"The Whole Thing is a Hoax". If the whole thing is all about this world and this life, then the whole thing is a waste of time. But if the whole thing is discovering who you really are and getting to know your own heart,...than it is an adventure to a glorious eternity.

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I like it!

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I have listened to other Alan Watts short talks and his popularity is evident by his content. Although his pantheistic worldview isn't admitted outright it's what he promotes. He is pushing a new age, pop culture religion whose main theme is "do what thou wilt" and he has relegated the Holy Bible to the waste bin in favor of the outright denial of the sin which is THE biggest issue facing everyone ever born of a woman.

He summed it up perfectly in one talk: "Christianity institutionalized guilt" and his audience applauded. Everything he said about the history of the Bible was false. It's what is taught in the universities "divinity" school programs. They produce "Bible Scholars" and promote "textual criticism" which is nothing more than scrutinizing the works of the extant manuscripts, believing that the Gnostic, Alexandrian or Byzantine texts are the most accurate because they are the most abundant and oldest. The opposite is true.

Secular Bible "scholarship" is actually an oxymoron. The Bible was given by God to the prophets by His Spirit and thus it is SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED.

"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." 1 Corinthians 2:14

Most, if not every Bible "scholar" which came out of the colleges and universities is UNSAVED. He is not born again. If he was, he would REJECT what he was taught which is exactly what some university trained Bible scholars have done after receiving the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Here is an excellent series by a REAL Bible scholar, Brian Schneider, who lays out the truth in the most comprehensive compilation of Biblical historical review I have ever seen. Just when you think you know a lot, something comes along to show you how little you actually do know! I have found that rule in action throughout my life. This is a thorough study broken down into 10 approximately 45 minute lessons. Well worth the listen. I'm going to listen a second time and take notes. https://fundamentalfilms.org/kjv/

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I'll have a listen later but the Word is the final authority. I see this looks very pro Baptist, and God used a Baptist to bring me back to Him. It happened with a lean for me more Penticostal which made my Baptist friend a bit hostile towards me at times. I remember learning that there are 3 letters in every Hebrew word that gives it the root meaning, so I investigated "denominations" and the root is denominator. So every denomination is a group of people parked in a portion of the scriptures, usually ignoring and criticizing those parked elsewhere. Best to not park anywhere.

I had one awesome teacher who said he read the bible through every month and when confronted how he could comprehend anything reading it that fast, his reply was that the Word is Spirit and it can't be comprehended by the mind, only in your heart by the Holy Spirit. If you are born again from above, you still have no control over knowing the deep secrets outside of the Holy Spirit opening your eyes to what only He knows that you need.

Most denominations will say, "faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word" and therefore teach you need to memorize the Word constantly. This is a complete misunderstanding of this verse and in fact turns it into legalism. John said in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Jesus said have the faith of God. It is His faith and we get it by and from Him, who is the Word. It is supernatural.

Being a believer and a son is all about a relationship and never was suppose to be a religion. All denominations are religious institutions and most have been infiltrated. James said even the demons believe and shudder. I do listen to a few guys but only through the Holy Spirit. The Word says to be cautious of false teachers, which are rampent in these last days, and truly these last hours.

The hour we live in is no hoax and the wheat is being separated from the tares by Him as a witness to us. It is harvest time and we have a wedding to go to.

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You're absolutely right. I don't park myself anywhere except in the parking spot called KJV. I don't hold to ANY man's teaching; nor to any denomination, church or worldly doctrine but to the King James Bible only. I don't call any man "Pastor" or "Reverend" or any other name which elevates them above anyone else.

You will never see me recommending any teaching by any man regarding doctrinal issues. The man that I recommended in the video series is SOLID in his teaching on the origin of the KJV, and that is why I recommended him. This series is a history lesson about how the secular world and its "scholars" have completely botched it and have given a FALSE history of the details of how we got our King James Bible.

