RE: A weeping President Carter. Since it is claimed that The Agency briefed Carter concerning Aliens and it was said to him that Christianity was an Alien fabrication, and that they were the creator of mankind is more than enough evidence for me that they were blowing smoke up the tail of a naive man, and he swallowed their B.S. as fact simply because of the source. The Agency has many talents and has served the nation well, but you don't go to them for "The Truth," when they create their own truth and they always ask themselves, "Why does he need to know." Carter should have simply listened, said thank you and when they had left tossed his notes in a "Burn Bag," had a good laugh and moved on to "How do I get our diplomats out of Iran without killing our men in Delta Force?" Of course, he failed at that and lost and wasted good young men. But Carter was a child, lost in a dark jungle who thought that his black and white interpretation of morality was the only source for knowledge and decision making. If the meeting actually occurred as written, I would sum it up as, "They did not respect him and were screwing with him because of his sanctimonious display of his Christian beliefs." I say that as a Believer but not as a "Carterite" kind of Christian.

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Musk is killing Twitter on purpose and personal peer to peer internet connections are being limited PARTIALLY , YES, BUT BIGGER PICTURE

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Yes, Musk is controlled. Every deep state member is controlled even Gates and Rockefeller and Soros, all billionaires of this age are controlled by SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES! (how else do you think they BECAME billionaires; they're part of the club you and I are not members of) They are controlled by SATAN and his minions. There was a critical time in our history when this earth changed drastically to the wicked, tyrannical control of the new world order and every alphabet global and government agency is now taken over by the wicked deep state rulers.

That change happened very recently, circa 2017 which is when, I believe by carefully considering events surrounding it, that CERN opened up a portal to the dimension where the demonic Nephilim (the offspring of the "sons of God" of Genesis 6 which had sexual relations with women and who died in the Flood of Noah) were imprisoned and they were released in the earth.

One needn't look beyond the WEF and Klaus Schwab or the Godless, wicked sodomite Yuval Noah Harari and the rest of those promoting world government to see that these are the end days described in Bible prophecy.

More evidence comes out daily whether it's news from the Middle East and Israel (wars and rumors of wars) or news of earthquakes in divers places (happening all over the world every day! England had an earthquake!) or the destruction of crops, the purchasing of farmland by Bill Gates and the Chinese setting up global famine (Revelation 6:6), the destruction of food processing plants, agenda 2030, the digital currency, the open borders, riots all over the world, the forced shots for a non-existent pandemic and the global government taking shape at lightning speed and so MUCH more, it ALL points to the very soon Rapture of the church (all born again who love Jesus Christ)

I just learned recently that the Euphrates river is drying up! We know that in Revelation 16:12 the sixth angel pours out his vial on the great River Euphrates and it is dried up to make way for the kings of the east who will fight in the battle of Armageddon against Jesus and WE who were taken up 7 years earlier and who come back with Him at the end of the tribulation.

Question: if the river is drying up NOW, is it being prepared for the angel of Revelation 16? If so, we might use this prophecy in conjunction with the many others happening now as a timeline for the Rapture. This event alone would be enough to show that the tribulation is right around the corner and according to 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 we must be raptured FIRST!

With everything else that's going on, every discovery about Bible prophecy happening right now only adds to the fact that the Rapture must happen VERY soon! If the river dried up all the way, Bible prophecy would have expired!

The very same could be said about artificial intelligence. It has recently IMPROVED ITSELF without intervention! It is advancing at such speed that if left undisturbed it would begin reproducing itself and take over the world. However, we do not find such a thing happening in end times Bible prophecy. If something like man made machines took over the world, the Bible would have described this but we find no such thing in Scripture. Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus!

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Reply by Loxie Lou Davie for you below!

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Got it! Thanks.

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Thanks Manuel. It's "sharpest tool in the box". But its fine, your English is far better than my Swiss. 😁

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I got a chuckle when I saw unverified can only read 300 twitter post a day. Shoot, I won't read 300 a year ....

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Had an old friend turn me on to Art Bell back in the day as they say. As a truck driver I worked early and listened to Art's show. Was listening that night when that dude called in.

Will never be sure of the truth of it all, but it certainly got my attention.

Loved Art.

