My roomie in Phoenix had this happen to her. But ahh, it was because of something else. Lol. Don't want to be inappropriate. Lol. Just, I don't know think about it I guess. Ha. Take care. Coffee time for me.
An old friend lived in Japan when this happend. He has ptsd troubles from it. Jane Fonda has a family history of mental stuff, she also was married to Ted Turner, so she doesn't really have sound mind. Her face lifts have really tweaked her brain as well seems. Oh and nice wig Jane.
Most of the world is believing lies at this point. It is the lead up to the "strong delusion" of 2 Thessalonians 2:11 which will occur in the tribulation, directly after millions disappear and they tell the world it was the aliens that took us. It was NOT! God took us!!! And everyone who desires to go still can go!
Just BELIEVE in your heart that Jesus is God and His Sacrifice of the shedding of His Blood is sufficient for your redemption from your sins. It's that simple. If you don't believe (not directed at you, Mellie, I mean anyone) you will be left here to suffer the wrath of God poured out on this earth.
Most don't believe because they don't SEEK to understand! They have believed what OTHERS have told them their entire lives! Read the Bible. Start in Romans in the New Testament. Seek to understand Him with your own mind while there is still time to escape.
You can be saved later but you will either die by the catastrophes coming (see Revelation 8-10 for a glimpse) or by beheading if you survive all else. It will not be pleasant in the least. Billions will die.
We are living in the very last days before the tribulation. This is great news if you're saved but if you're not, it is the worst news you can hear. As a saved and sanctified believer in God's Plan, I would be remiss if I didn't warn everyone that I possibly can. Hope to see you soon!
@Uretskyaviation on Instagram just posted pictures of a super king air with super spreaders for cloud seeding yet you are a conspiracy theorist if you think chemtrails exist. The comments in the post are from fellow cloud seeders.
I constantly hear helicopters flying low over my area, now I know why! I have to go outside next time I hear one shaking the air from far away so I can get some footage for myself!
Oh my goodness!!! Probably not exhaust, one of them was going off and on with the spray. I wonder why we don't see anything like this on the msm news. They're not even trying to hide it anymore. This could have been loaded with some kind of virus or something because they already admitted that there will be another plandemic but only they and God know what it really is. This world is so far gone it blows my mind. Good catch. Wish we knew more about it.
Yes but thank you! I've watched it many times. I've sent it to many who never watch it and still remain ignorant. They can't stand the truth. I live 20mi west of Philly and they are constantly blanketing the sky with chemtrails.
Do you know anything about those helicopters or what they were spraying? They used to try to hide high up in the clouds when spraying us but now, they just dump it on us like we were vermine, mosquitoes to be exterminated!
Concerning the 3 tech bank crashes. Your money (if you have a lot of it) might be safer in your own house than a traditional brick and mortar bank. If all banks crash in one day I don't think the dollar will be immediately deemed worthless after the crash. Something to ponder.
Yeah Jim! Have you heard of Jimmy Evans? You should be part of the Tipping Point substack community? I'm there. Come on over. You will be supported and encouraged!
Yeah, I have seen Jimmy Evans before and I don't know of anything that he teaches that is incongruent with Biblical facts. I may join up. Or, I may not have time! One suggestion if you don't mind. Your moniker picture, supposed to be a picture of Jesus however, I believe is what the ANTICHRIST is going to look like! Jesus would not have kept long hair. Neither would He have had a fair complexion. If anything, this is quite the OPPOSITE of what He would look like. This fair skinned, blue eyed depiction of our Savior couldn't be what He looked like. It came from the RCC and perpetuated throughout the Eastern Orthodox churches.
I used to keep pictures like this, and even hung them on my walls. But along the way I learned that no Hebrew man, living in Jerusalem working hard in the hot sun would stay very "white". And no Hebrew man would keep long hair either for it is shameful for a man to have long hair. 1 Corinthians 11:14 Anyway, just thought I'd mention that. I hope you don't take offense. I'm not criticizing you.
Thank you for the invite, I may just do that. I could use some support and encouragement. It's not easy trying to share the TRUTH with a lost and dying world. That's something I've noticed over the years. If one wants to know and believe the truth, one must LOVE the truth. I never thought I would live to see the days that we are seeing in this world right now.
