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I was watching the eclipse on the beach of the York River as jet after jet flew overhead spraying their tell tale, thin, white lines of metals and chemicals which spread out into a haze and only in that section of the sky. They came from the west, (I counted 25 of them over 2 hours) turning on their spray at precisely the right time to allow the blue sky over our shoulders, behind us to show the contrast almost as if TAUNTING us - we who know what they're doing.

There were others present who were looking up at the eclipse and out of about 20 which heard me explain what the jets are, why they are all flying in the same westerly flight pattern and explaining what they are doing, only ONE person spoke up or knew anything about the SRM program by the Military Industrial Complex. The rest were completely uninterested, in fact, I got some sneers and dirty looks. What a shame. Ignorance multiplied exponentially, AKA Dumb on Purpose.

Then, we hear that the UN is attempting to do away with "conspiracy theories" after they give us so very much evidence over the years that they are NOT theories but FACTS. They go secretly into their little meetings like the Bilderbergs and hold secret sessions of the Council on Foreign relations.

They attend these meetings, always the same people, always the billionaires - the political muckety muck. They sit at their Trilateral Commission and the Club of Rome, the WEF and the WHO meetings, all transported there by private jets, laying out their plans for the useless eaters while the men (only) go to the Bohemian Grove to worship Molech and then they tell us that they will not tolerate "conspiracy theories???"

I'm pounding my keys on my poor keyboard right now even though it is innocent! But even IT understands why I'm giving it a beating!!!! Why do so few PEOPLE with alleged brains not understand??? That's all. I'm done. My keyboard thanks me.

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all humans are obsolete and useless eaters, thatys why they spraying you like a cockroach!!!

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That's why the Illuminati treat them as CATTLE, cause they so stupid and brain dead! lmao they got a point, a lot stupid brain dead people out there! lmfao

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And much more than that!!!

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Kind of reminds me of that old SciFi movie called Day of the Triffids.

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Will have a look! Thanks!

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In SE Michigan we had beautiful blue skies for 2 and 1/2 days before the eclipse. Then right around 1pm just a half hour before the eclipse we received more chemtrail operations than I have ever seen in my life. The sky was covered from 1:30 until about 8PM. Instead of the normal metalic, burnt smell the chemtrails had a sort of medicinal smell.

The Satanists have pushed this eclipse more than any other program except COVID and 911. There had to be a reason for that. I suspect that they sprayed a new bioweapon on us specifically targeting those who received the shots and have no immune system left as a result.

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The exact same thing happened where I was watching the eclipse. One after another for two solid hours, the jets paraded overhead coating the sky in a haze. See my reply this page to Delta Force. We're helpless to defend ourselves against what they spray; what we breathe and what we eat. I constantly smell strange new odors outside usually late at night or early in the morning. Only God can help us and He WILL for any who will believe in Him and His Plan for the salvation of mankind, all who simply believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. John 3:3; John 14:6

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The last time this occurred was in 1811. 3 months later devastating earthquakes occurred.

"IF" there is a repeating pattern, we'll have to wait until July to find out? Beyond this ~ I really expected nothing to happen.

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The UN wants to stop something that they tell the world is factless, useless, baseless, false, insane and damaging thinking, i.e. "conspiracy theories" yet time has been revealing to us over and over and in so many different ways that we "conspiracy theorists" have been right all along! I'll give two examples here and then I'm done.

When I was young, (1960s through 1980s) I remember the constant threat of stepping on bees accidentally because they were everywhere we stepped. They pollinated the many little clover flowers in the grassy places and I remember that there was a bee on just about every little flower, sometimes two of them. One could actually hear them droning.

Today, you could walk an entire clover field and not see a single bee. Some studies (many in fact) tell us that Aluminum is the thing killing the bees. We also hear that they are spraying aluminum nanoparticles to the tune of thousands of tons per year down on the earth by jet aircraft. No bees? I can see that with my own eyes! Could it be the spraying of aluminum? Nah, we're told that those trails are simply contrails of water vapor and most people believe them.

In the early 1990s, I often drove across Pennsylvania to visit my parents. I always kept a spray bottle of "Bug Off" cleaner in my car and when I got home, I used it to get the several hundreds of plastered bugs from my bumper - all sorts of bugs. By the year 2010, I no longer needed the bug cleaner because there was nary a bug on my bumper after a 400 mile drive and it prevails to this day!

We see things like this first hand; we hear that insects are becoming EXTINCT; we understand (some of us do) that they are KILLING the insects and the whole biosphere by their geoengineering tactics yet we who speak up about it must be silenced because we are useless, annoying "conspiracy theorists". The UN is going to see to it. What kind of world has this become???? Even if I were an agnostic or atheist I would cry out to God at this point! Help us, Lord! They're destroying Your formerly (still) beautiful earth and us along with it!

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As Frances Lynch here has pointed out, nothing was suppose to happen the day of. I heard all the government emergency BS was used to do a run through for marshall law in the future. Never forget the protocals of the elders of zion are working their plan. Look at your birth certificate and your driving license etc. Your name is all in capitals,..which is your slave name. 2024 is the year and we are only 1/3 in. White hats, Black hats,...blah blah blah. Prepare for some real shit coming.

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I have been saying “Roboclone Joe” for 5 years now. 😂🤣 When some things are so obvious it seems too obvious for many to believe. 😂🤣

Thank you for all of the news and updates!

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Liberals, Millenials, and Gen Zers are the stupidest people on the planet. They're the first ones to line up for vaccines, chip on their hand, eat bugs, or coming soon the mark!

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I'll be 83 when the next total solar eclipse crosses over the lower 48, that is should Jesus tarry and then allow me to live to that age. 2045. Can you imagine this world at that time seeing how the last 10 years have gone? I can't see the world surviving that long, not at all. Call me a pessimist, most do, but at this point I'm a realist and I choose to be one over being willfully ignorant any day of the week! Because I know not only how MY future after this world ends up but also how THIS WORLD ends. I try to warn people everywhere I go how what we're seeing right now with the unfolding of Bible prophecy is actually GREAT news for those who believe in our Creator and His Plan for our Salvation. I can't see this world lasting 10 more years, yet alone 21! Even so, COME, Lord Jesus!

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