Ya gotta love the Babylon Bee with the Iwo Jima Pride Flag thing - problem is, the line between satire and reality has become exceedingly thin these days. Sometimes I feel like I've fallen into a Salvatore Dali painting or I'm on one of those never-ending staircases in an M.C. Escher poster. SURREAL!

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Yep, I like them...

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more like Dantes inferno

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Except we never seem to reach that circle of hell where the guilty actually get punished -

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Oh M.C. I wish I could draw and shade like that. It really is, melting into oblivion.

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Wow, amazing resemblance with the Obama bros...

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The children from the Obama, more than likely. Not theirs.

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Joan Rivers knew something she should have kept to herself. She may still be alive today.

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thank you

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The man living underwater, his age reversed 10 years. This is no surprise to me. I have studied hyperbaric chambers and how they affect the human body. This evidence isn't new either. Hyperbaric therapy was known about as early as the 17th century forward and was being widely popularized until the elite controllers realized that it would harm their burgeoning petro pharmaceutical industry. It was demonized falsely and a new "disease" was created (sound familiar?) called "Caisson disease" claiming that the underwater bridge workers in sealed chambers constructed to work on the bridge foundations were complaining of many maladies including crippling joint pain which they blamed on hyperbaric conditions.

I believe I mentioned the "steel ball hospital" on this thread before which was a multi story hospital built in 1928 by Orville J. Cunningham with funds offered by Ohio inventor and businessman Henry Timken, inventor of the namesake roller bearing. The hospital was pumped up to 60 psi and oxygen levels increased depending on the treatments. Long story short, the AMA, an elite controlled alphabet agency growing in corruption over the years to this very day, shut the Steel Ball Hospital down and the scrap was used for the soon to be fomented WW2.

It is believed by Young-Earth Creationists that the world before the great deluge (of which when studied shows abundant evidence yet science has imagined a completely different history of the earth) was surrounded by a sphere of water, frozen of course which encircled the globe according to Genesis 1:6 and it is called the Canopy Theory. It is estimated that the air pressure under the canopy would have been increased multifold. It is also known by analyzing the air bubbles trapped in amber that the oxygen levels were also greatly increased over that of the modern age. In essence, man lived in a giant hyperbaric chamber! There is no doubt in my mind that this was true and was the reason that men in the pre flood era lived to be nearly 1000 years old! In fact the oldest man recorded in Scripture was Methuselah who lived to be 969 years old!

The truth is being covered up (imagine that) about the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the story of this doctor living underwater for months and coming up 10 YEARS YOUNGER is sure to raise the eyebrows of some interested and honest physicians (if there are any left) and hopefully (should) go mainstream alerting the public to the suppressed medical benefits of HBOT.

I am going to search for more info about this man and what kind of chamber was used. I wonder if the oxygen level was increased as well. I don't hold out much hope that anything that is actually GOOD for us will be embraced by the AMA since they, along with every other government alphabet agency has been taken over by the pharmaceutical industry including every government of the world in this age.

ALERT: Run on sentence ahead! And with the latest efforts of the medial/pharma industry to cull the population of the world SUCCESSFULLY murdering innocent people in hospitals with PROVEN toxic drugs which they used to treat a disease which THEY created with special increased volatility (gain of function research) to make it MORE deadly (which failed because it wasn't deadly) and spread through the very TESTS that they promoted everyone to take to detect a COLD or Flu which had less morbidity than the common seasonal flu (!!!) AND the reason that they pushed a SHOT with MRNA technology on the entire globe, I doubt that anything good will come out of this except the man in the story has increased his longevity.

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That photo of the Obamas has been photoshopped to make her look like a guy. Easy enough to find the real photo here:


Seriously, there are lots of photos of Michelle as a little girl and young woman. Isn't there enough damning evidence of the evil-doing of the Obamas and their minions without making stuff up?

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The fact is that we don't know what is truth and what is not in this age. This is the age of deception. We now have AI making extremely convincing videos of complete reversal of facts. I do agree with you about keeping focused on what we think we do know but it is compelling that Joan Rivers turned up dead after making that comment. But as I said, it's nearly impossible to prove anything anymore.

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True - this is the age of deception for sure. Newspeak abounds, deep fakes, etc.

Having studied probability theory, I know startling coincidences are very common and completely random and meaningless, and Joan Rivers is one of many women who died on the altar of vanity. People who have elective plastic surgery under general anesthesia in doctor's offices, especially at her age? Those who refuse to take the considerable risks of surgery seriously sometimes do so at their own peril.

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