In my opinion, the Aurora seems more likely due to the recent HAARP activation than CMEs.


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That and perhaps our weakening magnetic shield.

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The Aurora's Have nothing to do with HAARP as stated below. The magnetic field which protects the earth has been weakening since the Carrington event of 1859. At present it is something like 70% of it's full strength but it along with the current pole shift which began at the same time is accelerating. A very good source for information on this is SuspiciousObservers on Youtube. In fact he showed in a recent one how this event was the SIXTH one this year, which is never been recorded before. Also the north and south pole have begun moving faster also. The southern Pole has left Antarctica is is moving northward and the North pole has moved past the geographic north point and is headed to Siberia to the south of it. What is coming is far worse then anything the media and those in authority want you to know, Why do you think there are all the distractions?

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I am with you!

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Amazing sights of the aurora.


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Thank you. Some of the links don't work, but I found if you copy/paste the title into Google, you can get the article. In case anyone else runs into this.

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Fantastic collection today Manuel.

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If the manifesto is being censored widely, you can pretty much be assured it is genuine.

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There is no such thing as CME, unless you take your 411 from Nazi NASA. That, is not from the sun. But believe as you wish. You're doing Satan's bidding and I'm sure he's proud of his NASA following Padawan

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