"COVID" pandemic a lie.... YES IT WAS. YES IT IS.


Even the useless "PCR" tests ~ which yielded, either a FALSE POSITIVE, or, a FALSE NEGATIVE. Meaning it never detected anything correctly. What it DID do, was to not only introduce toxic "graphene oxide" into the body, but it also caused "spinal leakage" in hundreds of thousands of people. The "COVID" jab, is officially registered as a : "BELLIGERENT". A "BIO-WEAPON". The damage it caused and is still causing, was intentional and purposeful.

The "pandemic" was a LIE. It WAS a PLANNED-DEMIC.

The word "demic" means: "Of or pertaining to a distinct population of people." And that is basically who it targeted. A "distinct population of people", otherwise known as:

"the WILLING." Those who fell for the LIE.

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Aug 7Liked by Strange Sounds

In agreement to all you said, and the most heinous part of their fake plannedemic was HOW they actually contaminated people with the illness which would send them to the hospital. The Covid tests themselves were contaminated with 3 respiratory illness causing bacteria! Enterococcus, Enterobacter, Klebsiella and Serratia species.

Many people had gotten the cold/flu during those two years, 20 and 21 and THAT is what they called "Covid 19". Loss of taste and smell. It's called a COLD and I used to get them all the time. Also consider that there are no statistics for the 20/21 cold/flu season on the books! At least there weren't in the following years. Maybe they fabricated something by now.

The FDA recalled what they said were "more than" half a million contaminated "Covid" tests! Yeah? How many "more" were there? 10 times? 50 times? Later estimates were more accurately said to be TENS of millions of tests that were contaminated! Tell me, then, HOW were so many tests contaminated in the sterile working conditions found in those labs? It would have been impossible that they were contaminated accidentally!


Look how absolutely wicked this actually was! The hospital death protocol, handed down by the medical industrial complex in cahoots with pharmaceutical industry was given: Admit patient with symptoms of "Covid pneumonia"; put them in the tightly quarantined 'Covid' wing, FORBID visitors, even family (who may bring them the cure- Ivermectin) put them on O2 and give them their first shot of Remdesivir.

Patient naturally goes downhill from Remdesivir - a deadly POISON which killed 50% of those who received one dose for Ebola in Africa before it was stopped. The second dose killed 95%! What to do with it? Give it to "Covid" patients! Diabolical!!! Next step, intubation and massive doses of opioid medications. Next comes the killer dose of Remdesivir; finally placed in hospice to suffer lingering and complete organ failure and death. I can't imagine what that must have felt like. Doses of opioid medicines so large they would kill an elephant but patient was kept alive by a respirator!!!

Those infected by the test who were not "vaccinated" quickly succumbed to one of the three bacteria in the test and exhibited blue fingertips and lips. Also, a painful cough that felt like "shard of glass being coughed up" (by my brother's description). The clot shot contained the antibiotic for the three most common infections so, those who took the "safe and effective" shot were thus immune to the three bacteria and didn't show symptoms giving the "PROOF" that the clot shot worked! How freaking wicked is this premeditated, mass murder performed in our hospitals???

My brother was not vaccinated but his wife was and they both took the same test. He was hospitalized (against my very strong warning NOT to go to the hospital) but his wife was vaccinated so she was immune to the three respiratory bacteria which were PUT in the tests.

Look how carefully planned this all was! NEFARIOUS and wicked to the core! Needless to say, my brother, 5 days before his 62nd birthday, died in hospice from organ failure which his death certificate indicated cause of death as "Covid pneumonia" of course. Still no definition for "Covid pneumonia". I asked about it when my brother was sick. Was this pneumonia bacterial or viral. They said it was pneumonia so they had to have tested for it, I would assume. Nobody could/would answer me.

I shudder when I think about how much he must have suffered, in a body with organs that were becoming more useless by the day! This was WORSE than much of the torture that the Nazis did and it was done to MILLIONS! I only hope that God took him out of his dead body sooner than later. That's all I can do is hope for that. I believe he was saved but he was so encumbered by this world's things that it kept him from giving his all to Christ. He will be with us in eternity, I believe.

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I am so sorry about your Brother. The fact that "they" are still attempting to cover this all up speaks VOLUMES about their further intentions and what lies ahead for humanity. GOD be with your Brother. No one deserves that. One day, "they" , these people who perpetrated all of this, and will do so in the future as well, will ALL stand one day in JUDGMENT and will receive EVERYTHING "they" having coming, by the WRATH of the LAMB. GOD Bless your Brother. GOD Bless you as well.

Revelation 9:21

“Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.”

