OR could they be deploying microwave technology which is going on in Australia & other places to artificially push the temperatures up & calling GLOBAL WARMING? So much of the weather now is unnatural, manufactured, modified...See GeoEngineeringWatch.org & StopTheCrime.net & SaveUsNow.org.uk

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Thank you for these links. I'm getting ready to listen to Dane Wigington's weekly Global Geoengineering Alert right now which I have been doing for the last 15 years. I was not aware of the two other sites you linked but I went to stop the crime and bookmarked it! I've known about the fluoride dangers for 16 years now. Fluoride ROTS teeth! And only God knows what else it does. I was good for at least one cavity per year all through my late thirties and 40s but I stopped drinking city water in 2009 and added a supplement (fermented cod liver oil and butter oil -actually GROWS teeth which are living organisms) to my daily regimen and have not had a cavity since! This website is a wealth of information, thank you for it!

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You are most welcome Jimd I too appreciate it when others share useful links from their research that could be of assistance to others in their health, well being & awareness of what the truth of this world is. IF you are interested in any my giving you a list of other links I have discovered over the years I would be happy to share them with you just let me know in a response & I will look some excellent ones up for your consideration.

The rabbit hole is deep as you have discovered & I dove down it 42 years ago now... & I haven't stopped learning since then! NEVER think you know it all keep delving into the things of life you will always learn more, keep an open mind but also draw your personal line in the sand & do not cross it. These WEFers these globalists intend to take it all...as Klaus Rothschild Schwab WEFer says byt 2030 according to their wishes & demands 'You will own nothing & be happy." (I will rent you your stuff back I took from you before I locked you down & away) You must look into the WHO PANDEMIC TREATY it will be the end of all nations who do not SAY NO BY MAY. That's all it takes but the lying media & gooberments hide it from we the people that it is even and issue & going on. Let me know Jimd, not a great deal of people seem to care about learning 'their' plans for us all. Very sad.

All the very best & may God bless, protect & guide you & yours through these difficult times. One thing I can say for sure is stock up there will be rationing, shortages & hunger the predicitive programming of The Hunger Games told us, sold us that, now we are in the time that it is about to become very real. Kind regards sandi

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Thank you very much sandi and yes, please do send all the links you can! I'm sure that I'm not the only reader on this substack that would appreciate them!

I apologize for the length of this comment but please do read it. It's from my heart. The biggest famine this world has ever seen is coming but I believe, from serious study of God's written word that those who love Him will not have to endure it. It's part of God's WRATH which He will pour out on this earth as soon as "he that now letteth, will let, until he be taken out of the way" 2 Thessalonians 2:7. That's the Holy Spirit spoken of in that verse who indwelleth every believer (born again) Christian and we will be removed before His Wrath comes. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

I believe 100% that we are in the times spoken of in Bible prophecy directly before the antichrist makes his appearance and takes control of this world. I have been studying this for decades and only recently have I seen those things which we "watchers" have been anticipating for many years. Before the Covid lockdown and clotshot we watchers couldn't be sure when that time was but with everything that is and has been going on in this world, we now see it clearly.

Jesus Christ is MOMENTS away from catching us all away! The Bible also predicts that this would be very controversial when the time came and THAT is exactly what we are seeing. The churches have all become apostate, actually giving out clot shots in their buildings! Most ALL churches do not preach anything about Bible prophecy when it's so obvious to those who study Scripture that these are the days, right NOW, (which is enough to prove the prophecy about the falling away of the churches accurate; 2 Thessalonians 2:3) and MOST who claim to be Christians do NOT believe in the pre tribulation Rapture of the church, which is also prophesied, for only one reason...They believe what their church pastors are saying but they don't read the Bible for themselves!!! Israel is at war which is also prophesied: "And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. Zechariah 12:3

We watchers are VERY rare among those who say they are part of the true, Apostolic, born again, Christian community but that is only because we STUDY His written word, beholden to the only preserved written word, the King James Bible. Most Christians want to keep one foot in this world and one toe in the written word, and that, remotely by their pastors who are LYING and keeping back the truth in this age!. I see it everywhere I go and this is also prophecy. Yes, we are very soon going to disappear and when that happens a man will emerge from behind the world scene where he has been directing the elite to carve up this world's nations into ONE, setting up the world for his global takeover, for his dictatorship and rise to power which is now ready and waiting for that one moment in time, the "twinkling of an eye" (1 Corinthians 15:51) BUT we who are truly saved by His Shed Blood and faith in it will be taken up by Him first THEN shall that Wicked be revealed... (2 Thessalonians 2:8).

