Mar 16Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks, Manuel.

So much to say I can’t say anything…

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Mar 16Liked by Strange Sounds

Sedona, a very posh community, can always extradite those illegal immigrants that crossed the border. Probably not much difference in what their paying the workers now. Of course, for the workers willing to humiliate themselves for that pay, for those thankless community members, I guess it’s “just desserts”.

The picture of the tree planting-funny, except we know anything is possible with these people.

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17Liked by Strange Sounds

The cockroach guy. Diatomaceous earth. When I moved to Toronto in 78. before I ever saw a cockroach, a guy said he worked in a bakery downtown and this stuff worked and they were voted the cleanest bakery in the city. I live in the country now and still use it for ants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbk0OYxCipw

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The royal tards dug that hole with square shovels that are very clean?

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The giants are real. The Bible says there were giants in the earth before and after the flood; (see Genesis 6:4) Giants are mentioned throughout the Old Testament, (or Pentateuch; the first five books of the Hebrew Bible AKA the Torah) and this is where the controversy over the Bible versions begins before branching off into a twisted web of lies and deception.

Before the Library in Alexandria burned and much history was lost, the ancient texts of the Hebrew Bible were preserved and known as the Masoretic Text from which we get the scrupulously preserved 1611 King James Translation or the Hebrew Bible into the English Language.

The mention of the giants began in Genesis 6:4 where we are informed that wicked spiritual beings "left their first estate" (see 2 Peter 2:4) and had forced themselves on "the daughters of men" and to those women were born the Nephilim or giants of old which were men of renown. Giants are also mentioned in the book of Numbers 13:33 and again in Deuteronomy 1:28 as the sons of Anak (the Anakim which came from the Nephilim) and Deuteronomy 3:11. The King of Bashan was the last of the Rephaim who were giants and the Philistines were giants from which the account of the young Hebrew boy David slaying Goliath who was also a giant.

There is much, much more history of the Giants scattered throughout the Apocrypha and while secularism has largely been attributed to the dissection of historical accounts within and without the Bible (and still are) there is a visible attempt over history seen to have blurred and confused the accepted Biblical texts to this very day.

The Bible has been historically under attack over the last nearly 2000 years to fit into the modern theories of the origin of the universe and the evolution of life leading up to mankind. The Truth of the Bible has never fit with the musings of men and of philosophical trends of thinking which have ALWAYS led away from the Truth of God found in the Scriptures.

Any attempt to learn the historical truth of the Bible while maintaining any form of worldly and scholarly recognition by the established intelligencia, through the accepted degrees earned within academia while attending the modern (and ancient) universities in pursuit of PhD accreditation will find the Bible student changing his worldview from "in the beginning, God" to "in the beginning, Science".

Any student of secular university (and now, sadly Christian universities) must adhere to the completely fabricated and false history of stellar evolution and the evolution of life (or Darwinism) if they wish to achieve the necessary title of "Biblical scholar" within mainstream academia. All this to say that TRUE Biblical scholarship has been hijacked by this world leaving all interpretation of such to the "scholars" who have themselves been taught a false history of our origins by dismissing the true history of our origins found in the Biblical account as "fairy tales".

Without further exposure of the exploits of modern science, which has attempted to intertwine its false theories into the Biblical account of Creation, it can now be understood that to assemble the modern construct of Darwinism, (now prevalent in this world without a leg to stand on) it is highly necessary to dismantle the written word of God into the realm of myth and mystery and replace it with a much different account of creation - one of randomness and chance (mistakes) over billions of years, neither of which produces anything but disorder.

That was a long way to go to say that Giants ARE real and every effort of the aforementioned keepers of "truth" in academia is on display revealing their futile and complex efforts to quell the still, small, Voice of truth throughout the ages to any who desire to make an honest investigation of BOTH sides of the argument.

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If Russia's electoral system is under cyber attack, it's a safe bet that US & NATO keyboard warriors are at work.

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