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Thank you brother. We are in the very last days and the wickedness is so absolutely evil and presently, they are doing less to try to hide it because they have successfully kept the truth from the masses by lying deception in the media in all its forms! - A cleverly crafted plan for the ages and for the one world rule of antichrist.

I used to hold out a little hope in this world, like for the future of my child, perhaps for grandchildren someday but every single bit of hope that is in me is presently in our Lord Jesus Christ and His Appearing to call us up to Himself, ALL who love Him and have been SAVED, forgiven of all sins, past, present and future to inherit all things and be with Him and each other forever and ever in unspeakable glory.

Part of that hope is that WE will judge these wicked powers! That's right. God will allow us to TAKE PART in their judgement! See 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 KJV; I keep attempting to grieve properly and get over the loss of my only brother just 2 years ago but this can't be done knowing that the evil that killed him (and millions of others the same way) still exists, GROWING and carrying on its wickedness and evil machinations against mankind SUCCESSFULLY, for now.

But we will judge the angels and that is what I hope for. JUSTICE! Coming very soon when Jesus splits this space/time continuum, changes these vile, immortal bodies into glorious new bodies like that of Jesus Himself! See 1 John 3:2 KJV

So, for now, I will grieve the loss of my brother with proper righteous indignation and I will grieve the loss of so many others of my brothers and sisters throughout history and even NOW as the nefarious, wicked, evil, unspeakably malevolent powers get their moment in the sun because I know that complete and utter justice will (very soon) prevail!

I write so passionately (and long) about all of this because I LOVE the TRUTH! There is a great shortage of truth in the world today, even in the churches (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV) and once I begin writing about these truths, I can't stop! I suppose there are much worse "problems" to have. My great desire in this is that people will read my comments and learn the truth.

Great blessings to you, brother and I will see you very, very, very soon, as we KNOW that God has set aside a day in which He will begin to pour out His WRATH on this world, after He removes those who love Him See 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 KJV That day is fast approaching and will change this world into something unrecognizable. See Isaiah 24 and Revelation 8-10 KJV.

The people will be astonished and those who do not believe the truth of the pre trib Rapture (MOST of the presently fallen churches) will realize the truth when we are gone and choose to lose their heads by guillotine refusing the mark of the beast (see Revelation 20:4 KJV) and occupy Heaven as the tribulation saints.

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AGREED 100%. 100%. GOD Bless you and yours.

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

Regarding the NY law prohibiting high temperatures in school classrooms, having to tolerate the heat may seem "grim" to us now, but for many millions of kids for a very long time, that was the norm. I never attended a school with A/C until high school. I suffered through 2nd and 5th grade in southern MS, 3rd and 4th grade in southern CA, 6th and 7th grade in south FL. We had high ceilings and great big windows that we opened for ventilation, and my dad would bring box fans to my classrooms when the temps were in the 90's to low 100's (Fahrenheit.) Nobody died and nobody got sick. Of course, none of us had A/C at home or in our cars either. It was just the way things were and we dealt with it.

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

Went through school in SW Florida. We didn’t have A/C lol! We survived. It sucked but we survived.

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

Omg right!!?? I spent many grades in portables. Like construction site trailers. They were brutally hot in summer and downright arctic in -30°C winter

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

Yes, I think I've read all of Dean Koontz's books, including "Eyes of Darkness," but it's been a long time. Fiction writers incorporate all sorts of scenarios and events in their plot lines. If you went looking, you'd likely find hundreds, if not thousands, of passages in past novels that appear to be prophetic. Like the wisest man, King Solomon, said in Ecclesiastes 1:9: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds


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I am almost positive that the upper right photo of the 2020 pneumonia like illness is from the Sylvia Browne book called End of Days. I read it back in 20/21 when I first heard of this prediction coming true but honestly most of the rest of the book did not. If you make 100 prophecies and 10 come true, does that make you a prophet? Maybe... Or maybe they came true in alternate realities or timelines? Or were strong probabilities that didn't come to fruition?

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

I read the Dean Koontz book when it came out - in fact I still have a copy lol! I also read a book in 2002 that was written in 1983 that was about a Covid pandemic that was practically word for word what happened in the one we had lol. It’s called predictive programming. 🙄

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds


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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

So much strange and ugly things going on..

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

You were missed. Thank you for this.

I do wish they would stop the geoengineering....

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds


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Aug 7Liked by Strange Sounds

The "something" that has gone wrong for insects is the non stop spraying of nanoparticles of aluminum, barium and strontium from jet aircraft - heavy metals that are sprayed into the stratosphere along with polymer fibers to keep them aloft.

