I am sentenced to death and the judge lets me pick whatever i want as my execution method, what do i pick?

Old age / natural causes

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1963 Picture of Bernie Sanders being arrested while protesting:

That commie b@stard lived off his parents in their basement till he was in his 40's. He wrote a manuscript that stated women fantasized and enjoyed being raped. Dent-head Fetterman is the same type of lay-about, do-nothing rotten scoundrel. America used to be a place where commies got their ass kicked. Many commies are sex perverts, dopers, and devil worshippers. They need to have their own part of the country ---away from civilized normal hard working Americans. National divorce would be a welcome deal.

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Nazis. elitist communists, coke heads, Gestapo came out of the Vogul Jungen, a violent gay youth club founded by pedophile Ernst Rohm, who was appointed by hitler, a gay, to found the Jungen. They were atheists, and believed all 'gods' (this includes demonic entities) were ascended masters from Aldebaran, AKA space aliens. The aliens demanded human sacrifice to help the nazis and got it, beginning with anyone on disability or social security. Next Jews and Christians. Post Marxism, all communist nations work to get rid of Jews and christians, promote gay life, space aliens, evolution (hitler was a Lamarckian, not a Darwinist), eco-fanaticism, and all we see the dnc doing today.

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Alex Jones trial has a silver lining. Every time a liberal opens his mouth, he gets a boot called lawsuit jammed down it. But, as I understand, it was because he sicced followers on people that landed him in this farrago.

A license for license, oh my. Adams, AZ, is Adamsville today and a ghost town.

I don’t believe in ghosts. Demons, yes. Mine do not have a word for ghosts, but a demon is an asgina. Psalm 91 drives them out. And, we have plenty of experience in ‘haunted’ places. I was raised not far from the Asgina Nohi, the Demon Road, near Bu’u Holle, Satan’s Hell, across the river from the Yi Asgina, the Demonic land. AKA, Pocono Mountains in Penna. The Nohi has such delights as the stone couch, the hanging oak where a witch was hung and her shon-tlvatsi (changes to mountain lion) son beheaded and buried under it. A demonic mountain lion still appears now and then and if you see it, you may well want to make out your will and give your soul to Jesus.

Shoebat, a former Muslim terrorist, came to the US as a child, but returned to Israel to learn how to. He married a Christian and ran from what they wanted him to do. He tried for some time to make his wife attend the mosque. She refused. So, he started a comparative study of Qur’an and Bile to prove to her Islam was the right religion. In the end, having finished the study, to his shock he came to the conclusion he was now a Christian. He said, “In the morning at breakfast, my wife reads the newspaper and I, the Bible. Know what? We’re reading the same thing!” He can be found explaining Biblical prophecy on YouTube.

Overpopulation controls are being implemented by gates and his vaccines. Hitler was adamant that Arrhenius (Greta Thunberg’s great-grandfather, climatologist who stared the climate scam and a nazi) was right and all mongrels must die to save the earth. niio

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Kanye being sued:

Sheesh, that woman got 27 million bucks already from the taxpayers in Minnehopeless. Then the mural of St. Floyd gets zapped by Holy lightning. That entire court case was BS. St. Floyd is on video dumping a bindle of dope. He even had a large dose in his system.

---Isaiah 5:20 if you ask me.

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