It was just so refreshing to see someone teaching TRUTH in a video simply because there are so many others, even proclaiming born again Christians teaching completely false and erroneous doctrine these days.

Check out the series. If you're anything like me, you will agree with most of what is covered in these videos and develop a firm grasp of exactly why it is that we who love truth insist on the Authorized King James Version while the rest of Christendom in this age reads and studies and preaches from counterfeits without giving the matter the attention it should demand - another sign that we are in the very last days of the age of Grace.

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I prefer the KJV mostly because I like the way it reads. Many will say it is the best translated to English,...but there are errors in most of them. Your comments about your recommendation makes me not want to hear his "KJV only" mindset. I will listen when I get the time like I said I would though. All of them misinterpret a verse that only the Gideon bible interprets correctly/partially. If you really want to understand the scriptures,....first off it is only by the Holy Spirit (pray before you read) and secondly get yourself a strong's exhaustive concordance and check out the root of any word, to confirm if what you are hearing from someone is correct. Scripture instructs us that out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, let everything be established. No one verse preached means anything unless your heart is moved by the Holy Spirit. Proverbs 4:7 says in all your getting, get understanding. This is the problem with most teachers,....they have "their" understanding which they turn into law. Carnality 101.

Isaiah 28:10 KJV version "For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, Here a little, there a little.” With this buried deep into your heart, you will never get deceived. This verse sure kills denominations. LOL

You are surely pumped on this recommended guy and I'm happy for you. Noone ever gets anywhere without the journey and it will always be a bit of a pingpong/whack a mole journey. I do bible studies with 2 other people and we all use different translations and need our concordance to not kill each other. hahaha We have so much fun. I've had many lively debates with one of them when the third party will finally say, "Will you two quit fighting?!" We always both stop at the same time chuckling and turn to our friend and say "We aren't fighting, we are just both passionate." Indeed,....and we are suppose to be. God Himself says, "let us reason together."

My passionate bible study friend sent me this over a week ago and I just found time to watch it last night. It was quite wonderful and I recommend it to you. It is free on youtube and it is called "Time Changer" by Rich Christiano (must be a pseudonym). A nice little vid showing how busy satan has been in the last 100 years.

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PS: "Do as thou wilt" comes from the demonic cult called Thelema started by Aleister Crowley. That cult summoned and prophesied a female demonic asset to be born in a certain year and a certain month to rise to power and turn the world to satan. And it happened just like they said and it was Hillary Clinton.

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Yep, and the phrase is an idiom perpetuated by the church of satan and Anton Lavey, the wicked founder and author of many satanic books like the satanic bible (no caps intentional) and the devil's notebook. The satanic bible actually rolls of the same presses which publish the NIV - Harpercollins - owned by the wicked media mogul Rupert Murdoch who also owns Fox Media. Who wants to read a "bible" that comes off the same press as the satanic bible??? I'll pass. (although I used to use an NIV until studying the whole topic carefully starting back in 2008 - ongoing to this day) Not familiar with the Hillary Clinton thing but it's something to look into for me. I certainly wouldn't doubt it.

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As promised, I gave the guy a try. Sorry to say, I couldn't stomach more than 20 minutes of this incoherent person. "We Baptist are the only ones,....blah blah" He jumps all over the place making no sense while criticizing stuff without basis. He claims without many examples there is an attack on the KJV. All Bibles are generally the Word of God and everyone have their own preferences. To say one is better than the other is actually demonic. This is the same spirit that divided the church into denominations. This is why the Lord spoke Matthew 7:21-23 to those in all these denominationally demonic cults. He is only coming back to receive a remnant, chosen by grace as said in the book of Hebrews. Saw this you might be interested in if you think this guy's KJV nonsense is justified. https://superiorword.org/errors-in-the-king-james-version/

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I regret that I replied to your first comment. I didn't know with whom I was striking up a conversation. I assumed we were like minded. I will be much more careful in the future. And, once again, I am not a Baptist or any other denomination. I am a Bible believing, KJV studying, truth loving, born again, God fearing, sanctified, mature Christian man who follows the truth NO MATTER WHERE IT LEADS whether I like it or not.

