"The Sun is not behaving as scientists predicted".

i'm starting to believe that "$cientists" are the most stupid people on earth. Legislation and tyranny are enforced through their "findings", yet it seems for the last fifty or sixty years, they've been wrong about EVERYTHING. Covid, masks, pandemic effects, gender, the climate cycle (global cooling, then when that didn't cause panic, they ran with global warming, and when that didn't cause panic, the seasons became a false flag alert called 'climate change'), et cetera, et alia, ad nauseum. Maybe we should all stick to what we've known to be true via experience our whole lives and ignore the educated idiots.

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Well I finally had to subscribe - scared I might miss something!

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Good for the Sheriff for going against that governor. I would too and I hope everyone else does also. She said, "No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute." She just told the world that her OATH can't be trusted!!! And this is how they will try to get all the guns from we the people... BY LYING - MAKING AND OATH AND THEN BREAKING IT. It's the same for all those lying, woke, freedom and God hating liberal puppet politicians like this NM Gov. (I'm not even going to address her by name)

Furthermore, allowing women to hold positions like state governor is also inviting tyranny. (I'll bet I get a rise out of people for saying that : ) But I'm a Bible believer and the whole "equal rights" for women agenda is AGAINST OUR CREATOR GOD because He clearly didn't make us the same. We AREN'T equal. And everyone knew that until the 1960s when the deep state fomented the war against the sexes creating the "women's liberation" movement. This travesty has given rise to EVERY modern insane social dilemma and gender dysphoria we see on the modern cultural front including the transgender insanity and psychotic mutilation of our young in the public schools and it was all done BY DESIGN. Divide and conquer.

But before ANY of that could be done, they had to discredit the Bible, God and His Creation narrative by introducing Darwinism. The Bible was the very first thing to go yet the constitution of the USA was BUILT upon Biblical principals. See how orchestrated this was? And look where it has brought us. On second thought, don't look. It all makes me want to wretch.

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Thank you Manuel. I look forward to this every day.

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Another excellent collection, I tried sharing the heck out of a bunch of today's gems! Thank you brother!

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New cars are completely wired so that when the time comes, nobody can escape the brown shirts. Various rants ahead: I bought my daughter a 2022 Honda Civic Touring edition off the showroom floor with every bell and whistle currently available. I never dreamed a Honda Civic would ever cost more than 30K when they came out in 1978 with the Honda CVCC!

Anyway, I got it for her high school graduation and the more I drive it, the more I hate it. We take road trips in it a couple times/year. She doesn't seem to mind that when you pull into a parking space, warning alarms and lights flash saying "object approaching" or something like that. It also slows the car down by ACTUALLY APPLYING THE BRAKES FOR YOU if you follow what the car perceives is "too close" behind another car with the cruise control on. It even will drive hands free if the lines on the road are clear enough.

Anyone who thinks the car companies were not in (cahoots) with the deep state and the CEOs privy to the plan when the proverbial dung hits the fan, think again. Oh, sure, the manual says you the user can "turn off" these warnings and make it (appear to) drive normally but who is going to believe that these "off switches" can't be overridden by the manufacturer and turned back on and MORE by Ai, Bluetooth perps with the remote to YOUR car in their hands, wielding full control including locking you IN the car (by not allowing the seat belt to be released or the doors being unlocked) and heading for the nearest FEMA detainment center or FEMA train depot when the time comes?

They have been planning this for many decades all under the guise of benefiting YOU like the seatbelt LAW (and the clot shot) which is 100% unconstitutional. Just like the clot shot, I REFUSED to wear my seatbelt many years ago. I simply buy seatbelt "extensions" for fat people who can't buckle their seatbelts without them. (no, I don't need that) just to turn off their stupid seatbelt warning chime; (THAT should be against the law!!!) They click into the female seatbelt latch and shut off the annoying alarms that bug you until you finally "click it or ticket" as the cutsie PA billboard slogan says.

A friend of mine many years ago, actually a Pennsylvania cop, lost control while speeding and wrapped his C-4 Corvette around a telephone pole completely destroying the drivers and passengers compartment. The car was folded completely in half and it's front and rear bumpers were nearly touching. Sam was THROWN FROM THE VEHICLE (before impact of course) and received only some road rash and a few gnarly cuts and scrapes. Had he been wearing his seatbelt, well, he would been taken away in an ambulance in several plastic totes with much of him still plastered to the car's interior! This was in the early 80s. Today, everyone (98%, just a few less percent than took their shot and boosters like good little sheep) wears their seatbelts and this is also by design.

Tell me, in a world that made sense, if there were only ONE incident like Sam's, (but there are MANY) how can they force anyone to wear a restraining device if they feel they have a better chance of survival? I say NO! You cannot MAKE me do anything I don't want to do! (except pay taxes but that's a complete rant for another time) THAT was one of the first hints of tyranny in the states.

It's gotten to the point that if you can imagine it, it's the TRUTH. Except, of course, anything you can imagine for your own GOOD.

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