Good job on showing what team elon is playing for, up top. I never used twatter or lifelog-facecrooks. It seemed asinine. I quit GayPal 15 years ago. Same with FeeBay. Quit tv decades ago. There is little redeeming value in any of that horseshit.

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Many think it is the savior… probably because the share will skyrocket…

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The social media paradigm is mainly a wolf in sheep's clothing. Much of the crap morality and values that are espoused are by bots. Then people latch on to it and dwell in a manufactured echo chamber. To me it is a false and satanic reality. Then there is the censorship and banning, which violates our Constitutional First Ammendment rights. Opinions are shaped and society degenerates.

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Like Jesus said, whatever tickles their ears. To a liberal, if it's bad enough (gossip) it must be true. Our current problem is fdr set us up for nazism, which is why soros is worshiped as a money god by liberal politicians.

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Please, proper English, chico! The proper nickname for Twitter is twit. niio

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Fascinating on the Cologne, Germany pics, but ALSO consider England, France, and other European cities where most "historical" sites were barely touched. If Hitler was truly "at war" with England, why not go for the Rothchild Financial district? Or Buckingham Palace? Let alone the other anti-Germany countries. We now know that Bush's and Ford helped fund much of Hitler's rise and probably for reasons we can assume to be true. I'm just amazed by the number of historical areas that were literally untouched.

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There’s a power that protects churches…

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Some article I read alluded to the notion that hitler was controlled by the wrathschild's.

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Bush left Germany along with most businessmen. Joe Kennedy didn't and was busy promoting nazism in the DNC. He attempted to forced FDR to declare the US a nazi nation, but FDR chose to take the slow way, easing us into nazism. Ford liked elitist communism for the same reason many wealthy did, he would retain his wealth and power, and live in a dark ages environment.

Hitler had perhaps 350,000 Jewish men, all atheists, in the military and many officers were his friends. Rothschilds are not known for their piety as Jews, but opposite. The Brit royals were somewhat tender toward nazism/elitisty communism. See Ford for more.

Be more shocked by all the information liberals had locked up about nazis and what they wanted. By who became a nazi and those who promote it under a wide variety of titles. New atheism is one, something that's bringing the destruction of atheism as intellectuals flee atheism. Woke. BLM. antifa. And the jackass party, aka soros' donkey. niio

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Esau, the Edomites or ashkenazi jew ( False Jew Jesus warned the disciples about), settled in the northern Mesopotamian regions lending strong argument of the area we now know as Germany/Ukraine. If that is true (I suspect it probably is), explains a lot of your analysis in addition to what is occurring now in the Ukraine area. The bible tells us that Esau and Jacob would always be at odds with each other, including their bloodlines, it was also the way King Herod backdoored his way into Jewish politics through marriage. Pretty amazing how much emphasis the Bible puts into descendants and blood-line lineage. Of course most is for the bloodlines leading to Jesus Christ, but there are many side streets like Esau/Jacob and Cain/Abel and a few others in the establishments of nations and centuries long conflicts too. I had studied the secret behind Nazi Germany, Russia and the Bolshevik(sic) revolution, and a few other rise-of-power empires many years ago, so alot of the finer details --I've forgotten. So much is explained in the Old Testament but finer details are left out, the one that I'm currently involved with is the Babylon and Nebuchenezer and the subsequent "Rise of the Babylonian Spirit" we are witnessing being resurrected in today's Globalization/NWO build-up (aka Great Reset). Those in power control "the history" being taught, they actually control most of the knowledge too. They also decide, just as in Babylon, who gets this higher knowledge.

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Jesus warned of false prophets. https://charismamag.com/spriritled-living/spiritual-warfare/are-these-the-false-prophets-jesus-warned-us-about/ Not about false Jews. Jews who were false to God, certainly. Many in the Sanhedrin know who He was and why, and knew He was to die, so decided to reject him for the sake of traditions and power.