I had gone through the ENTIRE PAGE of the link you posted above, not just the "20 minutes I can stomach". I have seen this before and it's gaining momentum in these last days. It's called "Textual Criticism" and is part and parcel of the apostasy of the church in the last days. (2 Thessalonians 2:3)

You have admitted that you "can't stomach" hearing YOUR opponent speak, calling him incoherent simply because you so angrily oppose what he says. So, in light of your resistance to the opposing view, we can now understand that you have nothing you can compare your own side against regarding this debate, thus leaving you with incomplete information.

I always WELCOME the opposite view when confronting debate topics and I look carefully at the entirety of the opposing views of my critics, which is the only way to arrive at the truth in any matter, that is, to see ALL the evidence of a debate. I do this because I LOVE the truth and if I can be persuaded, I will change my views as I have done so many times in the past and as I have also previously and presently, carefully done with this topic, studying it at length and ongoing to this present day. In so doing, I continually find MORE proof that the new versions blatantly water down the Deity of Christ (see 1 Timothy 3:16 for just one example) and also do much more harm in other ways, too many to list here.

I have seen these "errors" before in my previous studies having studied this topic at length; (I was born again at age 16; switched to the KJV at age 47, now 62; definitely not a novice) Every "error" I clicked on in this massive list of "errors", one example being the criticism of Acts 6:12 (referring to the aorist participle) was printed exactly the same in MOST modern translations as were so many of the others.

The problem is that 99% of the "errors" listed do not change the context of the doctrine and if they do, it is always damaging or waters down doctrinal truths. Furthermore, such a decimation of ANY ancient (or modern) text in history and in ANY language can be likewise critiqued with the same results and would vary greatly between translators. To the casual observer it appears to be solid evidence against the Bible and dissuades truth seekers from even examining any part of it.

This book-long list of errors at the link provided was compiled by university trained Bible "scholars", mostly unsaved, textual critics who spend every bit of their time trying to demonstrate why the PRESERVED written word of God is full of errors, denying that it actually IS preserved despite the proof and promise of God in Psalms 12:6-7 (which I'm sure your side could or already has picked apart and nullified based on word for word translations from the Greek)

Textual Criticism most certainly IS an attack on the preserved, written word of God. Moreover, there are excellent books that refute every criticism made by these "scholars" but I'm certain that you could only "stomach" the first 20 minutes of reading any of them, if you actually ever attempted. (I'm doubtful that you heard even 20 minutes)

I have a concerning, rhetorical question to ask; why are you so angry? Your comments drip with sarcasm and ad hominem attacks at me and those in agreement with me revealing your peculiar emotional upheaval toward this subject. Why can't you look at WHAT an opposing view is attempting to communicate without resorting to ad hominem attacks? It's quite possible that you are in a dangerous position without even noticing it. The Holy Spirit dictated the King James Bible and that is the truth no matter how long and to what degree you twist it.

You call me a "demonic cult" member. I would NEVER accuse you or anyone else of the same no matter what opinion you voiced simply because I cannot know whether or not you are saved (as I definitely know that I am saved) and accusing you of such would be an attack against the Holy Spirit (if you were genuinely saved) which is the ONLY unpardonable sin - blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. I can assure you (1 John 5:13) that I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit and SEALED (Ephesians 1:13) until the Day of Redemption (Ephesians 4:30). Perhaps your scholarly "professors" have negated the verse containing the unpardonable sin (Matthew 12:31) and found it to be inaccurate.

In your comments, you have described me and everyone like me who believes that God has preserved His written word and it is the KJV of the Bible, as belonging to a cult; when the truth is that we (mostly all) have all been saved, forgiven of all sins; sanctified and awaiting (again, mostly all of us) the soon coming Rapture of His Bride (all of us who are born again, alive and dead) at which time we will spend eternity with Him in GLORY, receiving ALL things from Him as an inheritance.

