Oct 29, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Yes, they are politicising "climate change" to the max but look around... those ubiquitous checkerboard patterns of lines in the sky are intentionally sprayed aerosolized nanoparticles of Aluminum, Barium and Strontium and only they who spray and God knows what else. By their SRM (solar radiation management) program they are destroying the biosphere. 75% of insects are GONE; I can't grow a garden anymore; all trees are dying everywhere and I can't keep up with the chore of picking up the big branches my trees are dropping - never before seen in my lifetime. The trees are dead and the branches prove it. My Pin-oak tree dropped a branch from very high up a few weeks ago big enough to KILL any living thing unfortunate enough to be standing in the spot where it fell. When I picked it up, it was not heavy at all and not dense as most branches of healthy trees are. It was light and porous covered with lichens and fungi of the wood rotting variety. It was diseased as all of the trees are. The aluminum is killing them; shutting down their natural defenses. Just go ask Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org He dedicated his life to exposing the nefarious and pernicious plan to weaponize the weather. So when you hear the insane left talk about how bad climate change is, do NOT believe them. It is so very much WORSE! We are so close to full disclosure of the wicked plans of the deep state and shadow government that they are now playing much bigger hands to keep it secret. When the cat is out of the bag, they will use whatever they have at their disposal and it's not good. Something good is coming, though. He created all of everything you can see including yourself and even the things you can't see or even imagine. He is Sovereign God Almighty and He is revealed in the flesh of a Man and He is coming soon to a city near you to CHANGE and remove those of us who are not ashamed of Him and who love Him and wait for Him. He is Jesus Christ. John 14:6

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Oct 28, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Electric fence guy:

I also have electrified my no-climb fence and loaded it up with razorwire. I tested the electric fence on myself. It is pretty stout. Felt like a handheld taser. Won't kill anybody, but will defintely keep somebody off your property. I don't have tresspassing kids, just inbred retard neighbors, bears, and mountain lions.

Rabies victim:

That looks like zombie time to me. My parents always warned me about rabies when I was a kid. Probably since I was always hunting squirrels. We had avocado trees and walnut trees. Squirrels carry rabies sometimes. They love avocados. I used to hunt them down, skin them, and eat them. Got paid a quarter for each one. Back then quarters were 90% silver too. I think they improved the rabies remedy. Back in the olden days, you had to get a series of shots in the abdomen.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Vietnam centipede:

That's a whopper. I had a 6" centipede sneak into my house, and I foot stomped it a few times, and it was still trying to flee. I weigh 220 lbs, and he shook it off like nothing. Finally got my knife out and cut off his head. That one in the picture is enormous.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Piglosi incident:

Wonder what Paul Piglosi was really doing with this guy in his underpants? The Pinnochio news media narrative is falling apart. Earlier reports suggest window was broken to gain entry. There are very weird pictures surfacing too. Very weird, like purple strap-on dildo pals and DePape.

How is it that the window was broken from the inside, according to another report. Reporter indicates Police responded to a wellfare check, not a break-in. Two guys, each with hammers, one in his underpants, after sodomite bar close? Is this a case of butt-burglary? Where were security team officers during this incident? Was DePape invited inside? Maybe DePape was invited inside, and wasn't up for what Piglosi had in mind?

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