When we connect all the prophetic dots, some of which I have named here but so very many more in the Bible, which require hours and hours of personal, devoted STUDY to learn to the extent of being sure, (2 Timothy 2:15) we see a picture emerge and it is one of those painted in Revelation 8 - 10 and Isaiah 24 just to name two. The Bible is FULL of prophecies about the times we are now in and reveals the truth of them more EACH DAY. I am CERTAIN of what I have learned and I share that truth with everyone I can, here and many other places online (those which will allow my Biblical knowledge to be posted, that is, many thanks to Manuel :)

Most don't want to hear this truth but want to believe that we can MAGA. The world's visible, media promoted political storybook is just that, a bunch of fictional tales. This is where the world gets its information, rejecting the Bible more every day (since Darwin!) and believing lies and deception. The world doesn't want my message because it tells each individual that they MUST make a decision: To believe or not believe that there is ONE Truth and He is found in only ONE Person, Jesus Christ and our ONLY Hope is believing in Him and His Shed Blood on the Cross of Calvary. He has FINISHED His Plan for our redemption (John 19:30) by willingly taking on the sins of the world (every single sin that has ever been committed) and that includes those of this world's renown evil men through history, if they seek Him with their whole heart and believe this Gospel. All who truly believe in Him shall be saved. (John 3:16) Those who know this but who delay making a decision, the fence sitters, are a big reason for my writing such lengthy comments. If one is undecided, when Jesus comes for His “Bride” they will be left behind to suffer in the most horrific 7 years this world has ever seen when BILLIONS will die.

One thing that has taken me by surprise, which I had not even considered in all the years of my study was that so many who claim to be born again Christians have forsaken their faith believing the lies of this world, going along with the global rise against the nation Israel! This was by design and the lies of the media which blame EVERY PROBLEM IN THIS WORLD on the Jewish people! Those wicked elite, the deep state, include EVERY race of people in this world, Jews included but we see now how the world has, just as prophesied, "all the people of the earth be gathered together against it." I knew that the whole world would hate the Jews by the prophecy I quoted in Zechariah but I never imagined it would include those of whom I considered my brothers and sisters in Christ! My worldview has always been rare among the people but NOW even the "Christians" have been divided. It's the wheat being separated from the chaff. Matthew 3:12

Once again, I began this comment as one sentence and truly intended to end it there with the first sentence but, as happens to me so often in these last few years, (as I said, I used to be "normal" with my comments but the urgency of the hour forces me to lay out the truth wherever I am and whatever I'm doing) my mind runs away with my fingers and the truth flows out onto the keyboard in what many consider to be worthless drivel; false information and untrue fairy tales about ancient stories written by desert camel herders.

Not so. It is the ABSOLUTE truth which this world hates but, to which all who have sought it, love with their whole being. I don’t expect anyone to believe me but to LOOK FOR THEMSELVES because, If all of what I say is true what could possibly be more important? Thanks again for the links and please do send more. Praying that you and your family are surrounded with the peace of the Holy Spirit until that moment comes, now approaching so very quickly.

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Never know. . . So many "false-flags". I wouldn't put it past ANY Government (especially the U.S.) to force something to happen. . It's coming. It's coming right along with the "W.E.F.'s" "DISEASE-X"

All, more of the same -- B.S. and lies !

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B.S. and lies.

So boring and tiresome.


Thank you for the heads up Manuel.