You have been deceived and your worldview in light of Scripture is seriously flawed. My only and last advice to you is to examine yourself whether or not you are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). This is the best advice that I could give to anyone. I have examined myself regarding this and I KNOW that what I have said here is TRUTH. I pray sincerely that you receive the love of the truth which I myself have received. (2 Thessalonians 2:10)

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PS: An interesting after thought on how you attack me personally when I never attacked you personally. I'll leave this at that.

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Wow, what an ungodly rant. I didn't like your Baptist preacher who couldn't stay on topic if his life could depend on it. An author of confusion. And you take great offence at that. Do a study on offence. I told you I used the KJV and was happy for you to be following something. I don't follow any reductionist denomination but the full Word of God only. You say and I quote, "I always WELCOME the opposite view when confronting debate topics and I look carefully at the entirety of opposing views of my critics, which is the only way to arrive at the truth in any matter, that is, to see ALL the evidence of a debate." Your whole rant proves this statement completely false. Indeed, talking out of both sides of your mouth. And that after saying, "I regret that I replied to your first comment. " You can't debate so you take offence. And then you quote me so incorrectly. You falsely say I called you a demonic cult member and then suggest I am not saved,.....if you even know what that means. You were correct when you said I didn't read the whole KJV thing I sent you because it was just to show that all bibles aren't perfect, but you read the whole thing because you showed yourself an angry legalist. There is no subtlety in you,....all knee jerk reactions. And then you suggest I am a liar; when I actually turned off your baptist dude just after 22 minutes. So there's a false accusation,.....hmmm, who in scripture does that describe? I happen to be a son of the most High, but you can't comprehend that. You try to attack my "scholarly professors" wherever that description came from,..it is a worldly academic term, and you know none of them. By accident you got close because a few of them have their own bible colleges. My report of your guy is from being a witness,...and your attack, like your baptist dude, is just angry hate against correction or anyone outside of the baptist huddle. Stiff necked comes to mind. You certainly have spiritual insight from where your whole rant came from, but it was from a spirit of fear and an unsound mind. Your pride will angrily and hatefully disagree with that,..but you will be judged by every word that comes out of your mouth. One thing I will never need to do with my exchange with you is repent of anything. I spoke the truth in love and it brought forth all your demons. Good day.

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LOL. Another collection of money for a fund in Hawaii. Like the other funds they stole over the past years. The pension fund 330 mil, the Hurricane relief fund (which was skimmed by their losing "investments") and anything else they can pilfer without ever addressing a problem with any actual solution. Just like those poor folks will never get back to Lahaina.

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So much important stuff, thank You Manuel!

IN regard to the first news from the richest. They sell their stuff, to WHOM??? Elon Musk??

Catherine Austin Fitss says the world's money supplies (the most from the richest of course) are 'disappearing', which would indicate a confiscation for a sudden change, due to 'artificial lack' of money.. Anything digital, i.e. equivalent to a thin air? In the meantime when they sell, what do they buy? Gold and precious metals?? Land and space? Or just nothing, they have too much of everything anyway, all what they need is the FINAL POWER over every HUMAN.

Just wonder who paid the TV fees of that dead UK woman?

The translation of the text on the poster of the polish farmers, throwing away the invader towards Russia(,,,,) is actually

''Hospitability is over, ungrateful mother f*ckers"

Boy, could this world be a paradise if everyone had the same attitude towards stealing like the Japanese...

Last but not least, sex is sex, and work for money in this area is called prostitution.

And now a bitter irony to the question:

"Is there a secret way to heal the body faster that we aren't told of? I think so, but I just haven’t found it yet…"

and answer ( sarcastic joke...), depending on who pays for the study, you can get this answer:

"Carrageenan-Based Compounds as Wound Healing Materials" (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9409225/)

To asnwer that question best it to get OLD books, articles, resources which are disappearing with an exponential tempo, describing these simple known facts about VitC, Vitamin D3, Alpha lipoic acid, Mg, iodine, even own urine, and so much more....

