.

They have ZERO care and empathy for humans….HOW MUCH CLEARER CAN IT GET????

Little Season of Satan is upon us.

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The billions of dollars they keep sending to Ukraine could have rebuilt all of the homes for our own Americans who have suffered horrible tragedies!

Here in Oregon… I have a couple of friends who lost their homes in the wildfires here about 4 years ago. One of my friends had a four bedroom 2 1/2 bath home on an acre of land… And do you know what she was offered after her home burned to the ground, as compensation through our government. $37,000..

Half of which she had to give to her ex-husband because they had just gone through a divorce.

She’d be lucky if she could put up a decent storage shed for that price! She had to relocate about two hours away, living with friends and family, and she still is to this day… working barely a living wage, and she’s only 4 years away from retirement.

She raised three kids in that home, and they lost every single memory that they have.

It makes me sick that our own government can’t help our own people who have lost everything!!

The only happy ending to this story is they had two cats that disappeared in the fires and when she came back the third time to the property, they found the cats!! Thank God!! Xoxo

They were lightly burned on their feet and had lightly burned hair, but somehow they made it

through. My friend said she just started crying when she saw them.!

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Thank you for the testimony about your friend. Happy that she found her cats... They always go and stay where they find LOVE...

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Yes! I think it’s a miracle. Those kitties made it through and they were found.!

It meant so much to my friend. She’s doing better now in the area she’s living. It’s a very beautiful area. But I know that trauma resonates deep inside. I mean, how can it not? She is a believer in Jesus Christ and I’m thankful she has Him for comfort. I can’t even imagine going through a tragedy like that without a strong spiritual foundation.

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The money laundering scheme of the governments and the military industrial conplex - yes conplex because it is a CON- is beyond abhorrent. It’s been going on for years. I thank Jesus for those whe can see beyond the veil.

I am truly sorry for what your friend went and is going through. 💔I have given thought to “What if it was me”.

The Pennies the “institutions” pay on the worth of the property should have everyone SEEING and looking into the motives. It makes me want to vomit 🤮 because I KNOW in my bones the intentions and motives.

Thank you for sharing. Your friend is a gracious human to be grateful that her kitties were alive and to carry on with life no matter what has been thrown at her and to not sink into the hole of the potential destruction of her soul - which is IMHO- the ultimate goal of the evil that is reigning over this realm we call “Earth” right now. “Beat the plebes down, kill their soul in one way or another - financially, mentally, physically.” Yet they don’t understand those who understand have eternal life. Can Elob Musk or any of the technocrats take anything with them once their flesh has been stripped from them?

And yes Elob wasn’t a typo - he’s a giant technocrat BLOB on the decency and goodness of humanity.

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Yes, me pennies on the dollar! Oregon is the fifth highest state to live in. Properties here Are expensive.

As for Elon, that guy gives me the heebie-jeebies! From the very first time I saw him. I really didn’t know who he was and I thought, “WHAT is THAT?.”

(Not WHO is that) I honestly did not know much about him and had to do a little research to find out why he was so well known. My gut feeling from the beginning has always been….There’s either a lot of demonic activity in that man or he’s not human.

Whatever it is, it’s not good..

The Bible says “Do not be afraid of man who Withers like the grass”

These people don’t realize their days are numbered. Even if they’re doing wicked things to extend their life. They’re not promised a single day more than anyone else.. and one day SOON they will have to face their maker.

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I had no idea Oregon properties are so expensive! To be honest - I haven’t looked at what are the most expensive. I know in TN the costs have tripled and the farm land is getting decimated by the “Ant Colonies” as I call them. Prices of everything else have skyrocketed as well. Had to laugh 😂 when I got my electric bill in September stating that due to the influx of new building there would be a 7.9% increase in my bill 🤣😂 ok so you have all of these new customers making you more $$$ but I have to bear the burden of the cost when you will be making more $$$ ?!? Make it make sense 🤣😂

EBlob - funny thing - my sister thinks he’s a robot. I told her “could be a Roboclone like all of the versions of Joe Biden. If you don’t think they have human cloning technology, think again. “They” let us know what tech etc they have about 40-50 years + since they have had it.”

