22 hrs ago·edited 22 hrs agoLiked by Strange Sounds

They attach to your lower chakras and harvest loosh energy from you. They hate humans and see them as cattle to be enslaved, exploited, and recycled…

"Sodomy opens what are called the “Typhonion” tunnels, channels through which extremely powerful demons, like the horrible Choronzon, can travel from the “alternate reality” and emerge into this universe and enter the sex partner’s body. Sex (especially lustful and disconnected sex) is a major way in which demonic oppression can be passed from one person to another.” Satanic ritual abuse taught by pedophile Aleister Crowley involved sodomizing babies that then caused them to be more susceptible to demonic control. Those demons may attach to the lower chakras. Christ can deliver those people from demonic oppression.


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24 hrs agoLiked by Strange Sounds

485 million years. 🤣 Can we prove it? Or can we say what earth was doing? Can we prove anyone or anything animals whatever was on earth? Biblically we can only prove what was recorded, about 12000 years from Adam to now.

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Sep 23Liked by Strange Sounds


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Sep 22Liked by Strange Sounds

Pee Diddy!

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Numerous sources, including The Hill and Politico, still have that debunked story from January this year about Hydroxychloroquine causing 17,000 deaths. What a crock - a drug millions of patients have been taking safely for decades.

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How exactly did we suddenly "capture" 485 million years' worth of climate data? And where is the hard evidence of interdimensional lizard people harvesting our chakras? Where is the evidence that chakras are a real thing? Most of the time, the simplest explanation (not requiring a supernatural cause), is the correct one, so I remain skeptical.

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Ole D. just put out a new video with M. Jaco!! Astounding!!!

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