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Boring? I don't think so but tiresome; oh, yes and to the nth degree! These are the most interesting (and woeful) times I have ever lived through in my 61 years! It stopped being boring (to me) in 2009 when I began to see the depth to which our wicked leaders were lying to and deceiving us. It's been a nonstop journey down the rabbit hole ever since! What's so tiresome at this time is their constant bombardment of "election" action by the mainstream media puppets along with all of their lies about all of it. Underneath the psyop stories this world is crashing and burning (but not like it will very soon) and they're gobbling up the lies like candy. It's like a serial comedy set in an insane asylum and the sleeping masses are the inmates caring so much for all of the drama instead of searching for the truth which is right in front of their faces! Nobody could make this stuff up!

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We are made for so much more than teasing apart the deeds of those who try to control us. No, to me it is not of interest just something to pay attention to.

And the sleeping masses are often beautiful caring people who believe and trust organizations that were put into place to protect them. No they don't think to question and that is sad and very understandable. But reducing 'them' so is also a grand delusion. It is not accurate or truthful.

And all of it is sad and boring because as I said before we are meant for so much more.

And all of this is traumatizing people of all perspectives. And pushing some of those who question to be incredibly untrusting and sometimes delusional.

Some who do dive down rabbit holes and lap up every piece on offer are just as guilty of 'gobbling up lies like candy'.

Our home, this planet, is being systematically destroyed, by increases in radiation, by heavy loads of toxins. By gun fire and bombs dropped.

This country I live in is destroying life as if it is not sacred. And yet it is.

Life forms are disappearing.

Watching that happen does not fascinate me. It is grief filled and painful.

I am watching, once again, a beautiful clear blue sky be overtaken by curious masses of haze. I am feeling the warmth, the light of the sun slowly lessen, diminish and this past year often be completely eradicated.

We are being bullied, betrayed and abused. And no I don't find waiting for the next slap enjoyable or fascinating.

We are so beautiful in our essence. And made for something else.

Nobody could make this stuff up? This stuff is all made up. (Not that it is not real, but that it is put into plan, into action, made up)

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The VERY first consideration of any person living in this age, (and nothing is more important except to realize that each of us needs a SAVIOR), is that we realize that we are living in the very last days of this age.

"Some who do dive down rabbit holes and lap up every piece on offer are just as guilty of 'gobbling up lies like candy'." I'll assume that was intended for me as being guilty of something but if I'm guilty of anything, I will stand upon my guilt. Furthermore, I do not "lap up every piece on offer" but I use GREAT DISCERNMENT when sifting for truth. You have accused me of being the OPPOSITE of what I am. I'm a truth loving, discerning and tenacious propagator of truth.

Our Creator gave us this knowledge in His written word (largely ignored, even by the "churches" in this age) and those who have studied it realize by fulfillment of Bible prophecy and the current events and lies told about these events, that they are leading us directly up to the time of Jacob's trouble or the great tribulation.

This means that there is very little time left before this world changes and BILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIE. There is nothing more important than the people knowing this and how to escape this. That is the position from which I defend the truth in all things.

Yes, we were made for so much more but we who are alive RIGHT NOW and living under the tyranny of the wicked (and know it) are DIFFERENT because, out of all people who have ever lived, WE have been SELECTED by God to live in these last days to see all that is happening and to recognize them as what they are...THE VERY LAST DAYS OF THIS AGE. Why do you think you're alive right now? Be careful how you answer that question.

I am not "fascinated" to understand all of the wicked machinations of the deep state; I am very much suffering great indignation which increases daily as does the wicked agenda of these monsters that control the world and it will continue until the time of the Rapture. This world is burning down! I'm just someone who has realized this among MOST who do NOT and I'm sounding the alarm.

And these "beautiful, caring people" my dear, are LOST and on their way to eternal damnation! Why would you criticize someone who is trying to wake people up?

I love people, my fellow human beings, and I want everyone to understand and be saved but how can these beautiful, caring people know anything about this world unless someone tells them, especially about the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

And what better place to start than to show them that they have been deceived about everything from Covid to Darwin and contrails? Who will tell them things are not at all as they think they are?