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About Area 51 recording. The last part talks about how something bad comes and if they started they could move population to safe areas…otherwise almost all will be killed….sounds like the electro-Magnetic Reversal that is looming somewhere out in our future.

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Hi, Jimd!! Thank you for your very sincere reply!! Being 78 yrs old & the dau. of a Baptist Minister, I think I can say that my entire upbringing was within the Biblical Mindset!! It was for that very reason that at age 70 I began to question the childhood brainwashing I had received to figure out why it all didn't "worrk"!! ;-) Since I began questioning everything I had been taught it's like The Universe has been guiding my search step by step. What a relief to find out that the "God" of the O.T. is NOT The Creator of All. We just received an incorrect translation of key Hebrew words which led us to that conclusion. I have found it of great interest that our Genesis Creation Story is actually based upon the clay tablets, The Enuma Elish & Atrahasis. We need to read those, as well, to get a more correct view of what actually happened. The Bible did not fall from the sky as a complete book; it was put together by human beings with an agenda. OR....Maybe it was The Controllers who pulled one off on us!! Whatever, we each have to sort through our own Life Experiences & discover what is our own "Truth".

Blessings on your own Personal Journey!! All The Best from this Grandma!!

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Probably reply to Jimd under his post so that he's notified.

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Having gone the opposite journey as you have, I find my faith growing every single day as we approach the Day of Jesus Christ when He removes those who love Him in the long awaited Rapture or catching away of the saints. I agree with you that the Bible didn't fall from the sky "but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" 2 Peter 1:21 I do appreciate your honesty and I hope you will read this somewhat lengthy testimony.

I was raised Roman Catholic, surrounded on both sides by Catholics (both sets grandparents were Italian) and dragged to Mass every Sunday until high school age when my brother and I rebelled and made such a fuss my mom stopped dragging us there. I was a rebellious youth, started smoking cigarettes at 10y and pot at 14y. I spent my entire 15th year either stoned or in constant search for pot.

One dreary afternoon in late fall 1977 while sitting in the woods by myself on a fallen tree, something happened to me that I'll never forget. I was packing a bowl of pot and drinking a beer from a case I had stolen from my employer when I lit my lighter, brought it to the rim of the bowl and before I could begin smoking a very audible "thought" came into my head.

It wasn't words, it was a complete thought which came into my brain in a nanosecond and it communicated something directly into my consciousness. It said, (roughly translated) "What are you doing, son?" I knew instantly that this was regarding how I had stolen something, was also doing something illegal and also morally wrong which was smoking pot and being stoned all the time. The thought continued, "don't you know that you are on the wrong path in your life? Don't you know that this path you're on is leading you away from God and to Hell?"

I knew the answers to those questions, but part of me was ignoring them. I told a friend what happened to me. He was a young Christian who I hung out with at that time and we partied together with a small circle of a few other friends. I told him because he had tried to share the Gospel with all of us and I knew he would know what happened to me. He told me that the Holy Spirit of God was calling me to repentance and salvation.

He gave me a Bible and I began reading it. I didn't understand it much so I asked him (Lou was his name) many questions. He gave me intelligent answers and I began to comprehend what I was reading. I read that Bible, mostly the Gospels and Epistles in the New Testament, on and off for what seemed to be (in hindsight) a few months, continuing to ask Lou questions.

One very cold February night in a suburb of Pittsburgh 1978 I was alone in my room reading my Bible when I came upon Romans 5:1 which says, "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:". That is exactly what happened too, a wave of indescribable peace and love washed over me at that instant and I suddenly KNEW who God was! He showed me that my sins were directly against HIM and I had great sorrow while, at the same time experiencing the greatest joy that I had ever known. Nothing in my life has ever come close to that feeling or THOSE feelings and my "cup of joy runneth over".

I wept and wept as God cleansed me from all of my sins by His Shed Blood and I was a new creature in Christ Jesus. I was OVERCOME with joy. I'm getting flashbacks right now, to that time alone in my room, weeping into my pillow so nobody would hear me. My life changed forever that night.

But being young and impressionable and not having the upbringing of parents who could help me establish roots for my walk with Christ, but in fact the opposite - criticizing the idea of such things - I fell away after only a few months of walking with Him by peer pressure and the restlessness of youth. My liberal parents didn't relish the idea of having a "born again" for a son as they were very worldly.

