FYI: I know we all want to help Cali peeps by donating to relief people but please verify where the money goes. The areas burned are bought and planned the new rail system. Military n police stopping people from going back to their homes if anything left. Thousands were instantly fried and disintegrated when high altitude planes came in and shot directed energy weapons at them. HAARP created the hurricane force winds. By the way, please don't give funds to Red Cross, it's a war fund and is mostly used to hurt people. No there are no links for what I just posted here. Ask around, do research. When in doubt, don't. Give money directly. You and you alone know how best to help others- gov't doesn't understand that.
Yes but per your own numbers, that 40% that don't. I wouldn't touch that with a 10 ft pole. "These" people know how to cover their tracks very well and unless you're specifically looking for it, you won't see the debauchery under it all.
I know, so they won't be too hard to find. If it makes you feel like you did something awesome like give, give. Just know it don't get them fed, won't help them get a home. If you have good money, and time, go out there and help- just know Red Cross and most others mentioned on TV DO NOT USE IT TO HELP PEOPLE REBUILD. Never has. Go find out. This is too serious to make sh*t up. Sadly most are dead. They didn't make it past the first attack.
Good stuff but I believe that these directed energy weapons are on SATELLITES. Not that it matters much, they also probably have them on jets too, who knows, maybe even mounted on the cell towers. Did you ever see the 1984 movie "Real Genius" with Val Kilmer? They were super high IQ college kids whose professor gave them extra credit to develop a 5 megawatt portable laser. They succeeded but when they learned that it could be mounted to a satellite and any human target vaporized from space they set out to turn the tables of the experiment and ruin the professor (and his new house). Hollywood gives us the future, sometimes FORTY years in advance! I decided to watch the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" recently to see how much of what they showed us in 1977 has come to pass. I don't have enough space or time to tell how much I noticed in that movie which gave it credibility as a revelation of the future but get ready everyone, the UFOs are coming very very soon to a neighborhood near you.
I believe in things I can PROVE. Things I can prove WRONG I always do, like the flat earth nonsense. I won't even debate that topic. And satellites are indeed real and they are the reason that Manuel's substack can be read all around the world. Now, whether man has ever been to the moon, I doubt more as the years roll by but there are most certainly satellites in orbit and geostationary all around the earth to the tune of thousands, perhaps 10s of thousands.
RE: Magnetic Field Anomaly - a recent publication concluded that the huge amount a metallic dust being deposited by disintegrating Starlink satellites may lead to disruption of the Earth's magnetic field.
Musk is just like Gates. They both seem to be doing their damn best to disrupt anything they possibly can on as large of a scale as possible.
that's the same guy who signed GMO 'protection letter, to kill Americans alone via diet, and just recently also with 76 other Nobel winners a letter against HHS nominated RF Kennedy Jr.... A very knowledgeable scientist with a chinese ancestry...
How is it possible that the majority of people are so ignorant of this simple fact? There are men that are so wealthy that any one of them could SOLVE the world hunger problem and end starvation OVERNIGHT and STILL be billionaires. And if Bill Gates of Hell was such a "generous philanthropist" why isn't he helping to feed the starving people of the world instead of trying to get all third world nations VACCINATED??? If ANY of these uber wealthy men actually cared about humanity, why do they just keep gaining wealth yet never using it for the most obvious endeavors which would be for the benefit of mankind? Because they're NO GOOD! Even more, They're WICKED and instead of wanting to help their fellow man, they want him DEAD. How is that so hard to figure out???
"Look here!" said the excavator operator. "My dozer got hung up on something, a hump of rock!" After further excavation, giant footprints of dinosaurs were found. And, after even further examination of the find and its possible impacts on the flailing theory at large, some "experts" from Oxfordshire visited the site and proclaimed, "these prints are 166 MILLION years old". Everyone agreed despite the fact that perfectly preserved human footprints were found alongside of these and other dinosaur prints all over the world. They were found at this site as well but were quickly destroyed before news got out.
Another thing not mentioned is that these dinosaurs were RUNNING at full speed as were the human footprints and all were running in the same direction. They were not chasing each other nor were they exercising or playing Polo. They were running away from FLOOD WATERS which would inevitably cover them (and their prints) with mud, silt and rock; the ONLY way the prints could have been preserved. However, both of these striking evidences of man living alongside dinosaurs and the great flood that killed them are completely ignored in the paleontological community because if either of these cold hard and provable facts were to be explained (honestly) it would completely negate the "millions of years" of uniformitarianism of the earth and the insanity of abiogenesis (life from nothing) as well as every bit of evolutionary theory up to and including the big bang.