They can spray whatever they desire, whenever and wherever they choose. Bacteria, fungi (including mold spores) and viruses plus the ice-nucleating chemicals they spray to freeze water in the atmosphere into ice pellets, sometimes at 50 degrees F or higher, are also part of the mix. They spray genetically modified mosquitoes from jets also, part of a program headed up by none other than Mr. population reduction himself, Bill Gates of Hell.

They use these metals to create high and low pressure systems by heating them into the plasma state using ground based (see HAARP) and satellite based high energy frequency generating stations which bombard the filthy metal filled skies with MILLIONS of watts of microwave energy.

After they serve their purpose of manipulating the weather, they eventually fall to earth contaminating the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. The soil microbiome that is so important for the breakdown of plant material in the natural cycle of replenishing the soil nutrients is also adversely affected.

Notice how the leaves don't decay as they used to? They pile up everywhere. At my home, the centerpiece of my front yard, my grand 100-year-old Pin Oak tree which is home for the squirrels and birds is slowly dying, dropping his upper branches constantly - BIG branches which are completely covered with mosses, lichens and mold and which weigh less than half of what they should; porous, dead, white material which used to be strong, green wood, the tree's natural defenses against these wood rotting elements now almost completely gone. But he holds on for dear life year after year yet losing more and more branches constantly. It's only a matter of time

The bees have been found to be utterly inundated with aluminum, thus causing Alzheimer's-like symptoms and they cannot find their way back to their hives. Insects are estimated (by unbiased, non agenda-serving scientists, to now be 80% extinct) This is affecting every living thing on this planet including we humans.

If you're still looking for your political candidate to win an "election" and make everything better, you have your head in the clouds. There is only One who can save us from the Wrath that is coming (after saving our eternal souls from death) and His Name is Jesus Christ. He is the Creator of every one of us and all things visible and invisible (Colossians 1:16-17) and has been the Only Hope for mankind that there ever was but it's now more evident than ever. Call on His Name today! Romans 10:13; John 3:16; Joel 2:32; Acts 2:31 Most importantly John 14:6; to know Who you are calling upon.

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Aug 7Liked by Strange Sounds

Wow, the Dean Koontz book, what are the odds? Happy a Michael Crichton book hasn't come true.

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Aug 7Liked by Strange Sounds

Check out Dr. Ardis and his book on Covid and his solution on how to fight it and win. - https://thedrardisshow.com/book?utm_source=drip&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=%28My+New+Book%29+Pre-Sale+Available%2C+Shipping+Soon%21

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Is there a reason I cannot like comments? It’s been going on for at minimum a couple months.

Just curious - it’s weird to me that I cannot

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ok on computer and not on cells. Problem known since months. I think it is a trick from Substack to get you download their app...

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Thank you 😊

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks, Manuel!! Looks like it's flooding all over the world!!

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

People should stop spraying their yard with chemicals. That will help the bugs. Bugs are good. We need them.

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YES, Dean Koontz wrote a book in 1981 where he predicted a genetically engineered virus which originated in Wuhan, China. I can't recall if it pegged 2020 as the release year. All of Koontz's books are oddly prophetic, probably because he writes techno-thrillers and scours scientific journals and the news searching for ideas to base his thrillers around. He's been warning about the elite, the technocrats, and their plans to enslave us since his very first book, and a lot of the things which caught his fancy and he wrote hypotheticals about decades ago are now coming true.

Reuters "debunked" this by saying, "Oh, the book writes about this, and it originates in Wuhan, China, but Koontz's virus was called Wuhan-400 and killed 100% of the people, so therefore this claim is totally "debunked."

Bogus "debunked" article: https://www.reuters.com/article/world/partly-false-claima-1981-book-predicted-the-coronavirus-2019-outbreak-idUSKCN20M18P/

For a real chilling series, read his "Jane Hawk" series, where he predicts the technocrats have engineered nanobots to seize control of people's minds and use them as the elite's hive mind slaves.

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Aug 6Liked by Strange Sounds

Great links!

Also, bear in mind: if the Epstein list is released, there will be no one left to blackmail. Do you think they're really ever going to make it public?

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My mother who was born in Ohio in 1921, used to tell me that when she was a kid, there were all sorts of different type of bugs. Bugs that aren't seen anymore.

I have noticed in my lifetime, the decline of frogs, toads, and lizards. I used to love the sound of the croaking they made at night. I rarely see snails anymore either. We keep stealing other animals habitats. It's a shame. We are here to be their guardians. Look how that turned out. All that said, I hope the children of tomorrow do a better job. Take care.

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