Those who are willingly ignorant, believing all the lies of what they have been told all their lives are right now in big trouble! Those who believe that we came from apes and everything else came when nothing banged have been conditioned from birth to believe a FALSE worldview in all matters beginning with their very origins.

I firmly believe that, as a born again Christian, it is my SACRED duty to share the TRUTH of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone possible and in the age of the internet, I have found that this is a very good way of sharing that truth. I MUST tell the truth in all matters and since we all live under a deceptive, murderous cabal who want most people dead, how could I NOT share this with my fellow man?

And how do I tell the truth unless I "tease apart" the activity which is used against us? And the sleeping masses are my target for sharing that truth.

You have put words in my mouth. I NEVER said I found "waiting for the next slap" to be either enjoyable or fascinating. You should be more careful when writing a critique of a comment which exists only as an effort to share truth.

"We are so beautiful in our essence", you said. "And made for something else". I know what I was made for, what is the "something else" that you were made for? Moreover, your assessment of our being beautiful in our essence is the complete opposite of what God says of our essence, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 and 400 other places in Scripture say the same.

So, with all of that said, I'll summarize my intent: NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN WAKING UP these beautiful sleepers to the truth and THAT is precisely why I share the truth that I have not only about these times and end time events, but of everyone who reads to realize that they need a SAVIOR and the ONLY One who can save them is Jesus Christ and NOTHING is more important!

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"I'll assume that was intended for me as being guilty of something but if I'm guilty of anything, I will stand upon my guilt."

Of course it was not intended for you specifically as I don't know you.

It's also not intended for Manuel, as I deeply appreciate the light he shines on so much.

"And these "beautiful, caring people" my dear, are LOST and on their way to eternal damnation!"

No they are not.

I have not put words in your mouth, you are mishearing mine.

You are leaping to huge conclusions when you could have simply asked.

"The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked"

I don't believe this. I don't think it's true. It is a way to separate us from our very selves. And it is not something I will discuss with you further.

You have every right to believe and follow the words of what resonates with you.

You live in a world with many many others though, some who call their belief God. Some hold it differently with different words. And those who say God, likely have different views.

Your way is not the only way.

But you did misunderstand me and you didn't ask what I meant.

I wish well.

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And I wish you well, that is, that Truth becomes evident to you. Sadly, as I had predicted by your comment, you clearly reject the teaching of the Bible. I stand solidly upon the King James Bible and I believe it is the preserved, written word of our Creator and Savior, Jesus Christ who has verified the truth in His word by the fulfilled prophecies found in its pages.

This truth is [still] available to ANY who examine it with honesty and an open heart and mind to receive its truth. This is also neglected even by well-meaning Christians who claim that we cannot know that the Bible is the written word of God, but have not examined the accuracy of prophecy which is fulfilled in history by 100% accuracy. I leave you with this fact.

The odds that for only 8 of the 300 fulfilled, specific prophecies about Jesus written hundreds of years before He was born to have come to pass in the One Man Jesus Christ, are one chance in 10 to the 28th power or 1 with 28 zeros after it. That's for only 8 of them; There are over 300, all came to pass EXACTLY as prophesied. If the other 292 were calculated, the number would be in the neighborhood of one chance in 10 to the 1050th power. Any number greater than 10 to the 54th power is considered absurd. (there are only 10 to the 86th atoms in the universe) That is enough proof for anyone to absolutely know that the Bible is the written word of God. Don't believe me or anyone else. Will you verify this to know for yourself? If yes, then I have come across a rare person in you; someone willing to look at both sides of an argument. Why do so many people reject the Bible? It must be that they don't WANT to know. All of my efforts are to defend the Truth in this age. John 14:6

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Thanks for including the link! I’m so angry about this. Sometimes the only way I can tell if it’s in there is after I eat it mistakenly ( not labeled)

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Today, right now, it's IMPOSSIBLE to eat safe food unless you grow it and kill it yourself! And even then, you're still getting the toxins they are spraying from the sky and who knows the extent of what is in those dispersions?