You see, there is an absolute plethora of truth out there for the honest, thinking person to examine to PROVE that the theory of evolution and Darwinism are not only untrue but are utterly false INDOCTRINATION WITH AN AGENDA being foisted in schools from elementary to university. It's long held lies are kept under lock and key by one special tool; RIDICULE AND SCORN of those who question this "theory" (which, when it's all said and done, negates the Creation Narrative found in the Bible and THAT is its MAIN purpose) and do not fall under its strict, religious mandates, they are cast out of fellowship with the modern, scientific community and given all sorts of labels and, of course, never finding employment in their field of study being denied the PhD credentials they worked so very hard to obtain.
We live in a time when ALL of the lies previously told over the last 200 years are being exposed. Even new lies such as the Federal Reserve being NEITHER of its namesakes and the lines in the sky said to be nothing but water vapor, are coming to the front and are being questioned by many people with brains still capable of critical thinking.
The "reality" they painted for the people over the last couple centuries is now becoming so tangled and twisted that people are waking up by the millions. They are beginning to see how they have all been lied to and on how massive a scale they have been duped. Everything will be coming to blows soon as the festering boil of lies bursts open and the people realize the truth that these few billionaires (300 and their families) have been harming and killing them and their children to bring this world into a new government for ONE dictator, their leader the antichrist. However, this will not happen because something else will happen which will change the entire course of world history. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 to learn the truth of what will soon come to pass. Don't believe them anymore. Just don't believe them at all. If they say "jump", sit. If they say, "move", stay. If they say "talk", clam up. If they say, "roll up your sleeve", RUN away as fast as you can. If they say "this isn't truth, it's fairy tales," examine it very closely because therein lies the TRUTH.
Cool how some things from our planet's very distant past remain to this day and can still be discovered… And some others get omitted, confiscated or even classified…
Like human footprints mixed in with dinosaur foot prints in TX?!
FYI: I know we all want to help Cali peeps by donating to relief people but please verify where the money goes. The areas burned are bought and planned the new rail system. Military n police stopping people from going back to their homes if anything left. Thousands were instantly fried and disintegrated when high altitude planes came in and shot directed energy weapons at them. HAARP created the hurricane force winds. By the way, please don't give funds to Red Cross, it's a war fund and is mostly used to hurt people. No there are no links for what I just posted here. Ask around, do research. When in doubt, don't. Give money directly. You and you alone know how best to help others- gov't doesn't understand that.
The Red Cross is a front for organ harvesting and trafficking. Please be careful.
True! I know first hand. But nearly 60% goes to thwart helps and protections world wide.
Yes but per your own numbers, that 40% that don't. I wouldn't touch that with a 10 ft pole. "These" people know how to cover their tracks very well and unless you're specifically looking for it, you won't see the debauchery under it all.
Give money directly... The people who lost homes, everything actually, do NOT have an addresss any more.
I know, so they won't be too hard to find. If it makes you feel like you did something awesome like give, give. Just know it don't get them fed, won't help them get a home. If you have good money, and time, go out there and help- just know Red Cross and most others mentioned on TV DO NOT USE IT TO HELP PEOPLE REBUILD. Never has. Go find out. This is too serious to make sh*t up. Sadly most are dead. They didn't make it past the first attack.
Good stuff but I believe that these directed energy weapons are on SATELLITES. Not that it matters much, they also probably have them on jets too, who knows, maybe even mounted on the cell towers. Did you ever see the 1984 movie "Real Genius" with Val Kilmer? They were super high IQ college kids whose professor gave them extra credit to develop a 5 megawatt portable laser. They succeeded but when they learned that it could be mounted to a satellite and any human target vaporized from space they set out to turn the tables of the experiment and ruin the professor (and his new house). Hollywood gives us the future, sometimes FORTY years in advance! I decided to watch the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" recently to see how much of what they showed us in 1977 has come to pass. I don't have enough space or time to tell how much I noticed in that movie which gave it credibility as a revelation of the future but get ready everyone, the UFOs are coming very very soon to a neighborhood near you.
That'd be great, if satellites existed. They don't my friend.
I believe in things I can PROVE. Things I can prove WRONG I always do, like the flat earth nonsense. I won't even debate that topic. And satellites are indeed real and they are the reason that Manuel's substack can be read all around the world. Now, whether man has ever been to the moon, I doubt more as the years roll by but there are most certainly satellites in orbit and geostationary all around the earth to the tune of thousands, perhaps 10s of thousands.
RE: Magnetic Field Anomaly - a recent publication concluded that the huge amount a metallic dust being deposited by disintegrating Starlink satellites may lead to disruption of the Earth's magnetic field.
Musk is just like Gates. They both seem to be doing their damn best to disrupt anything they possibly can on as large of a scale as possible.
Link to paper:
Looks like we've got some Suspicious Observers here 👍Ben Davidson would be proud.