Ashkenazim are the decedents of Jewish slaves taken by Nebuchadnezzar to build cities to house his troops guarding the Northern Silk Route. Kazakhs are Jews who stole their freedom and took ro their ancient nomadic lifestyle. God doesn’t separate decedents of Abraham and converts.

Eastern and Northern Europe were refuge for Jews escaping Romans crushing Israel and are part of the Dysphoria. Jews who escaped slavery to Rome went to Sheba and Ethiopia, both Jewish nations. Levites wound up deep in Africa and today are called Lemba. They’re recognized by Israel as the priestly line, Cohenim. Others ran to Iran, where Buddhists welcomed them as family. Buddhism is a mix of Judaism and pagan Iranian religion because the city of Lumbini was once a Babylonian, then Persian, colony. (Buddha, (Sanskrit: “Awakened One”) clan name (Sanskrit) Gautama or (Pali) Gotama, personal name (Sanskrit) Siddhartha or (Pali) Siddhattha, (born c. 6th–4th century BCE, Lumbini, near Kapilavastu) Muslims wiped out any sign of Buddhism where they found it.

Nazis rewrote the Bible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Rosenberg He was an atheist Jew and a friend of hitler’s. Given their hatred of any Jewish faith, like Christianity is, they cannot be trusted. They consider Christians to be idiots for following a dead Jew. We need to be very, very careful when dealing with Jews. Paul stated, first to the Jew. God has not taken His hand from them. He cannot because He made a blood oath with Abraham. Unlike Islam, an adopted Jew is still a Jew if he lives under the Law. Satan has tried to wipe out Jews since the days of Abraham.

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Paul Harvey had a radio broadcast back in 1965 entitled, If I Were the Devil. Made some predictions. I listened to it twice it was so good. There is some stuff in there that most people shy away from since it would be deemed anti-semetic. However, it is critical of the fake jews, not the Jewish faith and authentic Jews. So it is the ashkeNAZI, khazar and kenite. Most people don't distinguish and label all Jews improperly. Sure their are collaborators, but not ALL.

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Excellent broadcast, worth hearing every once in awhile to remind people that we once had some pretty smart people in the media at one time. G Edward Griffin, William Cooper, a couple others way ahead of their time in figuring out what was coming.

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YooTube took it (1965 broadcast) down. Lol, went to see it again, and they took it down.

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What are false Jews?

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Take Esau and Jacob for instance, twin brothers, Esau born first. By birthright, he was set to receive the inheritance, but through deceit/trickery Jacob and Rebekah (mom) trick Isaac (dad) so Jacob gets Esau's inheritance. Anyway, Jacob ends up establishing the Israel nation, Esau (although his twin brother) gets Mt. Sier region (northern area, near what would be considered Iraq/Turkey area now) and they are known as the Edomites in later times. They would be the majority of what is referred to as the false jews. Also understand, the "jews" has been misused for millenia. Jews is the nickname for 1 tribe, tribe of Judah, the main inhabitants of the Southern Kingdom (Jerusalem). The Northern Kingdom consisted of the other 10 tribes of Israel (Bethel and Samaria), and the tribe of Dan having been disowned and banished from the Israeli nation. The northern kingdom eventually fell to Baal worship, God passed judgment on them and they became captives of the Assyrian empire (~700BC), the Southern Kingdom (or Judah) would do the same thing (Baal/Pagan worship) and were taken captive by Nebuchenezer and the Babylonian empire about 100 years later (~600BC). Although Israeli occupation of Jerusalem withstood time, they would never reclaim their nation till 1948, about 2500 years. Getting ahead of myself... Between 600BC and 300BC, they were pretty much enslaved, but around 500BC were allowed back in the land, a temple was rebuilt, then the Roman Empire ruled the entire mideast and most of europe and western asia and were in power when Christ was born (~3BC), so the next 30 years, up to 30AD, while under Roman rule, the New Testament story was being created. During this time and from 30AD to ~110AD the NT Books were written, the New Covenant was established, etc.. During Christ ministry (27AD-30AD, only 3 years), Jesus warned his Disciples to be weary of the "false jews" which, to the best of my knowledge, was established as the Esau/Edomite/Ashkenazi lineage or bloodline--all linking back to the Genesis story about 4000 years before. I said alot and probably needs some serious tweaking as far as dates and maybe some different bloodlines could be added, but thats the readers digest version. Anyone feel free to add or subtract as needed, I'm not a scholar on the subject ;)

