Automatic registration for males is a distraction to hide something NEW on page 4, item 3.



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Just do not comply! I won't let my 21 year old daughter go into the military which is just the strong-arm of the power elite. The military industrial complex has been actively involved in the biggest agenda of the controlling powers, the formation of a one-world government. And when the greatest country in the "free world" falls, do you think that its military will fall with it? Of course not! It will be folded into the global governing powers and this world will be under the complete control of the wicked. We all need to stop complying with the destruction of this world and the greatest weapon we can wield is KNOWLEDGE. Learn about the inner workings of the international banking system and how it is the hub of wickedness which has always controlled the world but in this day and age it has ramped up now being visible on many fronts as the ultimate power-grab that it is. We will soon be under global control. Get your hands on what is quickly becoming the handbook of exposing the NWO, "The Committee of 300" by Dr. John Coleman. 4th edition, if you can find one for less than a week's salary! (it's been bought up by the elite because the knowledge within is very dangerous to the NWO.) https://www.amazon.com/Coleman-Conspirators-Hierarchy-Committee-Revised/dp/B008UI0QXU You must get the 4th edition to learn the most current status and facts about where we have come and how we have gotten here.

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IMO, now is the time to get the info out into the open. The average Democrat feminist is not going to be happy about being drafted to fight alongside Israel to kill Palestinians. 🤣

Besides, when the lefties get angry, they do something about it. They riot, and burn stuff down. I wouldn’t mind if they turned some of their wrath against those who deserve it for a change.

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Read that automatic draft enrollment info carefully.

Note it says "men" not citizens, men. Now recall that congressmen who said a few months ago that the illegials should be allowed to join the military so they could become citizens via enlistment. He was trashed for saying that BTW.

Now here they are back again, and this time they have succeeded. They will be taking illegials into the US military via an automatic draft enrollment. And you can bet your buttons this is going to be happening at light speed.

I see the Uniparty accomplishing a number of their objectives with this move. 1. get LOTS of male illegials citizenship 2. militarize and arm male illegials 3. And by dumping illegials en masse into the military, they will, or they think they will, prevent Trump from deporting them.

I have been reading on Telegram, and Tic Tok that illegials are showing up at shooting ranges to practice in ever increasing numbers. Gang recruitment requirements? Or are they prepping for the US military?

Lastly, last year John O'Looney in the UK, who was one of the first to speak out against the vax, give a heads up. He said that the Blackwatch (UK military) had told him that they are training illegials in Turkey and Ukraine.

Once trained, the illegials are shipped to an area where they are signed up for 2 years of military service and also sign an NDA with stiff penalties for revealing the military service agreement . They are then shipped to France, England and the rest of Europe.

He feels they are shipped to the US as well. Buckle up people.


Why was Johnson selected as House Speaker? Someone refresh my memory.

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Yeah, or why wasn't Rand Paul selected instead? I get that.

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The GOP margin in the House is razor thin, Paul would never have secured the votes needed.

IMO Johnson was/is a Dem pawn. NOTHING he has done holds to his prior voting record, tells you what he is, and isn't right there.

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That's always what happens when a good senator is elevated to a position of influence; go figure. Is everyone corruptible in Congress.? Because they have "dirt" or something "else" that is guaranteed to flip their script.

It's so frustrating.

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I think maybe five are legitimate, the rest are actors in a Uniparty production. Are they blackmailed, bought, willing, no way to be sure but they certainly are complicit

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Thanks SS, it's getting closer & closer to getting real bad around Biden/Harris. I still can't believe anybody voted for them. They'll regret it when their sons & daughters get THE LETTER.

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EVERY TIME I read about these diseases... I type in The Disease Ivermectin Parasites and Lo and Behold There they are together in PubMed or NIH or Natural Library of Med .. . A streptococcus ON bottom of page :conclusion 7 weeks Rehab 4 weeks of IVERMECTIN 200MCG/KG/DAY Used to be Lifeguard :Patient comment: I find that all my years of suffering could have been prevented"

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Don’t forget the bi-partisan committee is voting on ADDING WOMEN to the draft 😳😳

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From what I understand…This NDAA is the new proposal. The house just passed it. The Senate needs to pass it, and FJB needs to sign.

