Banks down - whether the net or electrical grid - seems to me that so much of the nefarious -sounding techie stuff, in the end or the long run just is not going to become a standard. A wire cut, or cable cut - other simple actions can bring the power down. Unless, of course, there really ARE advanced creatures controlling things with their far advanced inventions. Even then, as far as I know degradation of materials happens. A la crashed - uhm - supposed craft from other places in the - uhm - universe.

How long ago was bgates in africa?

Official languages - geez, like there aren’t much more important issues to discuss? Remember as a child playing house or playing doctor or mechanic? These folks are just PLAYING government.

Child protection - sounds good except when it’s turned into a law - then we have the people PLAYING government and authority deciding what and how to instruct. School is not a place for any such teaching other than the biology of things.

The container tesla - ooooomigosh!!! 🤣😂

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Good point about electric currencies being at the mercy of electricity or tech problems.

Even the government and corporations have stipulations and contingency plans for zombies.

The cyber truck is actually based on a type of vehicle from the early 1900s..

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AI's most dangerous times, you do not know what's the truth, what's the lie anymore.

Anyone with troubled past, who does not have it? It can be forgiven though, when one asks for that, just read the Bible.

Anyone who ever saw Japanese forests, it is a paradise which is being annihilated there.,.

Oh, it looks like the british do not like audits...

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you should read the room. You are strange sounds, not a left wing reporter

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I am Manuel

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Echo Mclare. I've enjoyed your newsletter but lately you are getting off track......and yes I've had the free one, but now not too interested in the paid one if you are going to continue...

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You very obviously have not done your homework re PresidentTrump and Epstein. They were not friends. When PresTrump found that Epstein tried to bother a daughter of a MarALago employee, Epstein was immediately booted. There's much more.

But, try doing some minimal research before you post.

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Maybe. Can’t say that I know. I do know that these people - the 2 mentioned were/are showmen, and must be heavily scrutinized. Plus anybody can say or write, draw, and now ai ANYTHING. Knowing anything for sure has become quite a project. Both sides, views seems to be valuable in this uncertain context we live in. It IS exhausting.

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"Knowing for sure"? You simply have to do some basic research to find the facts. Not hard to do. Many people KNOW that the info spewing now re PresTrump/Epstein is propaganda.

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I have a Swasticar, it’s great. Mine however goes from 0 to 6 gorillian in under 3 seconds.

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oh, one more, a different view on Epstein delivers George Webb today, and this seems to be the ultimate issue here, with the main attention of woman 'trafficking', covering actually something much more sinister, something what makes Gates et al the real kings:

Epstein Files - Can We Talk About The DynCorp Tail Numbers Yet?

at : https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/epstein-files-can-we-talk-about-the

way back in 2023 I wrote about that scientific clan around Epstein, which begged the question, who was this guy, really and now what the Wexler's money had to do with this all?

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Just imagine if We did not need banks because free energy is flowing, making the point of accounting for Our energy added into a system (the foundational function of money) vanish. And We can have virtually all We desire for the asking, offered by Those who LOVE to create it, and/or the work is automated.

None of these struggles with banks would be seen.

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

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