Kill ALL the "globalists". That will effectively STOP ALL CLIMATE CHANGE. "FACT".

(Too harsh?) It's the bloody TRUTH.

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Apr 18Liked by Strange Sounds

They have technology called SRM which is achieved by spraying nanoparticles of metals which they heat up by microwave frequency generating stations on the ground (HAARP) and by satellite which turns these metals into PLASMA (very hot)

What happens to air that is heated? It rises. What happens when hot air rises? Cooler air moves in. They can then, by heating the appropriate areas of metal-polluted sky, create stationary, spinning areas of high circulation which they can MAINTAIN over ANY area of this earth they desire for however long they desire. It's called weather warfare.

Look at some of the Doppler radar images for Dubai (if you can find them) as that system which they have nefariously named "atmospheric rivers", diverting attention away from their unnatural ways of controlling the weather to intimate that it is just another act of "nature". BULL!!

They are killing the Ozone layer, the microbiome (thus the soil) and every formerly natural, God-created weather pattern (but only as much as HE will allow) and killing all life on this planet. And the license they have in so doing is the MSM which lies for them, keeping the public misinformed and in the dark about their ultimate demise.

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THE DIMMING is an introductory documentary about geoengineering. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/the-dimming-full-length-climate-engineering-documentary/

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Apr 18Liked by Strange Sounds

WOW!!! Thanks for sharing, Manuel!!

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The Dubai flooding is a perfect example of why weather manipulation and geoengineering gets talked about a lot but practiced little. There is no way with current technology to really maintain adequate control over the result, so even something as relatively simple as cloud seeding usually does not end well.

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