Thank You Manuel for the color reminder! Anyone remember the DOE director under Obama, who resigned at some point:
a physics Nobel Prize winner, specialist in laser technologies (cooling..), who was crazy about WHITE ROOFS, not blue:
that's the same guy who signed GMO 'protection letter, to kill Americans alone via diet, and just recently also with 76 other Nobel winners a letter against HHS nominated RF Kennedy Jr.... A very knowledgeable scientist with a chinese ancestry...
How is it possible that the majority of people are so ignorant of this simple fact? There are men that are so wealthy that any one of them could SOLVE the world hunger problem and end starvation OVERNIGHT and STILL be billionaires. And if Bill Gates of Hell was such a "generous philanthropist" why isn't he helping to feed the starving people of the world instead of trying to get all third world nations VACCINATED??? If ANY of these uber wealthy men actually cared about humanity, why do they just keep gaining wealth yet never using it for the most obvious endeavors which would be for the benefit of mankind? Because they're NO GOOD! Even more, They're WICKED and instead of wanting to help their fellow man, they want him DEAD. How is that so hard to figure out???
"Look here!" said the excavator operator. "My dozer got hung up on something, a hump of rock!" After further excavation, giant footprints of dinosaurs were found. And, after even further examination of the find and its possible impacts on the flailing theory at large, some "experts" from Oxfordshire visited the site and proclaimed, "these prints are 166 MILLION years old". Everyone agreed despite the fact that perfectly preserved human footprints were found alongside of these and other dinosaur prints all over the world. They were found at this site as well but were quickly destroyed before news got out.
Another thing not mentioned is that these dinosaurs were RUNNING at full speed as were the human footprints and all were running in the same direction. They were not chasing each other nor were they exercising or playing Polo. They were running away from FLOOD WATERS which would inevitably cover them (and their prints) with mud, silt and rock; the ONLY way the prints could have been preserved. However, both of these striking evidences of man living alongside dinosaurs and the great flood that killed them are completely ignored in the paleontological community because if either of these cold hard and provable facts were to be explained (honestly) it would completely negate the "millions of years" of uniformitarianism of the earth and the insanity of abiogenesis (life from nothing) as well as every bit of evolutionary theory up to and including the big bang.
You see, there is an absolute plethora of truth out there for the honest, thinking person to examine to PROVE that the theory of evolution and Darwinism are not only untrue but are utterly false INDOCTRINATION WITH AN AGENDA being foisted in schools from elementary to university. It's long held lies are kept under lock and key by one special tool; RIDICULE AND SCORN of those who question this "theory" (which, when it's all said and done, negates the Creation Narrative found in the Bible and THAT is its MAIN purpose) and do not fall under its strict, religious mandates, they are cast out of fellowship with the modern, scientific community and given all sorts of labels and, of course, never finding employment in their field of study being denied the PhD credentials they worked so very hard to obtain.
We live in a time when ALL of the lies previously told over the last 200 years are being exposed. Even new lies such as the Federal Reserve being NEITHER of its namesakes and the lines in the sky said to be nothing but water vapor, are coming to the front and are being questioned by many people with brains still capable of critical thinking.
The "reality" they painted for the people over the last couple centuries is now becoming so tangled and twisted that people are waking up by the millions. They are beginning to see how they have all been lied to and on how massive a scale they have been duped. Everything will be coming to blows soon as the festering boil of lies bursts open and the people realize the truth that these few billionaires (300 and their families) have been harming and killing them and their children to bring this world into a new government for ONE dictator, their leader the antichrist. However, this will not happen because something else will happen which will change the entire course of world history. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 to learn the truth of what will soon come to pass. Don't believe them anymore. Just don't believe them at all. If they say "jump", sit. If they say, "move", stay. If they say "talk", clam up. If they say, "roll up your sleeve", RUN away as fast as you can. If they say "this isn't truth, it's fairy tales," examine it very closely because therein lies the TRUTH.
Some are brave enough to actually speak TRUTH and have been since the beginning of the PLANDEMIC farce - love this man!
I couldn't watch Mel Gibson due to his crazy eyes and fidgiting. Turned him off.
Yep, METH Gibson
Just wanted to ask, why meth gibson?
His eyes... It's just a guess
Fair enough, he looks to me like someone who stay's up all night crawling down rabbit holes. Just kind of manic I think....
Interesting about the SAA!! Thanks for always finding great news items, Manuel!! ;-)
But Klaus said the Great Reset would fix all this.
“You will have nussing…”
Jeff Bezos doesn’t have nussing !
And what what you are saying is Trump is to blame for all of that.😭😭😭😭
Those douche bags became billionaires under Obama. Not Trump.
Cool how some things from our planet's very distant past remain to this day and can still be discovered… And some others get omitted, confiscated or even classified…
Like human footprints mixed in with dinosaur foot prints in TX?!
Please send all California donations to N.Carolina.
Scientology Commune = Blue Roofs!