It is effective 1/25.

The news is focusing on the “auto registration” part, which (as Manny said), is telling about their focus, but really, boys are supposed to register anyway.

The “girl” part is being entirely overlooked.

The Left is hyping “Trump wants to bring back the draft”. 🙄

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I think the "girl" part may be a distraction.

From what, from the fact that the doc says "males" not citizens, males. This IMO is a means to get the male illegals citizenship en masse, to train and arm them AND to block Trump from deporting them.

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Interesting analogy, Francis. But for what purposes? Future voting account...?

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A number of purposes IMO. This is a prior post of mine on what I see:

rances Lynch

Jun 17


edited Jun 17

Liked by Strange Sounds

Read that automatic draft enrollment info carefully.

Note it says "men" not citizens, men. Now recall that congressmen who said a few months ago that the illegials should be allowed to join the military so they could become citizens via enlistment. He was trashed for saying that BTW.

Now here they are back again, and this time they have succeeded. They will be taking illegials into the US military via an automatic draft enrollment. And you can bet your buttons this is going to be happening at light speed.

I see the Uniparty accomplishing a number of their objectives with this move. 1. get LOTS of male illegials citizenship 2. militarize and arm male illegials 3. And by dumping illegials en masse into the military, they will, or they think they will, prevent Trump from deporting them.

I have been reading on Telegram, and Tic Tok that illegials are showing up at shooting ranges to practice in ever increasing numbers. Gang recruitment requirements? Or are they prepping for the US military?

Lastly, last year John O'Looney in the UK, who was one of the first to speak out against the vax, give a heads up. He said that the Blackwatch (UK military) had told him that they are training illegials in Turkey and Ukraine.

Once trained, the illegials are shipped to an area where they are signed up for 2 years of military service and also sign an NDA with stiff penalties for revealing the military service agreement . They are then shipped to France, England and the rest of Europe.

He feels they are shipped to the US as well. Buckle up people.


Why was Johnson selected as House Speaker? Someone refresh my memory.

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Yep, I got that. 🙏

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They call it a "rare" disease, but it's SPREADING. It's called necrotizing fasciitis and it's been around for at least a couple decades and better known as the flesh eating disease. It's but another of the lethal, gain of function bacteria which they have been experimenting with to increase the lethality of all bacteria and viruses. Aren't you glad that there are more than 200 biolabs around the world "studying" these pathogens to make us better equipped (yeah, right) to defend ourselves against them? They experiment with natural bacteria, learning all they can about them then they make them into super bacteria; Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is just another.

The good news for us is that these franken-bugs are still rare and even better, they will stay that way. Why? Because GOD our Creator is still in control and He will allow them only as much success at killing us as He sees fit. Better yet, for those who love Him He has promised to PROTECT us from all of their pernicious, murderous activity. See Psalm 91 where God promises that no plague will come near you; those who dwell in the "secret place of the Most High" are protected by His angels which He "gives charge" over to protect you. And for those who have not yet been converted by faith, thus allowing Him to wash your sins away by His Shed Blood, realize that 90% of what the media reports is broadcast to create FEAR. The enemy knows that fear is a powerful tool. Don't allow them to deceive you!

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Interesting to see how Edgar Cayce's prophecy about R^ssia becoming the "hope of the world" seems to be holding up??? One wonders who is REALLY in charge of this planet?! According to Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge there are beings that own galaxies, etc. His movie on the Black Knight Satellite is excellent!! Thanks, Manuel, for the always great News Roundup!! ;-)

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"beings that own galaxies". Seems like made-up history. Get it?

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Men in the United States are required to register with the Selective Service System within 30 days of their 18th birthday through our website or at U.S. post offices or diplomatic offices.

Currently, there is no "conscription" enacted.

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Keeping the Faith, minister. 🤨

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Power and money, with power being 1 step higher up the pyramid on the back of the US dollar bill, can only sway those with no internal power.

That's the deception of all the external religions that cause war on the planet today.

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This passage about women and the draft is NOT on page 4 of this document anywhere which is about Indo-Pacific security. Where exactly is it?.............. I'll keep looking..............It's actually on page 13.

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Page 3 under point 3

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