I started researching EBlob after I watched an Ancient Aliens Declassified in late December 2019/early January 2020 (pre-cablahblah) in which he was talking about Neural Lace - not Neural Link - but Neural Lace and my radar went off the charts 😂 How it could be injected into the blood stream….hmmmm Graphene oxide anyone?!? And then I also started researching Hydra Vulgaris - self replicates - put it in a blender and it self assembles.

EBlob is a CIA/Globalsit/Evil people asset. He didn’t invent PayPal or anything else - he bought the crap. On top of it his retarded(no offense to anyone but the companies are RETARDED) get government subsidies…. Ok - how go billion dollar companies need TAX PAYER DOLLARS to fund them???? And where are the tax payers stale holder shares as they have funded them? Right down the to Toxic Potentially Lethal Experimental Gene Altering Injection companies??? Tax payers funded - where are the stake holder shares in the companies?!? Make it make sense 😂 (Rhetorical)

Here’s another 🤪 I’ve been looking into solar to get off the grid. Prices are INSANE! There’s a 30% tax credit that you can claim over the years…IF YOU HAVE TAXABLE INCOME. BUT one has to put up the $$$ up front and then rely on the oh so friendly IRS to give them a credit 😂🤣 How about the government just give the solar companies a 30% subsidy for every sale and installation?!? Oh that would make too much sense. We want people to want this, but

we don’t want them to be able

to go off grid. Or be autonomous 😂🤣

The ridiculousness of this realm. I have to laugh! Because that is all I can do beyond purvey TRUTH backed by facts, which many don’t even want to hear or research on their own….”Don’t tell me any more stuff. You’re scaring me”. Said my one sibling who was complying the the ridiculousness of the masks when the state she lived in didn’t even have a mandate (which isn’t a law and it was all totally illegal for stores etc to ban you if you weren’t wearing a bacterial infested rag over your face inhaling CO2 which causes a decline in cognitive abilities. 😂🤣

I have facts - lots of facts - not about everything - but about a lot of “stuff”

God Bless You and your friend! Sending prayers to you all and all good humans.

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Thank you that was a very interesting and informative perspective! As for Elon, yeah… He doesn’t seem human to me. Or if he is human, he’s integrated….

I suppose he could be an MK ultra, considering his parental background.

I used to spend a lot of time researching all of these different aspects, including quite a few you’ve mentioned. But it really is not enhancing my life or bringing me any peace. Speculation leads to more speculation, and it becomes “the song that never ends“ Which is a crazy maker for me. I do enjoy the hunt and the research though… But I need to take it in small portions now… This is one place that I enjoy reading and interacting with other others. I’m sure we would all be stunned at the level and depth of what’s really going on.. You take care as well nice talking with you!! :-)

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😊❤️I agree with the small portions these days for myself as well!

God Bless and take care!

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It was definitely a military hit,....someone on the plane to get rid of. Clinton style stuff. At least they timed it over the river. But the ozzie helicopter guy was wrong that there was no response from air traffic. https://www.facebook.com/reel/537039722707283

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Everything IS connected. We live in a "purposely" lower dimension which God designed and limited for His Good Will and Purpose and everything in that "blanket" that Dustin Hoffman held (see video clip above) came from a HIGHER dimension, not a different dimension.

So, then, if we came from THE higher dimension we all must be part of THE higher dimension, right? I and millions of other people who have come into this dimension by the Will of God, to LEARN about God, i.e. Good and evil, AND to be cleansed from our sins (which Work Jesus Christ came down into this lower dimension in the body of one of us to willingly die, shedding His Precious Blood so that He could be raised back up to life, conquering sin and death FOR US) will soon be carried up to the higher dimension (of which there may be at least 10 others) and in order to live in that higher dimension we all must be CHANGED. See 1 Corinthians 15:51-52.

This dimension and all the organized energy within, is an electromagnetic SIMULATION of a much higher dimension where physical laws of our dimension do not apply. There is no "loss of heat energy" or the second law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, in the higher dimensions because everything is PERMANENT. Everything in this dimension is temporal and will all BURN UP. See 2 Peter 3:10.

