The homes that did not burn were the homes that did not have smart meters. Same thing that happened in the Paradise fire in northern california. You may be able to find the video with two firefighters discussing smart meters.

I pay my local electric company a not insignificant monthly fee to have somebody come and read my meter. When you think about it, it the the best fire insurance available.

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How much extra do you pay, we have considered doing that too?

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PG&E charges ZERO for that Opt-out program after ~2 years. Forgot how much was it at the begin... BUT, electricity company, SMUD, the one who directly participates in climate engineering (personal confirmation in email..) charges 14$ a month. The water company charges ~50$ for a 'base meter', not even saying how much of it is for the manual reading.

we are surrounded by the weapons from all directions..

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It was during the roll out of smart meters in my area about 7 years ago. i paid a one time fee of $70 and i pay a monthly fee of $15. Never even considered doing anything else but opt out.

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So you pay an additional $15 a month after the one time $70? That is a gouge.

We should be able to take a phone photo of the meter, which has a time stamp, and then text or email it in.

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the guy that comes to read my meter says that the nearest other house that he reads is 9 miles away. That' probably 50,000 to 100,000 houses that have smart meters in between

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ditto, 14$/month but that's for SMUD, PG&E does not charge anything anymore. And it was exactly what I recommended 2 days ago, rip that stuff from your walls... , I guess nobody read it, or only one person down there..

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They still make/sell lead paint, I'm considering lining our walls with a coat.

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thank You Manuel for the update and the reminder:

8/10/23 => 1/8/2025

that 1,8 involvement is really strange...

That lucky citizen is WHO?

Btw. the cars did get melted! Thanks for the picture! Identical stuff with Lahaina.

Btw. the skies after the Santa Rosa fires in 2015, ~200 miles away from Half Moon Bay, looked the same... These nanos now can float weeks, months in the air. At that time I was recommending those mini essential oils diffusers, attached to the middle portion of nose for direct protection from the nanodust....

I made a copy of the most expensive houses for sale in Palisades on zoom listings, just for a hack to see how many of those are still standing...

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I believe I'm figuring out why there are so many trees unaffected by the flames when aluminum was melting 5 feet away from them. If the fire was hot enough to melt aluminum, no tree should be able to withstand such heat IF THE AIR AROUND THEM WAS EQUALLY AS HOT. There would be no green leaves on them, they would be reduced to ash, GONE. The fires are burning from WITHIN, not like the fires that start in the forest naturally and burn from WITHOUT, consuming things and thus making their own energy. No forest fire EVER was hot enough to melt steel yet we see melted cars hoods and fenders completely melted off!

What is being shown in the aftermath of these fires seems very similar to what happens in our microwave ovens. If you put a chicken breast in the microwave, it cooks but if you put aluminum foil in there it BURNS and melts in a violent, molecular heat reaction. The more I think about these fires the more I understand how they work. The evidence is all around the place! The trees don't burn, they get MICROWAVED! The trees wouldn't catch fire until all the moisture was gone but the METALS all catch fire when they are targeted with energy! I believe they use a similar technology to heat up the nanoparticles of metals they spray in the sky to create high and low pressure weather systems.

There are pics of cars MELTED, sitting on top of perfectly intact asphalt and directly beside trees that were unaffected at all! I saw a picture of a line of melted cars (hoods and fenders) next to a road that had the white and yellow lines still clearly showing underneath. STEEL melts at 2500 degrees F! Think about it; If a fire which originated in the AIR came through that place the road would be melted, the trees burned and the cars CHARRED AND BURNT BUT NOT MELTED. This is the proof that energy was continually added to these fires and not simply the extant energy released from the burning of those houses and grasses which create their OWN energy. This is absolute proof of some kind of directed energy weapons. They have them and we don't. I believe they can vaporize a human target anywhere in the world FROM SPACE!

I trust in the Creator of the world and of me and of the birds and the bees to keep me safe from they who want us all dead. God is SOVEREIGN over all things. This is not a battle of good vs. evil no, God ALLOWS satan to kill and destroy for the fulfillment of His Plan and Purpose. (I know it sounds harsh but this is HIS world and His Plan). Doesn’t the Potter have the perfect right to create some pots for Sunday best and others for target practice? This is the way it is and God gave each of us an innate knowledge of Himself, even His eternal Power and Godhead so anyone who denies Him – they have no excuse. Romans 1:19 But He doesn't want ANY to perish because He LOVES US and showed us by Sacrificing Himself so that we could live! All you have to do is believe that He is God and He did this for us. Any takers?

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I'm one. Thank you, Jesus.

God doesn't need target practice. He hits His mark with perfect precision.

He has given everyone an equal opportunity to come to Him. He loves us all.

Some choose death over life.

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You read too far into the target practice thing. He is THE Sovereign of this universe and if he made a million more universes just like ours, HE is in complete control over them all as well, in fact He holds them all together (Colossians 1:17) while He stretches them all out! (Isaiah 40:22) HE is the strong nuclear force which science can't figure out. That is, why the atoms don't just all fly apart. It is HE that holds every single one of them together!!

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Heather ORourke was sacrificed. They made red shoes out of her skin.

Pizzagate was real.

The photos from Alafantis’ instagram made it very clear what was going on there.

THE MEDIA spun the narrative into a farce, in order to cover it up.

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Nice find. I’ve been waiting for evidence of DEWs in these fires. You found it.

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"Wildfires" = "D.E.W.'s" (Directed Energy Weapons).

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Expect more invisible microwave laser, directed energy weapons starting more fires, thousands died in their homes and vehicles. Incredible weapons those DEW weps

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I think landscaping is more important than architecture in many respects. It took my husband and I about a year to find someone who understood what a fireproof hardscape meant and understood how to implement it.

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I remember those tunnels.

And I’m sorry the pizza gate guy was shot, what really happened?

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Just re-sent monthy donation again, sorry for the delay, had to get a new card.

Everyone needs to do their part even if it's $1.00 a month...keep independent news going!

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Thank you!

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Great work Manuel.. it's a lot more time and effort than most realize to compile the info and present it the way you do. Thanks

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The football player/figure in that super bowl poster also has the Redskins colors! (they beat the Broncos that year)

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LA Sunrise - When you act like hell, you look like hell.

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look at the Economist article from Dec 2014, with predictions for 2025... Wrote abut it in the above

yesterdays posted summary...

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