But those months were the most wonderful days of my youth. The joy that was thrust upon me leveled out into a constant, joyful state and I must add that I suddenly had no fear of death whatsoever. That night I instantly KNEW that He had saved me and when I do die (if I die; see 1 Corinthians 15:51) I would be with Him forever. This was knowledge that I have retained to this very moment in time.

I was backslidden through my late teens and all through my twenties yet never forgetting about what happened in my life. He called me back at age 30 and I have been walking with Him (sometimes stumbling, of course) ever since. Now 61y old, I find myself living in the very times described in Bible prophecy as the last days of the age of Grace. I couldn't have said with much certainty only 4 years ago that His coming was so very very close but I can say it now. He will, as the Bible prophecies by our apostle Paul, come and remove His Bride (all who are saved+ all young children, even babies from their horrified and astonished mothers' wombs) and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

These are the very last days of this age and with every passing day we see more prophecy fulfilled. That's why I share the truth with everyone who will listen. There is very little time left. I hope you will reconsider the Bible and acknowledge your Creator not believing in false teachers who twist and misinterpret Scripture to their own demise. Everyone will have to stand before God someday soon and answer to Him for what they have done in their lives. (unless their sins are REMOVED by the Propitiation of the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ) It's called the judgement and every single person of the age of accountability will be judged.

I wish blessings upon you also, Grandma, in fact I shall be praying for you that God call you they way He called me, not exactly but in a way that will get your attention as He got ALL of mine that day in the woods.

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What a wonderful testimony, Jimd. I am SO happy for you....that you have found a way on your own Personal Journey!! Each of us has our own Personal Connection to The Creator of All & it may manifest in many different ways! It was just such a relief for me to find out that the "God" of the Old Testament is not The Creator of All.("Gods of The Bible by Mauro Biglino) We each seem to have "Guides" that help us from time to time in our lives.....some would call it the Holy Spirit.....there are many different names for the same things in various cultures around the world. We each have lived different experiences & we must sort through all we have learned & lived to discover our own connection to The Creator of All!! You have found your way & I have found mine!! ;-) No need to get into doctrinal discussions as those are inventions of men!! Blessings on you!!

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I hope you enjoyed my testimony. I rarely give it in such detail on a comment thread. But I come here often and Manuel allows me to speak freely on these matters, the sign of someone who honors our freedoms given to us by God. Censorship is WRONG and always is indicative of an agenda.

Please let me explain something to you. Jesus Christ is not God because I BELIEVE He is God, He is God because He is TRUTH and this has been since before the foundation of the universe. He was with God the Father in eternity past and created all things seen and unseen. All things were created by Him and for Him and by Him all things consist (are held together). Why are you so "relieved" that the God of the OT isn't (you believe) the Creator of all? It's those who don't understand that the God of the whole Bible is the SAME God (Colossians 1:19 - God in three Parts) that came and revealed Himself to the world DYING for us in such a bloody and brutal manner, taking the sins of the world upon HIMSELF!

If this wasn't the absolute truth, I would still be searching for it. You are being deceived. Many people who hear my testimony say things as you have, that I have found "my" way but according to the Bible, (not made by man but God) He is THE Way, the Truth and the Life and no man cometh unto the Father by by Him" (John 14:6) I share truth because I care for my fellow man/woman and It is the Holy Spirit of God within me that drives me to defend the truth with everything that is in me.

We, as born again Christians are called to give our testimony wherever we deem necessary as I have given mine here. After that, I can only suggest to you what you might do. You seem convinced that what you have found is the truth but may I suggest to you that you put aside the book you have touted as showing you the "truth" and put as much or more effort into reading, studying and attempting to understand Scripture? Use a King James Bible.

Another reason for my aggressive defense of the written word of truth is that the time is HERE. We are in the last of the last days of this age. Things in this world WILL change very drastically, very soon. We will be exiting the Age of Grace (the last 2000 years) and entering the next age which is a much shorter one, the time of the tribulation when God pours out His WRATH on this world. Billions will die as the antichrist takes control of this world and God turns it upside down. (Isaiah 24:1)

I will leave you with this thought; Being the child of a minister doesn't make you a Christian (at any time in your life) for this is a PERSONAL thing between you and your Creator. Many blessings to you in your quest for truth. You're going to need them, just as anyone who seeks truth needs blessings from Him. I shall keep you in my prayers, specifically for DISCERNMENT.