God holds this entire space/time continuum together, that is every single atom is held together by HIS Power which the scientists, for lack of any better explanation, have named "the strong nuclear force". God stretches out this dimension (Isaiah 40:22) while holding it together. One day He will "let go" and that mysterious force that holds all things together will no longer exist and the atoms will fly apart, breaking their bonds to their nucleuses and each other and everything will "melt with fervent heat". 2 Peter 3:10. Knowing that our condition, in fact our very universe is temporary but WE are not (our being, our consciousness will live forever) how, then, ought we to live? Should we not seek the TRUTH? How pitiful that most people do not.

God put me on this earth to learn this truth and to share it with others. When I first offered myself to God about 30 years ago (I was born again at age 16 but didn't have any roots so I lived the only way I knew how, for myself and my pleasure; He called me back at age 30) I said, "Lord, here are my hands", as I held them up toward the ceiling. "Please use them in whatever way you wish." At that time I was going to marry my trophy girlfriend and I said to God, "Lord, please, if you don't stop me, I'm going to marry her." Less than two weeks later I received a job offer 450 miles away which was THE job I was waiting for since my graduating Culinary School; Executive Chef at a big hotel in New Jersey. Now here I am, 62.75 years old, retired and awaiting my Lord Jesus Christ to rescue me from this fallen world which He will do very soon. Anyone reading this could go too if they only SOUGHT the Truth of Jesus Christ. He is THE way, the truth and the life. John 14:6

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Always enjoy reading your perspective. It presents a lot of insight and makes me think..

As soon as I read what you wrote…

One day He will "let go" and that mysterious force that holds all things together will no longer exist and the atoms will fly apart, breaking their bonds to their nucleuses and each other and everything will "melt with fervent heat".

It instantly made me think of first Colossians 1: 16 and 17.

15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

And then it got me curious about the Greek translation of the word hold…

In Colossians 1:17, the Greek word translated as "hold" is "sunistemi," which literally means "to stand together" or "to be compacted together," signifying that everything in the universe is held together by Christ.

Key points about "sunistemi":

Breakdown: It comes from the Greek words "sun" (together) and "histemi" (to stand).

Meaning: This word conveys the idea of things being firmly united and cohering as a single unit.

Application: When applied to Christ, it implies that He is the sustaining force behind all creation, holding everything together.


It’s always fun to explore and research the scriptures and these ideas!

Thanks for the inspiration.

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You're very welcome. And thank you for your kind words. Colossians 1:17 is what I was thinking about when I wrote that and I have mentioned similar things about that Scripture here in the past. All the scientific "experts" and all the intelligentsia and academicians with all of their accolades, when it comes right down to it, have NO idea what holds this universe together because they rejected He who holds it all together! They call it "the strong nuclear force". So God gave them over to their vain imaginations to worship time/chance and the creation rather than He who gave them the very mind and intelligence by which they reject Him. "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things." Romans 1:22-23 Doesn't that Scripture hint of their theory, the one being taught STILL with ALL the evidence against it and all the missing evidence for it?

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Yes! It always boggles my mind when people worship the creation and not the CREATOR.. I remember as a little girl looking up at the sky and the lilac tree behind my house which I would daydream Under… And I remember, KNOWING that there was a God and he loved me.

It was pretty simple. All I had to do was look at the sky and the sunset, and the stars and the moon and listen to the birds and the trees, and I knew.

It must take a heck of a lot of effort to push down that God-given knowledge that has been placed in our heart from the beginning…

No wonder man runs to and fro over the earth in such angst and confusion…continually seeking and never finding.

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Yes me too...

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'MATRIX autonomy system with SARA, which can perform full-authority flight control inputs for autonomous flight — including takeoff, route planning, obstacle avoidance, site selection and landing. Sensors give SARA a 3D understanding of its environment in real time.'

looks like if on the autopilot, the frikking SARA got completely falsified data input. ANd given that the windows of the entire helicopter are bigger than any piece of metal on the entire front AND sites, the pilots must have been completely incapacitated in order to safe their lives. Assuming they were there...

