Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Cedar the Sacrificial Goat:

4H used to be a good chance for kids to learn about animal husbandry. Nowadays parents would be better off avoiding any 4H. Bureaucrats are like that everywhere now. Heck, I'm ready to join the Amish. They seems to do things the way I think they should be done. I found an Amish seller a while back, and bookmarked it. Going to inquire on his products and have him ship me some Amish foods. To hell with the nasty bureaucrats, supermarkets, and government pig vomit people.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Screw up domesticated livestock and we end up paying 50 mega bucks for a pound of gates' genuine Imitation meat. The man has no ability to see beyond what he learned from nazism. hitler was a vegetarian so hoi polloi must obey. PETA must be rocking to this news. Kill off all the poor animal slaves to free animals from slavery.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🇲🇽

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thank you

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds


On the mRNA in animals bit. Well, it'll probably hurt them, but....from a microbiologist friend's blog.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I know too many Amish and never trusted them. To them, we're all satanists, englischers. Grow it yourself. niio

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

mRNA Livestock:

We have farm raised meat and local butchers. Also, we can hunt our acres on our land. I would not trust any supermarket meats from here on out. This looks bad, very bad for everyone.


Russian Guy in St. Petersburg Cafe:

Somebody wanted him dead. He was funny when he was narrating. Too bad for his friends and family. RIP.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

How is Bill Gates still in this mortal realm?

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Loved the photo of rainbow and your home area - thanks! Also that you continue to post on diverse subjects. Much more interesting. A big hug from Minneapolis:-)

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Cow Methane Dick-Tok Video:

Something looks faked on that video.


Funny Storytime 🙊

Back in the 80's my father and I used to make serious chilli. Anyways we always played this game. We would mock draw a six-shooter, and crack a fart off, and then holster the imaginary six-shooter. So, his socialist wifey (my stepmonster) caught us down in the den playing quick draw McGraw, and got pissed off. Next day she brings in a product called Beano.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Digital Currency:

Only assholers think this is a good idea. Misery for all. Meh!

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I just noticed that there was not even one comment on the FLUORIDE VIDEO. One of the best videos I have ever seen on the issue that the US government has been overthrown from within since the 2d World War, and I would also say since 1913, with the Federal Reserve Central Bank Corporation being legalized by those in government at that time. AND YET, not one comment here...

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Ok , I know I'm a few days late with this but in the first video of the Russian Earthquake, you'll see a cat run as the quake amps up. Then it shakes a bit more and the cat comes out from the room and disappears in the middle of the room, like vanishes, Spooky. I can only imagine what it was like having those people with the elongated skulls walking around, I would of like to have seen one of the hats they wore.

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I'm ready to rock n roll, earthquakes come on and start shakin' ⚠️

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Vaxxed Meats:

Most buttmonkey vegans are lefties. Makes sense to vax meats from a satanist kabal perspective. Kills off more people that fight their pervert agenda. They sent bad vax to red states and counties. They know Conservatives are anti-vax. So, they poison the foods Conservatives eat.

Cattlemans association must be inbred retards for going along with vax on livestock. I hope they go bankrupt and die off too. 🖕

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I've been having a think about the spate of recent train derailments. Some believe it's because of a lack of maintenance but It's much worse than that. The entire earth's crust is in upheaval with landslides, earthquakes, giant cracks appearing out of nowhere, record sinkholes all over the world etc. The cause of the earth's crust suddenly becoming weak and cracking up is a matter of debate as some say that another planetary system has moved close to our own (Planet X) and the planets from this rogue system are pulling at the gravity of the earth with never before seen strength. Another theory, albeit highly scoffed at (whenever media scoffs, investigate because something is being hidden) is that the Military Industrial Complex has technology that can create these events using sound waves (see Tesla inventions) causing large and small earthquakes at will. Naturally, seeing such monumental and unpredictable movement of the crust will certainly cause the rail system to be affected very negatively and very commonly. Something BIG is coming. He is our Creator and His Name is Jesus Christ. Are you ready to meet Him?

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