There is only one way to eat anything you want without being POISONED. Most will find this ridiculous (I'm so used to it) but I PRAY to God in the Name of Jesus Christ and I thank Him before sitting down to eat ANYTHING that is, anything that I put in my mouth including snacks.

In the last few years, I have added something to those prayers of thanks... a request that God supernaturally makes my food safe for my body. I ask Him to return any GMO ingredients back to the original DNA code HE invented. I ask Him to REMOVE any kind of chemicals including pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, just anything that would be harmful to my body.

He will do this for anyone who BELIEVES in Him and has FAITH that He honors our prayer requests (Psalm 91:15) when they line up with His Will for us, (prayer won't deliver you into riches, thought I should make that clear) God promises to answer our prayers many times in His written word. So far, I'm in perfect health and YES, I believe that He does change the food I eat before I eat it.

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Thank you. I do that as well. And I had improvements in morgellons symptoms after repentance & spiritual warfare prayers

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& I agree, don’t confuse this faith with any “false prosperity gospel “

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Yes. I made that distinction in my comment so that others wouldn't confuse the heretical prosperity gospel, which is not Gospel but the opposite, with anything I was promoting.

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AMEN! I love to hear that! Thank you for sharing this. I pray it help others to realize the REAL power of prayer in our lives.

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Also, I’d been praying for a real doctor ( my insurance dictated doctors were ignoring & gaslighting me) for a decade. Once I repented from some new age things like doing reiki, months later I met my current integrative medicine doctor. God was waiting for me to rely on Him completely. I have quality of life I had lacked for almost 20 years.

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I'm so glad you rejected the new age practice of reiki Sis. I am currently seeking a doctor like you have found and I suppose God will direct me to one when and if I need one. My biggest prayer request to Him for myself is that He keep me from EVER needing a hospital and I have deep faith that He will honor that request.

He has allowed me to see the truth of many things since the scamdemic and hospital protocol that killed MILLIONS of people all over the world by Remdesivir, my only brother being one of them. He wouldn't take my advice about taking Ivermectin which was saving so many lives. I begged him to take it but he believed his wife and the MSM which demonized the Nobel Prize winning drug. Some of the last words he texted to me was that he is going to take the clot shot when he gets home from the hospital. He never came home. RIP Nick; 1960 -2022

I believe that The Lord will keep me out of the hospital because of His promises to us found in Psalm 91. I memorized the whole Psalm and keep it hidden in my heart, often going back to it, standing firm on God's promises to we who "dwell in the secret place of the Most High". Verse 1 May He bless you with the Joy that comes from the hope that is in Him. (that's a unique looking kitty cat!)

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Buy local… ;~}

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I'm calling 🐂💩 on anything concerning this

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Heartbreaking story of life-threatening food allergies caused by DTAP/J.B. Handley-approved 'safer, smaller, spaced-out' vials (predating 2019): https://healthimpactnews.com/2014/your-child-is-vaccine-injured-just-like-mine/ (by Robyn Charron)

"You might be told that you have a sensitive, high-needs baby on your hands and his sensitivities manifest as colic, reflux, head-banging, food allergies, or contact rashes. You will be told that it is all normal, which is the truth, considering what passes for normal these days."

https://odysee.com/@TruthOnlyMedia:8/InShot_20240111_173111437:9 (TruthOnlyMedia: What is really going on with all of these so called "Vaccines" ?!)

I got PANDAS/encephalopathy/extreme sensory sensitivities (that I didn't previously have) and hallucinations by four simultaneous does of the flu vials, aged nine: https://healthimpactnews.com/2018/u-s-government-pays-out-millions-to-flu-shot-victims-killed-or-paralyzed-by-influenza-vaccine/

In that article's chart, the DTAP vial leads to seizures and developmental delays (five-year-old Petition-Settlement filing)

I became autistic (Atypical/regressive Kanner autism) which was diagnosed as "severe/profound" by a neurologist when I was just six years old, first grade in 2008 (grew up homeschooled all my life, except for short public 'schooling' in late 4th to early 7th grade). I was also diagnosed with 'developmental delay' (originally called 'intellectual disability/mild r-tardation due to me having significant learning delays and learning deficits, ruling out both HFA and Aspergers from my ASD case).