And that is precisely what is going to happen. The New World Order needs to eliminate every currency before resetting the current economy to zero. What currency has been historically the most used throughout the world? The petrodollar of course. All energy has been traded in dollars and has only recently begun to change. The dollar and the USA need to go so that the globalists can finish setting up the world for the rise of antichrist. All biblical.
But Funeral Conduct, this has all been prophesied thousands of years ago in the Bible. The only thing that truly matters right now like our Good Brother JimD has already stated, is the condition of your soul. People who believe in Jesus will soon be gone and untold evil will be unleashed on this world. Just ask Jesus in your heart ❤ and ask him to forgive your every sin and live in light of his lordship and easy commands. It's so exciting seeing everything fall apart and come together at the same time. God's endtime plan is on the cusp to start for believers and dreadfully start for unbelievers! Jim and I want to see you in the clouds. If one day a few billion people divinely disappear, don't believe the lie we were abducted by aliens because that will be the lie to explain the disappearance of Christians. God bless you Funeral Conduct.🙏
Hey FC, I'm not preaching at ya just make sure your sins are completely forgiven. All it takes is saying "Dear Jesus, come inside my heart, forgive me of every sinful deed I have ever said or done, I know you died on the cross for me, and right now I choose to walk in newness of life. I thank you for salvation right now in Jesus name and ask the Holy spirit to live inside me and guide me right now in Jesus' name. Amen 🙏 It's incredibly simple to receive salvation FC. God bless you and God speed.
Yep, Spring is in the air. Birds migrated into my yard. They told me to buy silver on Friday,. Today up 6+%. Naturally, birds like me since I have so much cracked corn to feed. Sometimes we get the orioles with yellow feathers. I like those and barn swallows.
Girl with Dialated Pupil:
She's cute to me? Nerve pain does suck. She needs a massage, that's all.🤣
My roomie in Phoenix had this happen to her. But ahh, it was because of something else. Lol. Don't want to be inappropriate. Lol. Just, I don't know think about it I guess. Ha. Take care. Coffee time for me.
An old friend lived in Japan when this happend. He has ptsd troubles from it. Jane Fonda has a family history of mental stuff, she also was married to Ted Turner, so she doesn't really have sound mind. Her face lifts have really tweaked her brain as well seems. Oh and nice wig Jane.
Love me some David Icke.
Most of the world is believing lies at this point. It is the lead up to the "strong delusion" of 2 Thessalonians 2:11 which will occur in the tribulation, directly after millions disappear and they tell the world it was the aliens that took us. It was NOT! God took us!!! And everyone who desires to go still can go!
Just BELIEVE in your heart that Jesus is God and His Sacrifice of the shedding of His Blood is sufficient for your redemption from your sins. It's that simple. If you don't believe (not directed at you, Mellie, I mean anyone) you will be left here to suffer the wrath of God poured out on this earth.
Most don't believe because they don't SEEK to understand! They have believed what OTHERS have told them their entire lives! Read the Bible. Start in Romans in the New Testament. Seek to understand Him with your own mind while there is still time to escape.
You can be saved later but you will either die by the catastrophes coming (see Revelation 8-10 for a glimpse) or by beheading if you survive all else. It will not be pleasant in the least. Billions will die.
We are living in the very last days before the tribulation. This is great news if you're saved but if you're not, it is the worst news you can hear. As a saved and sanctified believer in God's Plan, I would be remiss if I didn't warn everyone that I possibly can. Hope to see you soon!
@Uretskyaviation on Instagram just posted pictures of a super king air with super spreaders for cloud seeding yet you are a conspiracy theorist if you think chemtrails exist. The comments in the post are from fellow cloud seeders.
Could you leave a link please? I located his instagram but can't find the pic. Thanks.
Here's another link
Have you seen this video clip? Not only compelling. Proof. Period. I use this clip (link) in every place I go where they deny geoengineering.
This one is also pretty amazing. I don't know where it was filmed... But it seems these copters are also spraying something... Or is it the exhaust?
I constantly hear helicopters flying low over my area, now I know why! I have to go outside next time I hear one shaking the air from far away so I can get some footage for myself!
