Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Hi Manuel, Thanks for another interesting read. I live in Hawaii and swim regularly in the ocean. Here are my thoughts on that "Dept of Land and Natural Resources" video. 1) If these folks were dropped off by a tourist boat amongst a sleeping pod, they would be in violation of DLNR's rule regarding this activity. But DLNR doesn't really bother to enforce much of anything (probably depends on how much $ the tour operator donates to the investigating officers). 2) Frequently we swim amongst the dolphins that "hang out" along our shoreline. In fact they like to congregate in the areas were people are recreating and they swim among us.

Trust me that if the dolphins wanted to split, you wouldn't have a hope of swimming after them as this video shows. Silly DLNR. Maybe they should actually do something that matters. But as they say, low hanging fruit is easy. Right?



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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Off Main Topic:

Transdemon mass murder followed by Transdemon day of vengeance, and President Trump indicted on bogus charges from a sørøs D.A. within a 24 hour period.

A perfect storm for a false flag incident. Let's see what happens tomorrow. Marxist playbook 101 as far as I am concerned.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Fox News Survey:

Meh! Shaping opinions with fake polls. Before they shilled for President Trump(for ratings) they were in the tank for Jeb and Rubio. They have never been Conservative News. 99% of real Conservatives hate Fox news as much as they hate cnn and msnbc. They are all perverts, pedohomos, and propagandists.

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Wow, lots of good stuff today. Regarding the story about pets reducing food allergies in prenatal and newborn to toddler children: I know what might stop ALL of the food allergies...STOP sticking children with needles! From the CDC website, babies from birth to 15 months receive a minimum of EIGHTEEN "vaccinations" and that doesn't include the deadly Covid, clot shot now added to the list! God created babies with the most rigorous immune systems imaginable, capable of protecting them from ANY disease during those critical first few hours of life outside the womb. MOREOVER, in the breast milk of the mother is colostrum, (but who breastfeeds anymore?) a cocktail of beneficial amino acids, antiviral and antibacterial components which further protect the baby from illness. But they "need" 19 intrusive, chemical toxins, many which contain Thimerisol which is a fancy name for MERCURY, put into their blood immediately after birth? An additional 18 shots are required up until the age of 18 years! That's 38 shots in 18 years and we wonder why the health of our children (the ones that are not stillborn and the ones that have avoided the destruction of fertility in both men and women) is failing!

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I'm a new subscriber, and y'all are already one of my favorites. Thanks for the daily run down of in case you missed it :)

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 31, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Tactical Nukes:

I am 100% against use of these, and I love weaponry. Problem is environmental risk and risk of escalation.

Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone were great tv shows in their day. We all wanted to be those guys as kids. Rosie Greer was on Daniel Boone's show. So they had "inclusivity" back then too. Star Trek had "inclusivity" too. Everybody got along fine in those days. Media lies about it, but people were not as polarized back then.

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Mar 30, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Pro Sports and Propaganda Jersey:

Keep politics out of sports ---period! Baseball season started today, and I don't want that sport soiled with rainbow faggotry like all the other sports already ruined. Quit pissing off your customers!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Relating to the dolphin harassment video: I posted this on the video site on Youtube: Where the heck is the "harassment"? They were simply swimming and trying to get closer to nature. (That is, as far as the video shows; maybe something else had been involved like someone shooting harpoons at them but I'm sure that would have been highlighted in the video) Those dolphins can swim at speeds up to 25 mph; notice how they didn't swim away but merely kept distance from the swimmers. The dolphins were as curious as the onlookers! The Hawaii authorities actually spent manpower to try to arrest 33 people who were simply trying to get a better view of dolphins and get closer to nature???? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?????

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

One of the very few vestiges of our Constitutional freedoms which has not been redacted or tampered with is our right to a jury of our peers. While MOST of the people in this country do NOT represent the current tyrannical elite involved in the takedown of this country I would say that 8 people being able to decide the fate of a murder/rapist who kills children would be very good news. Just like the wacko we saw on yesterday's substack who got 3000 years (utterly ridiculous) in prison. That animal would have definitely been sentenced to death under Fla.'s new. That is if the jury has been completely untampered. The jury is one of the few things the elite can't get their hands on...yet. I think it's a good bill and should pass unanimously. (but it probably won't)

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Great story in MO. Scary.

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I wonder if the people getting infected with fungi around the world are immunocompromised due to the vaccinations?

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Narcan: if I had that, my son might be alive today.

If a pig can catch it, so can a human and pretty much vice-versa. This is why researchers prefer to work with swine rather than monkeys. Monkeys just aren’t there for us. Cattle-wise, it sounds like another chicken-virus scam. The price of eggs is dropping since liberals were caught at that one, so now they need to scare hungry children away from dairy and beef. Liberal is as nazi does.

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