Did CRISPR exist in millions of vials long BEFORE 2020? A lot of 'neurodiversity' symptoms (except for the mildest of cases) look like 1P36 Deletion Syndrome (or mutated, if not deleted. 1P36 DS affects the frontal lobe and causes 'zombie-like' behaviors, ASD-like symptoms, a tendency to bite, and learning deficits/severe I.D. according to many sources). The manufacturers replaced mercury/thimerosal with aluminum adjuvants and graphene oxide, and scientists (who injected mice with aluminum adjuvants) easily created 'autistic' behaviors in the mice (socially withdrawn, repetitive, severe learning deficits/learning disorders, gut inflammation as aluminum harms the gut lining and beneficial bacteria, etc).

How many homeless, poor, and unemployable adults are 'neurodiverse' and suffering undiagnosed aluminum-induced encephalopathy/increased intestinal permeability in today's toxic, polluted world? https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/post/salt-lake-staggering-challenges-for-autistic-adults

"Nov 2, 2023, KSL, Salt Lake: Study sheds light on staggering housing challenges for Utah's autistic adults"

"Somewhere between 20% and 40% of Utah's homeless population has autism or another intellectual and developmental disability, according to the director of a project to help Utahns with autism." 1 in 36 is extremely false. More like two in five, or one in five/1 in 5 afflicted with aluminum-induced 'neurodiversity' including me as well sadly. '1 in 36' or '2% of the U.S. population" is an extreme, intentional undercount done on purpose by the authorities. Off to 'neuro-inclusive housing' "Beyond The Reset" pod homes with free 'foodstuffs' and drones to monitor every move, for the 'peace and safety of others'.

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Intense geo-engineering creating extremely cold weather, and artificial rainstorms here in the supposed 'freedom state' of Florida. I'm very sure Ron Desantis supports and secretly funds such cloud seeding programs. Savior or monster (in lamb's clothing)?: https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/over-500-killed-in-attack-on-christian-hospital-in-gaza-florida-governor-supports-genocide-of-palestinians/

I saved this video to our computer (in case it gets flagged/deleted) about the biography of Ron Desantis and his family's relations to some rather disturbing corporations/connections such as spy camera technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ0SBlxY2N0 (Antidote to Poppycock Poison: "Ron DeSantis: Savior or Snake?")

When CCP communism comes to America, the land of fallen angel Columbia (if it hasn't already) it will come wrapped in a flag and cross, proclaiming "we'll protect your children from the government", ironically said by 'lesser evil' government officials themselves. The hypocrisy and mental gymnastics of the MAGA/Qanon crowd never fails to amuse me. Ronald Reagan was friends with 33rd degree mason Billy Graham, and it was Ronald Reagan that allowed the 1986 liability protection act (for childhood inoculation companies, such as those making DTP/DTAP, Flu, MMR, etc injections with mercury, later replaced with aluminum adjuvants and gene-altering nanotech) to be approved into congress, for Florida and all states. I believe Reagan was secretly a freemason/Jesuit (and his "Christian" speeches were very well-written, carefully worded and carefully scripted by others for Reagan to recite, to deceive even the very elect into supporting the 1986 act whose effects were rebranded by the book "NeuroTribes" in 2015 as "neurodiversity").

Millions of children refuse to attend the prison camps known as public schools in America - we should already know why, as I attended public 'school' for only a couple of years (late 4th to early 7th grade): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7YU4xWaO6I ("Why millions of students are chronically absent from schools in the U.S.")

Japan has the same school-refusal phenomenon (known as "Futoko" in Japan) as Japanese schools might be even worse/far more brutal than American schools. If I had to attend any highschool (outside homeschooling) even one year in my life, I'd have ended myself from it and the extreme PTSD from it. I never went to any 'highschool' outside home, was almost completely homeschooled growing up, and will not go to any highschool outside home anytime in the future, let alone college (a 'nice' place to get degrees that'll be made/already are obsolete by A.I. and outsourced jobs).

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