International Men's Day is November 19, although Google won't post a doodle about that on their page. The UN calls November 19 "International Toilet Day".
In the USA, there are 10 Offices for Women's Health, and zero offices for Men's Health, despite the fact that men account for 80% of suicides, die at younger ages and in greater numbers from every major cause of death in the USA.
On the Democratic Party's "who we serve" page, they state that they serve women, but not men.
If you are all in with feminism, have at it. But us normies believe that men's lives matter as much as women's lives do.
Yep, I love women... Nothing about feminism... Without my mom, I wouldn't be there... Without my wife, I wouldn't have my kids... And it's nice to remember this on this day... Actually I remember this everyday... I will also hug my father and my brother on November 19... And i hope I won't forget to write a post about it... So nice to have beautiful and lovely women and men around me...
I love women too. What man doesn't? Oops, don't ask that question. But in the early 1960s, during the introduction of the age of Aquarius, satan convinced women they were getting the short end of the stick and women began to rebel against everything that God created a woman to do. They burned their bras and demanded equality. THAT was the beginning of the end of society, actually, it was the SECOND major disruption in the nature of things...Darwinism was first. The "equal rights" claim which fostered the feminist movement known back then as "Women's Liberation" or women's "LIB", is the very source of every bit of gender insanity we see around us today and was the destruction of the family unit and the decline of "moral" society. Women wanted to be equal to men in every way yet God created them so very different. And what most women disagree with VEHEMENTLY is the fact that God created woman FOR man and FROM man. He created woman as a "help meet" to man when God said, "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Genesis 2:18
Illegal eggs. Now I've heard it all. But as silly as it is, the reason for it enrages me!!! All in the name of "Bird flu" which is part of the whole PESTILIENCE of the last days.
When I read about pestilence in the Bible back in the 90s, I had no idea what it meant. I thought it was locust plagues or something. Now I see it's the nefarious activity of the wickedness of these days in 100s of "biolabs" which exist for only ONE reason; to turn God's natural world against mankind! And they're partly successful. Look up Entamoeba Histolitica.
Prior to the early 1990s there wasn't much use for this single celled organism but fast forward to the late 90s and they were using it to carry deadly viruses and to infect animals and humans. 10,000 people die annually from Entamoeba Histolytica and who knows what else they are doing with this
and other unwittingly clandestine weapons of biological warfare.
Anyone that was around in the 1980s and had an entry level Biology class knows that the single celled protozoa called the Amoeba was a harmless pond dwelling creature which, if found in the body was quickly destroyed by our white blood cells, part of our amazing immune system. However, biologists like the wicked Anthony Fuaci saw the deadly potential of this ubiquitous and harmless pond dwelling creature and began experimenting with it AND the white blood cells of our immune system (by the way, this is the sort of thing being carried out in over 250 KNOWN biolabs in this world; we don't know about the ones we don't know about ; ) i.e. the underground biolabs which don't even bother with attempting to put up a front which appears from the outside that their existence is for the BENEFIT of mankind) and transformed it into a killer.
I used to swim in ponds and lakes when I was a child CONSTANTLY. I had lake water up my nose more times than I can remember. One would be a fool to allow pond and lake water up their noses today because that little amoeba, which was easily destroyed by our immune systems then, has been given a GAIN OF FUNCTION and can now elude our immune system and eat our brains.
How's it feel to know that there is a wicked cabal which is supposed to GOVERN US and help us but in the harsh reality of this world, they actually want to KILL us and they are constantly seeking new ways to reduce our numbers?
Regarding the Hackman debacle. Ridiculous. As Judge Judy always says, “if it doesn’t make sense… It’s a LIE.”
As for the poor dog… No one starves in one week. I’ve seen people fast for 40 days. But you can die from lack of water. Food takes much longer.
I’m not saying it’s impossible that his wife died first and possibly due to Alzheimer’s or grief… He did nothing.
Really doesn’t make a lot of sense though. Unless, they lead separate lives on separate wings of the house. That would almost make more sense to me. A couple that’s been together for so long they can’t stand each other. And he didn’t even realize she was gone. Still doesn’t explain the dog though. Unless she was the primary caregiver to the dogs. Too many loose ends here makes everything very SUS.
Thank you for all of the links! Bless you!
What a story for an International Woman’s Day... Here another one, 10 years older, from Satnford, sorry, Stanford:
a case described even in wiki:
Putin's Party Gifts Meat Grinder To Mother Of Soldier Killed In Ukraine War???
This school test 'smells like' a Common Core idea.. That's Bill Gates' greatest 'gift' for future generations... Gift in German means poison..