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"Assuming they were even there" is exactly right.

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we got second crash, within 2 days! Philadelphia this time, hopefully less deceased!

30 seconds from takeoff and landing almost perpendicular on a building...

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Third crash, no? I believe a small plane crashes in Fullerton, CA this afternoon. Injuring 18: 3 6s

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Exactly, "assuming they were there".

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a very good analysis in my opinion at:


are we near extended 9/11 'goal'????

Covering it up with DEI, exactly like LA fires with 'bad management' is a deepest deception, so far at least.

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If you want to know more about Adrenochrome and how Hollywood hides it in plain sight, watch the movie "Monsters, Inc."

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I will try to find it... Or do you have a direct link?

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Thank You Manuel, as always. The Black Boxes data are telling everything, the Hawk was intentionally steered towards the plane.. One could see it actually on the trajectories from 2 directions, all posted yesterday.. Who were all the passengers??? Few listed here:


One of the CNN listed passengers had just her 33rd birthday...

CIA, as always, this time plain MURDER with more psyop.

Technically, just wonder is there no way to shut down autopilot in 20 seconds??? That's a long time.

Add this to that: steer the plane towards Runway No 33, where the plane was supposed to land? Isn't that the signature of the highest masonic order? Jesus was killed at the age of 33.

This is just a total conspiracy...

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Plane, not plain. Misspellings make your arguement weak.

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Hmm. I wonder if Jesus’s age at death is why the Satanists picked that number.

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By coincidence a few hours before the plane crash General Miley (an army general) had his security clearance revoked as well as funding for security. Funny how it was an army helicopter that flew into commercial aircraft. Probably remote control but what about the pilots? Were they on the helicopter dead or alive? The supposed transgender who was flying the helicopter is alive and debunked official story. Of course it might have been AI. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark....

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Yeah, it is called owning a colony named Greenland.

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Excellent News Roundup once again, Manuel! Thank You!!

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are 'they' trying to shut down the entire sky travel..??? 2 pilots jet hit a building with HUGE explosion... Actually 6 people were on pediatric MEDvac plane, one child on board.

Plane id : XA-UCI, ... with X=F we get Fauci.. AND fAuCI backwards in 2 pieces: cia...

George Webb just updated more on it:


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This guy must know about what happened:

Maj. Gen. Walter Rugen, director of the FVL Cross-Functional Team

where FVL means Future Vertical Lift assets, like FARA and FLRAA. And, of course, FARA and FLRAA have objective requirements to do autonomy as well.

They can operate that Black box from ~300ml away, AND the data goes to.., AT&T , quote:

“The AT&T 5G millimeter wave private cellular network wirelessly transferred data to the 5G.MIL network through ground support equipment from the Black Hawk’s Integrated Vehicle Health Management System,” Lockheed Martin wrote in its announcement. “The data was then routed to local Sikorsky networks for processing and distribution through the secure Lockheed Martin 5G.MIL pilot network to the Waterton, Colorado, 5G test range site.” Processing time ~5min, in 2022, according to:


How easy it is to open the door and land in the river and how difficult it is to hit exactly the tank area of the plane..?

~24 hours late the next plane crashes ~123 miles away in Philadelphia, one block away from AT&T offices (there are 16 in total, all aligned ~ towards north)

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Remote flight did come to mind when I heard about this, and especially when I saw the video of the airliner approaching. The Helo, slightly lower and behind the airliner, looked to have not only rose to a level altitude, but had to accelerate (coming from behind) to even catch up to the plane, somewhat. It sounded fishy to me from the onset, but after seeing the short video clip, the whole thing became even "fishier".

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Fly By Wire … No Doubt !! my original proposal on day of … erratic flight (yep drones at nite often behave that way dodging traffic); yes, very possible sacrificial crew of (3) normally (4); didn’t look to our left ?? (How the hell you know that son?); Nobody is Targeting - steady fast Blinking Copter Lights before impact ? ?? ARMING !!!

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