Lemur Video:

Even more interesting---The Lemur has fashioned a tool to pick its nose.

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That's a sight to see

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While we threaten war with both China and Russia, we are buddy-buddy with the same countries regarding Antarctica and Space travel, guess I'll throw in bio-warfare and bio-labs too. I suppose they take us all as fools. Shaking My Head (...no offense Sean :) )

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"It's a big club, and we ain't in it."

---George Carlin

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Hilarious, I used that quote today in a Faceplant post. May have been agnostic or even an atheist, hopefully he figured that part out before he croaked, but definitely knew his stuff way before most of us figured it out.

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I think George Carlin hated organized religion and all the hypocrisy that it churned out throughout millenia. That's what the enemy of our souls wants us to think, that God is entirely focused on religion which is not even remotely true. It's about relationship with the only one who died on the cross for the whole world's sin. Jesus. I liked George but I hope he cried out to God before his last breath was taken. Jesus is coming back and you don't want to be here when the endtime feces hits the proverbial fan. Repentence is just a prayer away. God bless you.

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Agreed, it's about the "relationship"-- exactly. Carlin did attack organized religion, rightly so, but I also seen him enough that I know he took some personal stabs at God too. But I can't judge his heart condition, hopefully towards the end he at least went the route of the "thief on the cross" and gained his salvation at the end.

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Oh Lord I hope so MadRambler.

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Chris, you are absolutely right. ALL of man's efforts to get to God (religion) are futile. The Bible teaches us that Christianity (TRUE, Bible Christianity, not modern churchianity) is NOT a religion but the ONLY belief system whereby God reaches out to us, fulfilling the requirement of the abolishment of our sins by belief in His Propitiation at the Cross of Calvary. He removes our sins which separate us from God our Creator thereby making those who believe the provable, historical fact of His giving of His life and shedding of His Blood as if we had never sinned, past, present and future sins abolished. By the way, the moniker you use beside your name is a Roman Catholic/ Eastern Orthodox version of what our Savior looks like and many believe that when antichrist comes, he will look very similar to what the world believes that Jesus looked like. Many who have also claimed to be the Messiah have looked this way as part of their false claims of being Christ. It is impossible that Jesus had light skin, long straight hair and blue eyes, as the RCC makes Him out to appear. Look into this truth. Blessings to you for speaking up for Jesus in this world which is so removed from the truth. We live in an age which, in order to know the truth we must LOVE the truth and loving the truth means scrutinizing EVERYTHING we think we know or that we have been taught. - Jimd

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Hey JimD! Thanks for the thumbs up! Have you heard of Jimmy Evans and his weekly installments called tipping point? Go to endtimes.com and become a subscriber. It's only 7bux a month and you and I can interact off of Pastor Jimmy's endtime content! As far as what Jesus looked like, I don't put a lot of concern in that facet of my faith but I hear ya! Thanks again for the thumbs up!

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i HAVE a charge for 26.27, I didn't donate that much or an od amount, please cancel anything future and credit my charge account the $26.27

Thank you

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Paypal? Where did you pay that? Best, Manuel

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Regarding the John Stewart video above, how quickly things change. It was a nice interjection of humor, especially the part where John was apparently squirting hand sanitizer in his eyes to "stop seeing" Biden groping that young girl. I remember when that happened like it was yesterday but I had never seen the John Stewart clip. I laughed out loud.

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Well, that will stop all the black people in Western nations turning white then, according to the theory that is, though I do not really believe that black people will really turn completely white after living here for 10,000 years, anymore than I believe we can all turn into dolphins and 'return to the sea'.

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The biggest absurdity of our midterm elections is that every jackass in mainstream media pretends we have free and fair elections. "Get out and vote."

Yeah, so if you went to Vegas, and knew a game was crooked and rigged ---would you waste your time and money playing?

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My faith is in God's Word. Everything's crumbling. If I was a betting man I would bet I wouldn't see 2023. (Hoping my Saviour takes me and 1 billion others out of this demonic controlled prophetic scenario called life on earth)

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Very intresting to hear <a href="https://biosevenipal.com/">Jual IPAL</a>

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