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Ah, forgot! No, Bible scholars, even atheist Bible scholars are sure the men mentioned as authors are the original writers. they have found scraps very close to original. niio

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God picked Jacob because Esau was a pagan. He mocked God and God cursed him for it. It’s a prophecy that when Jesus returns, Edomites will be severely punished for their wars against Israel.

I would say yes, you are a scholar because 99% of believers couldn't argue this well on this subject.

What is a Jew? A name for a religion, Judaism. So, as far as I can see, it’s not being misused. Any tribe that was in Judah when Israel split into two kingdoms was part of Judah. It’s believed all 12 tribes were present in Judah, Ethiopia, and Sheba when the nation split. Nebuchadnezzar took away Samaritans and spread them as slaves over the 3 silk routes. They had to build fortresses and farms to support soldiers. The routes went from Babylon through India, north through what is today Eastern Europe and so on. This is where Hasidic Jews came from, including Kazakhs. Hasidic are uber strict and close to cultist. But, very loyal to God.

They were not allowed to claim the nation again. There’s a prophecy about dry bones. That’s Israel coming to life in the end days. Ethiopia and Sheba could have taken Israel, but say they were forbidden by God. Also, many Muslims are going on line claiming to be Bible scholars and lying. Mind that, and that atheists will claim to Muslims and mock Christians to start hate. It goes both ways. it causes deaths, but they think it's funny.

Mohamed stated, Israel belongs to the Jews and they should be let alone. Same with Medina, Sheba, and Ethiopia. Christian states were to let alone, as well. Unfortunately, those who followed we not good Muslims and slaughtered people. Because Mohamed was a religious judge for both Jews and Christians, it’s strongly held he was a Christian. More, why Muslims who are fighting Christ and the Jews are apostates.

Allah Is a Zionist


The Quranic argument for Jewish sovereignty in the land of Israel

By Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi|March 18, 2010 7:00 AM

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Oct 28, 2022
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Thanks for the update! I get Dept of Justice updates everyday from their official web site, revolving around major case developments. Last March/April range, I shared on FB a screen shot of a case in Miami, FL about a child pornography/internet ring that got busted. As I dug deeper into the case and those involved, I searched the local newspapers. Turns out, the main perpetrator died in prison just before his wife was to be sentenced--coinky dink? Then another player located in Oregon, was Ukrainian and that uncovered a huge child trafficking ring based in Ukraine! It involved HUNDREDS of kids and this was posted on the DOJ release. Is it any wonder why the Bio-labs, child trafficking, and Soro's money laundering, Biden too, has been a protected interest in Ukraine? We've given Ukraine $80B (probably more) and no one can account for where the $$ goes. That much $$, you'd at least think Ukraine was winning the war. My guess is that money went to hiding and/or moving all the lab and laundering paper trails. Newman is even on video admitting to the bio-labs funded from the Dept of Defense. The treachery and Baal worship continues as it did back then. Thanks for the info Gary!

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Yep, we are on the same page, Gary. That is what I have been reading about the past few years. MadRambler has tons of great historical perspective as I have been reading his posts. Red too has some good ones.

My sister married into a Jewish family and divorced. I dated an Israeli girl for seven years, and her father treated me great. We didn't get married as we always argued too much. I have worked for a Jewish friend for nine years and treated me great and paid me well too. Those do call themselves Jews, but do lie are the ones that I do not care for and avoid.

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Like this guy researched - "I don't believe in Elon Musk"


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The guy collecting the tattoo bodysuits is pretty kreeeeeeepy. He must be fun on holidays. I wonder if any of those were yakuza?

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Probably all of them…

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I think Elon was trolling the schwabhead?

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Probably a troll game

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