It really looks like less and less SANITY all over our planet.
Thank You Manuel.
What a great story. There are some very strong people in this world with big hearts.
God Bless and thank you.
International Men's Day is November 19, although Google won't post a doodle about that on their page. The UN calls November 19 "International Toilet Day".
In the USA, there are 10 Offices for Women's Health, and zero offices for Men's Health, despite the fact that men account for 80% of suicides, die at younger ages and in greater numbers from every major cause of death in the USA.
On the Democratic Party's "who we serve" page, they state that they serve women, but not men.
If you are all in with feminism, have at it. But us normies believe that men's lives matter as much as women's lives do.
Yep, I love women... Nothing about feminism... Without my mom, I wouldn't be there... Without my wife, I wouldn't have my kids... And it's nice to remember this on this day... Actually I remember this everyday... I will also hug my father and my brother on November 19... And i hope I won't forget to write a post about it... So nice to have beautiful and lovely women and men around me...
I love women too. What man doesn't? Oops, don't ask that question. But in the early 1960s, during the introduction of the age of Aquarius, satan convinced women they were getting the short end of the stick and women began to rebel against everything that God created a woman to do. They burned their bras and demanded equality. THAT was the beginning of the end of society, actually, it was the SECOND major disruption in the nature of things...Darwinism was first. The "equal rights" claim which fostered the feminist movement known back then as "Women's Liberation" or women's "LIB", is the very source of every bit of gender insanity we see around us today and was the destruction of the family unit and the decline of "moral" society. Women wanted to be equal to men in every way yet God created them so very different. And what most women disagree with VEHEMENTLY is the fact that God created woman FOR man and FROM man. He created woman as a "help meet" to man when God said, "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Genesis 2:18
Illegal eggs. Now I've heard it all. But as silly as it is, the reason for it enrages me!!! All in the name of "Bird flu" which is part of the whole PESTILIENCE of the last days.
When I read about pestilence in the Bible back in the 90s, I had no idea what it meant. I thought it was locust plagues or something. Now I see it's the nefarious activity of the wickedness of these days in 100s of "biolabs" which exist for only ONE reason; to turn God's natural world against mankind! And they're partly successful. Look up Entamoeba Histolitica.
Prior to the early 1990s there wasn't much use for this single celled organism but fast forward to the late 90s and they were using it to carry deadly viruses and to infect animals and humans. 10,000 people die annually from Entamoeba Histolytica and who knows what else they are doing with this
and other unwittingly clandestine weapons of biological warfare.
Anyone that was around in the 1980s and had an entry level Biology class knows that the single celled protozoa called the Amoeba was a harmless pond dwelling creature which, if found in the body was quickly destroyed by our white blood cells, part of our amazing immune system. However, biologists like the wicked Anthony Fuaci saw the deadly potential of this ubiquitous and harmless pond dwelling creature and began experimenting with it AND the white blood cells of our immune system (by the way, this is the sort of thing being carried out in over 250 KNOWN biolabs in this world; we don't know about the ones we don't know about ; ) i.e. the underground biolabs which don't even bother with attempting to put up a front which appears from the outside that their existence is for the BENEFIT of mankind) and transformed it into a killer.
I used to swim in ponds and lakes when I was a child CONSTANTLY. I had lake water up my nose more times than I can remember. One would be a fool to allow pond and lake water up their noses today because that little amoeba, which was easily destroyed by our immune systems then, has been given a GAIN OF FUNCTION and can now elude our immune system and eat our brains.
How's it feel to know that there is a wicked cabal which is supposed to GOVERN US and help us but in the harsh reality of this world, they actually want to KILL us and they are constantly seeking new ways to reduce our numbers?
Regarding the Hackman debacle. Ridiculous. As Judge Judy always says, “if it doesn’t make sense… It’s a LIE.”
As for the poor dog… No one starves in one week. I’ve seen people fast for 40 days. But you can die from lack of water. Food takes much longer.
I’m not saying it’s impossible that his wife died first and possibly due to Alzheimer’s or grief… He did nothing.
Really doesn’t make a lot of sense though. Unless, they lead separate lives on separate wings of the house. That would almost make more sense to me. A couple that’s been together for so long they can’t stand each other. And he didn’t even realize she was gone. Still doesn’t explain the dog though. Unless she was the primary caregiver to the dogs. Too many loose ends here makes everything very SUS.
“Still waiting on a single solid revelation about ANYTHING…”
Perfect! Couldn’t have said it better myself. Love your sense of humor.!
I hear Jeopardy music playing in the background, for the last eight years….