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Thank you!

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I'm going to listen to that whole Jimmy Dore show about building 7 because I look at ALL sides of any debate before settling on the truth IN ANY MATTER because I LOVE the truth. But first I'd like to mention the fact that MOST people in this world don't even KNOW about building 7 and how it collapsed, allegedly from "fires which began on the 17th floor".

Who could look at the collapses and believe ANYTHING other than controlled demolition??? AND, if it was controlled demolition in building 7, and the twin towers fell exactly the same way, how could anyone believe the "official" 9/11 Commission Report which says that they all collapsed by the "pancake theory" which I won't even bother to explain because my brain won't process such nonsense!

Another fact is that Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Center complex, while being interviewed for the news ADMITTED that building seven was a controlled demolition. Nobody knows about this either! From his own mouth...", “I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire, [in building 7] and I said, ‘We’ve had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse,'"

Question 9/11 truth denier: How could they make the decision to "pull it", very specific language of the profession of building demolition which means to push the button which will begin the carefully laid explosive chain reaction which explosives had been strategically placed to bring down the building - a process which takes WEEKS if not MONTHS to complete - if it had not been previously planned to be demolished? It would take complete access to all three buildings over that period of time and there is evidence of that also in the days leading up to the murders of 9/11.

The following is an excerpt from my book "Evolution: Fact or Fallacy by Jeremiah C Maddox (pseudonym) Who wired them [the buildings] and why did you allow it, Larry? Could it be that the complex was insured for over 2.25 billion dollars and MORE, all of which you collected DOUBLE INDEMNITY (4.5 billion dollars) from the insurance company later counting buildings one and two as TWO separate terrorist attacks?

And what’s up with the strange phone call you made to your insurance carrier ON THE DAY OF THE COLLAPSE and after the collapse of buildings one and two asking if you could suddenly “conduct a demolition of building 7" like you’re taking out the trash, because, you told them, the foundation had sustained damage? (not because of the previous excuse given of small fires) Are you trying to say that the foundation was inspected during the chaotic events of this day?

Who inspected it, Larry? Did you really think you could get away with so massive a lie? (but he did!) Did you expect anyone to believe you were intending to call in a demolition team after asking your insurance company for permission over the phone, like you’re ordering a pizza, requesting if you could authorize a demolition team to come out and completely wire a 47 story building that was ON FIRE, with all adjacent surrounding areas blocked by debris and in complete chaos, all in only a couple of hours to prepare to “pull it” for that perfect collapse that we all witnessed?

“Hello”, ACME Demolition Company? Ah, yes. This is Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Center. Could you hurry up and send over a demolition team to wire our building to demolish it this afternoon? It’s an emergency.”

I dedicated a whole chapter of my book to the inconsistencies and lies of 9/11 and there is so much more than what I mentioned here, available for ANYONE to know because these things are all over the internet! I wanted to show the similarity of the two (the lie of evolution and the lie of 9/11 and how the people are made to believe lies). It didn't take me long to write that chapter as there were hundreds of websites and links to the truth of what happened that day yet the whole world seems to believe the IMPOSSIBLE claims of the 9/11 Commission Report which is the biggest compilation of lies since Darwin's "Origin of the Species". And it's truths are also lapped up by most MSM watching, faithful people who, with all of the evidence before them, continue to ignore the truth in favor of the lie. So much more could be said.

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Another great "Round Up"!! Thanks, Manuel!!

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Yes. There is a secret way to heal your body. Your unconscious mind is more powerful than you know.

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"Always be afraid"?

I don't live in fear.

What a waste if you do.

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I repeat:

Nothing to see here.

Just an undercover video of Alexei Navalny asking MI6 Officer James Thomas Ford for $10-20 Million/year to start a color revolution in Russia.

He was organizing a coup & got arrested.

Was he also working with the CIA? @DC_Draino


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