Do you remember that? You better be prepared because the next Big One is going to happen no matter how much you want to deny it...
Yout daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for March 11, 2023...
Today 12 years ago, Japan was rocked violently for almost 6 minutes by one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded… Remember the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami…
Here are two great articles about the lurking Cascadia subduction Zone earthquake and tsunami and the overdue New Madrid Seismic Zone catastrophic quake … Be ready!
America will be soon approaching its 250th year. What makes this interesting is that the average length of most empires is 250 years…
After suggesting to murder pro-life Americans, now pro-abortion activist Jane Fonda asks for redemption. Disgusting…
This is another big China coup… Regional rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia agree to restore their ties after years of tensions with help of Chinese mediation…
Stare into my eyes…

‘It is not a crime to give someone the finger. Flipping the proverbial bird is a God-given, Charter enshrined right that belongs to every red-blooded Canadian’… I would say it’s true… but the MSM isn’t ok with it…
These architects must be making a killing… Every other week there is some 20 year plan to build a 500 billion dollar line in the desert… I would say it’s a nice way to wash money…
Please tell me how many I need to light up my apartment, most importantly at Halloween and Christmas… Newly discovered enzyme turns air into electricity, providing a new clean source of energy…
Sulfur Cave in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, is full of gases so toxic that a person who enters would pass out after just a few breaths. In this extreme environment, devoid of sunlight, scientists found tiny blood-red worms that were described as a new species and may not be found anywhere else on Earth… But maybe on other planets…
What? How dare you? Russia is supplying enriched uranium to China… What they don’t want you to know is that Russian uranium exports have been excluded from sanctions. And, yes! they are also supplying the US and most of Europe…
People gathering outside the bank following the second largest bank collapse in US history…

SVB will also have big consequences for the crypto market… USDC the safest stablecoin in crypto market depegs after Silicon Valley Bank collapse…
Ironically, just 4 days ago, Forbes put SVB on its list of America's best banks…

LOL! FBI always fails… The kangaroo court proceedings have encountered unexpected turbulence. Unintentionally leaked chat logs prove the FBI intentionally destroyed 338 items of evidence concerning Proud Boys trial…
Proceeds to write the most nasty scat inspired piece of smut ever imagined… This is an assignment from a local high school…

Do you really think Russia is missing weapons? No way… Russia pounds Ukraine with barrage of rare hypersonic missile…
Well, good luck! Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of Wagner PMC: ‘In 2024 I will run for the presidency of Ukraine’ —
The origins of the 15cm statue found near an Australian beach remain a mystery. Could it have been left there by 15th-century Chinese explorers? Or maybe it’s just that somebody got the statue later and left it there…
The big guy got his 10%… Biden expected to approve enormous oil drilling project in blow to climate activists…

Impressive videos of another eruption in Indonesia… Powerful eruption of Merapi volcano covers villages in ash – Risk of volcanic mudflows…
A volcanic eruption appears imminent in Alaska, west of the city of Adak. This could occur at either the Tanaga or Takwangha volcanoes, which have altogether both not erupted since 1914. As a strong swarm of earthquakes is ongoing, the alert level of both of these volcanoes was raised from yellow to orange on March 9th. Additionally, possible harmonic tremor was detected, alongside likely magmatic uplift…
In European case law, embryos are specifically not seen as either a thing or a person just to prevent scenarios like this… Judge uses a slavery law to rule frozen embryos are property…
In Netherlands, the army is waiting fo the farmers…

Chemtrails? Nearly everyone is exposed to unhealthy levels of tiny air pollutants, study says…
Terrifying… Atmospheric River brings major flooding to CA…
Your pet could be next… Toxic red tide is back to Florida’s gulf coast with thousands of dead fish covering water and beaches…
'Flu' has become a control mechanism. Obedience is the test… China announces lockdown plans for the FLU… Officials spark fury by warning areas may be shut down to quell outbreaks of the common virus…

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Girl with Dialated Pupil:
She's cute to me? Nerve pain does suck. She needs a massage, that's all.🤣
An old friend lived in Japan when this happend. He has ptsd troubles from it. Jane Fonda has a family history of mental stuff, she also was married to Ted Turner, so she doesn't really have sound mind. Her face lifts have really tweaked her brain as well seems. Oh and nice wig Jane.
Love me some David Icke.