Oh my goodness!!! Probably not exhaust, one of them was going off and on with the spray. I wonder why we don't see anything like this on the msm news. They're not even trying to hide it anymore. This could have been loaded with some kind of virus or something because they already admitted that there will be another plandemic but only they and God know what it really is. This world is so far gone it blows my mind. Good catch. Wish we knew more about it.
Yes but thank you! I've watched it many times. I've sent it to many who never watch it and still remain ignorant. They can't stand the truth. I live 20mi west of Philly and they are constantly blanketing the sky with chemtrails.
Do you know anything about those helicopters or what they were spraying? They used to try to hide high up in the clouds when spraying us but now, they just dump it on us like we were vermine, mosquitoes to be exterminated!
Nope, sorry… couldn’t find anything.
Concerning the 3 tech bank crashes. Your money (if you have a lot of it) might be safer in your own house than a traditional brick and mortar bank. If all banks crash in one day I don't think the dollar will be immediately deemed worthless after the crash. Something to ponder.
See my comment to Millie above.
Yeah Jim! Have you heard of Jimmy Evans? You should be part of the Tipping Point substack community? I'm there. Come on over. You will be supported and encouraged!
Yeah, I have seen Jimmy Evans before and I don't know of anything that he teaches that is incongruent with Biblical facts. I may join up. Or, I may not have time! One suggestion if you don't mind. Your moniker picture, supposed to be a picture of Jesus however, I believe is what the ANTICHRIST is going to look like! Jesus would not have kept long hair. Neither would He have had a fair complexion. If anything, this is quite the OPPOSITE of what He would look like. This fair skinned, blue eyed depiction of our Savior couldn't be what He looked like. It came from the RCC and perpetuated throughout the Eastern Orthodox churches.
I used to keep pictures like this, and even hung them on my walls. But along the way I learned that no Hebrew man, living in Jerusalem working hard in the hot sun would stay very "white". And no Hebrew man would keep long hair either for it is shameful for a man to have long hair. 1 Corinthians 11:14 Anyway, just thought I'd mention that. I hope you don't take offense. I'm not criticizing you.
Thank you for the invite, I may just do that. I could use some support and encouragement. It's not easy trying to share the TRUTH with a lost and dying world. That's something I've noticed over the years. If one wants to know and believe the truth, one must LOVE the truth. I never thought I would live to see the days that we are seeing in this world right now.
And that is precisely what is going to happen. The New World Order needs to eliminate every currency before resetting the current economy to zero. What currency has been historically the most used throughout the world? The petrodollar of course. All energy has been traded in dollars and has only recently begun to change. The dollar and the USA need to go so that the globalists can finish setting up the world for the rise of antichrist. All biblical.
And it's coming in the soonest of days. Things are happening faster with each day.
But Funeral Conduct, this has all been prophesied thousands of years ago in the Bible. The only thing that truly matters right now like our Good Brother JimD has already stated, is the condition of your soul. People who believe in Jesus will soon be gone and untold evil will be unleashed on this world. Just ask Jesus in your heart ❤ and ask him to forgive your every sin and live in light of his lordship and easy commands. It's so exciting seeing everything fall apart and come together at the same time. God's endtime plan is on the cusp to start for believers and dreadfully start for unbelievers! Jim and I want to see you in the clouds. If one day a few billion people divinely disappear, don't believe the lie we were abducted by aliens because that will be the lie to explain the disappearance of Christians. God bless you Funeral Conduct.🙏
Hey FC, I'm not preaching at ya just make sure your sins are completely forgiven. All it takes is saying "Dear Jesus, come inside my heart, forgive me of every sinful deed I have ever said or done, I know you died on the cross for me, and right now I choose to walk in newness of life. I thank you for salvation right now in Jesus name and ask the Holy spirit to live inside me and guide me right now in Jesus' name. Amen 🙏 It's incredibly simple to receive salvation FC. God bless you and God speed.
Fck the gov't and their scare tactics. I will not comply. Resistance is Mandatory
Yep, Spring is in the air. Birds migrated into my yard. They told me to buy silver on Friday,. Today up 6+%. Naturally, birds like me since I have so much cracked corn to feed. Sometimes we get the orioles with yellow feathers. I like those and barn swallows.
I pray that God has mercy on us and sends them all where they need to go, with the "weeping and the gnashing of teeth" !