Beware of false prophets, who come to you dressed in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for November 2, 2022...
Starlink, Super App X, Twitter, Neuralink. All of these are pieces of the "Mark of the Beast" System. And this is just a small part of the plan…
Rumble, a Toronto-based video hosting service similar to YouTube, which touts itself as pro-freedom of speech, has announced that users in France will no longer be able to access the site. The suspension came after a demand by Paris to remove some Russian news sources…

No tsunami warning after shallow magnitude 6 earthquake strikes west of California in Pacific…
Absurd and with no logical scientific reason… CDC quietly replaces 'pregnant women' with 'pregnant people' in flu vaccine advice to be inclusive to trans groups…
This sounds like just another play to drive up oil prices. Bake in perceived risk right before the election. I highly doubt Iran, struggling to kill as many of their youth as possible right now, is really gearing up for an invasion… Saudis tell US that Iran is prepping attack on kingdom…
It's rather ironic that the art piece was called "Four Winds" and it was wind that ultimately lead to the piece's demise. Thankfully no one was reported as hurt. Mount Kimbie art installation runs amok in Central London…
Deluge… Death toll from tropical storm Nalgae rises to 132, dozens missing in Philippines…
This is crazy… This guy turned his dead cat into a drone…
I wonder how much worse this got during the pandemic? 1 in 5 deaths of US adults 20 to 49 is from excessive drinking…
You know Chang and Eng Bunker, born in Thailand in 1811 as conjoined twins. But did you know they had a total of 21 children between them? Yes, they had 21 kids between the two of them and were married to sisters. Also, Chang died in his sleep and Eng woke up to find that… You probably want to know what happened after his twin died and how did he carry on with a dead twin attached to him? He died a few hours after…
Let's everybody concentrate on having it fall on Biden's head. Or maybe Trudeau, Macron, Putin, or Zelensky… Well there are so many… Please make a good move… 20-ton Chinese rocket set to make uncontrolled reentry to Earth…
I don't know what they're talking about. I've saved up a bunch of credit card debt :-)…
The author died in 2018. Cause of death "unknown"… A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind…
Nouriel Roubini on cconomic threats, dollar and fed… Not very fun to hear…
Nothing to see here… Judge orders armed group away from Arizona ballot drop boxes…
I’d have to imagine that Kim and his inner circle would shit themselves if one of their test launches actually damaged South Korea… N Korea fires 23 missiles, prompting air raid alert in South…
Release the surveillance footage / police body cam footage or STFU liars…
Is the black box getting bigger and more inexplicable? If so, then this is why I feel that if we are not extraordinarily careful in the next 3-5 years, then the AI could easily slip our control, while having no consciousness or self awareness. And the darndest thing is that we would think nothing was out of the ordinary… Scientists increasingly can’t explain how AI works…
Food blogger Julie Powell just died recently. You know the drill, "sudden and unexpected heart attack", but what really threw me was a twitter post from the day before she died talking about having a "black hairy tongue." What the hell is going on?
A lot of these accounts aren’t who they claim to be… Ultra-MAGA 'Hot Babe' Twitter account with over 26,000 followers turns out to be a Chinese spy…
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on COVID Orthodoxy, Fauci's Legacy, and War in Ukraine…
Praying for the snake's family through these hard times… You can send dontations directly to their Venomo… LOL! Cobra dies after being bitten by a child in Chhattisgarh, India…
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Thanks for reading Strange Sounds! Have a nice Monday…
Elon the Vampire Charlatan:
Elon is a serpent too. Plays both sides against the middle. My friend wants me to get starlink, and I laugh at him. Most people that don't pay close attention lose perspective on what is really going on with the 5G and AI. I don't bother explaining these things as it is like talking to a wall.
Doesn't is seem funny that Dorsey is gone, and Elon is taking over? They are both playing for team satan. Same with Schmuckerberg. Stay off social media, and all the new ones out there.
Regarding the tropical storm in the Philippians: drought and deluge. That is the result of geoengineering; SRM (solar radiation management) and SAI (stratospheric aerosol injection) All of our water that should be in Lake mead, the Co. river and the Mississippi river is going to other places in the world where God's natural weather patterns would never take it. Just look at channels like Signs of the Times ( latest video) and World of Signs ( latest video) on Youtube for visual proof the MSM would never show the world. The military industrial complex is destroying this earth but there is good news. Our Great God will destroy them,
"...And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth." Revelation 11:18
Also, go and support Dane Wigington of He is making great strides to expose the nefarious plans of the wicked who are destroying this earth. These are the end times, folks. Anyone who could see everything we who are awake and aware see could not deny this fact. Very good things are coming to those who love Jesus Christ. That is rock solid truth.
It will happen suddenly and without warning. Millions will disappear. We were not taken by aliens; excuse they will use as they will try to explain our disappearance away. Every young child (before the age of accountability) will also disappear. Mothers will be mourning for their lost babies. Pregnant mothers will mourn over the disappearance of the babies from their wombs, the world will be in chaos! Never fear, we are now gone from this wicked world and with Jesus Christ for all eternity! Maranatha! Even so, come Lord Jesus!