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I nearly left out the most important evidence that the written word comes from God. It demonstrates beyond question that He inhabits eternity! It's the the astounding, miraculous fulfillment of BIBLE PROPHECY.

Do you know that there are more than 300 individual prophecies of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament that have come true in the New Testament? Did you know that if we examine just EIGHT of the 300, such as where He would be born, (Bethlehem) how He would be born (by a virgin woman) how He would die (crucifixion), well, here is an excerpt from my Book "Evolution: Fact or Fallacy" by Jeremiah C Maddox (pseudonym) available online where books are sold: I couldn't say it better than I did when I wrote it.

The odds were calculated that for just 8 of the 300+ prophecies written about Jesus Christ in the Old Testament to come to pass in this one person, exactly as prophesied without prior knowledge (most were written hundreds of years before he was born!) would be 1 chance in 10 to the 28th power or 1 with 28 zeros after it. Written out this number is 1 chance in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

That's for only 8 of them; There are over 300. If the other 292 were calculated, the number would be in the neighborhood of 10 to the 1050th power. Any number greater than 10 to the 54th power is considered absurd. (there are only 10 to the 86th atoms in the universe) Once you understand this and check the facts to see they are true, you can't help but to believe that God wrote the bible through His prophets.

There is ONE written word which God has PRESERVED for the English speaking people of this age and that is the King James Bible, Authorized version of 1611. It is the promise of God that He would preserve His word for eternity and this is now the ONLY place in this world where it remains unchanged.

Satan has infiltrated even the BIBLE. Prior to the 1950s there was only ONE Bible, now there are hundreds of versions, sold on the world market for filthy lucre and CHANGED by at least 10% from any other version per copyright laws. It's a billion dollar industry. How would Jesus react to His written word being changed and sold on the world market? He overturned the tables of the moneychangers. (John 2:16) Get a KJV (or borrow one from you dad's library and begin reading it FOR YOURSELF.

There is absolute proof for the skeptic but most won't look at it. Most who deny Scripture and the truth of God can't find Him just as a bank robber can't find a cop. I will now end this conversation unless you have questions or more comments. Thank you for being civil. I don't often encounter those who disagree with me to be so polite and forthcoming.

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Interesting about Jimmy C. Sadly, he was told the Truth of our situation here on Earth. We WERE created by the "Elohim"...made in their image to do the dirty work in the gold mines!! A Big Plus in understanding what really happened is Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino's new book, "Gods of The Bible"!! Due to key words in the Old Testament being translated incorrectly, we received a skewed version of the O.T. Stories!! The clay tablets containing our true history need to be made public, but guess who controls these private libraries???? We are slowly coming out from under the centuries of brainwashing we have been subjected to!! Let's hope the "good" Elohim are helping us out in this endeavor!! There IS a Creator of All, but it is NOT the "God" of the O.T.

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You are certainly entitled to your opinion but with all due respect, may I ask you a sincere question? Have you done an HONEST investigation of the Bible or have you simply been grasping onto another's worldview? There is truth inside every person. God placed it there (Romans 1:19)

Most people do not have their own worldview but have been TAUGHT what to believe and they have talked themselves into believing things that are demonstrably untrue. The longer they stay under such thinking without examining (for themselves) by honestly SEEKING to learn whether the Bible, the best selling, most hated and loved book of all time, (actually 66 books which all corroborate one another) is the truth, the farther God allows them to stray from the truth He placed in them. They become so far away from that truth that they can no longer see it and the Creator allows them their space.

It's not too late for anyone with breath in their lungs, a beating heart and a thinking brain to take up a Bible and look at it carefully attempting to learn once and for all whether it is from our Creator or not. If, after examining it honestly, to the best ability God gave you, you still don't believe, again, that's your prerogative. However, if you do not look for yourself, how will you HONESTLY ever know the truth? We live in the age of deception and that is clear. If we want truth, we must diligently SEEK it or we will live a life under a planned system of lies and deception.

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Good write-up on Twitter which may explain a bit more https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/limitations-monday-july-3-2023-c

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