Manny, the Pope can talk about aliens because he is one.

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Alien? That's too kind but, he's strikes me as more like a demon!

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Thanks, once again, Manuel for the amazing round up of news!! ;-)

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1. "Experts find cavemen ate mostly vegan, debunking paleo diet…"?

You lost me at "experts". That word is only used today when media, academia, or government are touting something stupid like the vaxx being "safe and effective" or transgender being factual.

2. The nasty portrait of Prin... i mean King Charles isn't surprising, but i maintain he is nothing more that a useful idiot tool and pawn who happens to hold a powerful political position that is useful to the satanic Deep State globalists in much the same way as dementia-riddled senile Go Brandon in the US is being used.

3. The Michelin restaurant rating system has lost all credibility.

4. i'm trying to decide if Ms. Muscle is a victim of child abuse or not. She probably suffered through the same sort of grueling regimen Mozart did as a kid.You can't deny the results though.

Nice digging today, Manuel. Thanks.

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Nailed it! These are the "experts" who can't define what a woman is but, know Neanderthals were vegan lol.

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Michelin star for a taco stand? Just goes to show how the modern culinary hierarchy of the Western world is just another worldly sham, political to the core and increasingly nonsensical.

I'm a retired CEC (Certified Executive Chef). I trained under a big political superstar chef in the 1980s serving as apprentice at the world renown Oakmont Country Club in the mid 80s. I clawed my way up the ladder and finally made my goal of achieving the coveted CEC title in 1997 while living and working in Boston.

The whole shebang is one massive political circus. Those "superstar" chefs (this was before any kind of cable food channel, which, by the way, destroyed the classical cuisine which existed in this country for over a hundred years) were selected based on who they knew not WHAT they knew although many superstar chefs did have some talent. But it was just like politics in anything else. You have to be a politician which I am in no wise a participant. EVERYTHING becomes political with time and talent becomes less and less important. Pity, isn't it?

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Tiny little Peru is the only country sane enough to call insanity what it is! Trans IS a mental illness and an extremely BAD one. Acceptance of it by non trans people is ALSO a mental illness and that means half the world is insane. But the trans crap is just one of the many psychoses plaguing the world right now so factoring in the others cause the world population to be more like 80% insane. It is just another big trick in satan's bag of wicked tricks.

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Manuel, could you please clarify this:? "The original mirror image is of a dog, but if you bring the mirror image effect closer to the arms and flip the image upside down, you do indeed get Baphomet. It even has the light above its head…" My misunderstanding is the first sentence. I do see the baphomet in the king Charles pic but, to what original dog pic are you making reference?

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to me when you mirror the whole image, it looks like a dog. Baphomet is when you zoom in... But hey, I think that is our fantasy playing in a lot...

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Roger that, Thanks for the clarification.

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