Jul 16, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Why don't the environmental 'activists' look into the reason the whales and ocean life are losing their way and beaching themselves. It's called TOO MANY ELECTRONIC SIGNALS IN THE ATMOSPHERE!! Someone needs to tell Elon Musk to start downsizing his satellites or there won't be any of the whales and porpoises left.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

So many interesting article items, Manuel, thank you.

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Re shitty architecture - imho you are correct re the purpose, as well as muted colors (in general) everywhere - cars, clothes, house and other space decor. Unless “whatever” is obnoxious in its presentation - videos, “paintings,” other artwork, clothing - well, you know. I’m not saying anything most of us don’t know. I find even a lot of music, sound to be obnoxious. Grace, style, class seems to be generally out of the picture…pretty sad. Grace, class, style does not mean wealth - it’s a way of living life. The way I see it, anyway.

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I was having conversations with my adult children just a few weeks ago about this - how is it that beautiful buildings and home were built and now people are building “shop houses” we are going backwards - metal box versus brick, mortar, wood and beauty ?!? Because it’s cheap?!? How about all of ya quit paying the governments and establishments “slave servitude fees aka taxes” and create a life of beauty. Some can’t see what’s going on…slavery of the masses…to institutions that are controlled by the Scumbags who control the financial situation of this place we call Earth. How about we all say - NO!” Life isn’t meant to “exist” Life is about creation and love! The infiltrators that want to control John Q Public have brainwashed them to pay taxes, live in a survival state…it’s freaking crazy that more people don’t see it

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The tiny house/home thing was sort of cute at first, but I think that it was another of their propaganda tools. NO tiny homes! Better than nothing one might say - that’s a big discussion and not enough space here, but food for thought - not made in a lab. Those tiny homes will fit nicely into their “minute cities” if it’s allowed to happen. Actually, a sort of glamorized cell - akin to “glampimg.” They ARE very good at their deception - and are very creative, too. It would be so nice if humans could beat them at the creativity game, as you alluded to.

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The only thing to make it happen would be for good humans to say “No” and look within themselves. Creation is - IMHO - the point of the “Creator” “Source” of which we all are connected but have been blinded to that fact.

The brainwashing of “Be grateful you can afford this” as we, the infiltrators of the domain called Earth, take everything we can from you drain your energy and creativity by putting you in a perpetual state of fear and survival, you will destroy yourselves and be accepting of the destruction. Take a look at the skies. Not sure where you live, but where I do, we are continually bombarded with the chemtrails which are poisoning all of craation. Smothering all of creation. Mind altering things are being sprayed daily - “dumbing down” humans unless they choose to see it. Gosh I got off on a tangent but heck humans are being “dumbed down” and accepting of “compliance” if they aren’t “Aware” I don’t call it “awake” for me “Aware” is a better descriptor….Good Humans - PLEASE become AWARE and do something! a few of us can’t do it alone!

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Oh, yes, I’m quite aware of probably all the “ctheories” going on out there.

I saw a term today that can apply in so many ways - “mentally deaf.” So many are - just won’t hear, let alone entertain the thought of “ctheories” even possibly being truths. And some are otherwise very smart in their area of expertise, and yet small-minded to again, even the possibility of the truth of ctheories. Agree about the word “awake.”

We have smoke here today - not sure from what…eastern U.S.

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link to tsunami advisory cancellation in English https://www.tsunami.gov/events/PAAQ/2023/07/16/rxvmwl/5/WEAK51/WEAK51.txt

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TEAMWORK: Those in America, may want to try "Dial-a-Buoy" under Information; I dialed buoys to track wave height during Hurricane Ian. https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/obs.shtml?lat=51.003948&lon=-157.880859&zoom=5&type=oceans&status=r&pgm=&op=&ls=n

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Jul 16, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

UFOs entering and exiting volcanoes - why? Likely for exactly the reasons you may be thinking. And more… 😉

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Our Honest and Forthright Corporate Media.

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I've seen montages like this in the past and they just keep on rolling. Astounding how resistant to critical thinking most people are in this age, they applauded Kamala Harris' speech about population control! Just another day in the Matrix.

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It's pretty crazy what people have been reduced to by submitting to the matrix life.

Yeah, 'they' can come right out and say that they are eating our babies, and the body-snatched zombies just go back to the couch and dig into the soylent...

Kind of disgusting, and kind of sad, how many just slump into their easy chairs these eye-opening days. Damned frustrating too, honestly. I feel like cracking the whip on some of them, but there's no point- if they can't see the writing on the wall by now, then what else can be done?

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The routers seeing through walls is only part of the tech that has been revealed. The rest is classified like most other things kept from we the people. I believe that technology is now so advanced and is now being used that can see you through your roof from space, not just vague images but CLEARLY, able to see if you need a shave and even able to read the book open on your desk! This world is at a point technologically that it is safe to say that if you can imagine it, it's been done and is at this moment being used to set up the one world government for the antichrist. Aren't you glad there is One who is infinitely POWERFUL over the wicked? Your parents think you're paranoid Manuel? Don't feel alone. Mine thought that of me for years.

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thank you

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59 atomic bombs 🤔😁 you'd a thought the local neighborhood or world would have heard or felt that. Apparently no issues.

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Anyone interested in Truth - actual Truth - needs to throw aside any programming that has been implemented over their lifetime and be open to “Ya I’ve been lied to my whole and entire life about everything”.

“How the Great Pan Died” is an excellent book to start. Then look up the council of Nicaea and see where one’s mind is open to actually contemplating what is really going on versus what ome was told and accepted as Truth

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UFO’s or US military?!? HAARP & DARPA. Have a direct impact on the state of the weather/environment. Project Blue Beam incoming… couldn’t get enough peeps to accept the Toxic Potentially Lethal Experimental Injections - so let’s scare them with the UFO narrative… just saying - the fear mongering of the populous could get those who are unaware to do almost anything to “save themselves” or for “the good of the greater population”

Freak - we can’t leave this planet - no one ever has 😂 If something not of this “Earth” shows up - it’s going to be through a portal a not “space” ….. think about the Scumbags obsession with CERN?!? 🤪

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Well, no tsunami waves killing the world, not as much TNT as people say. Wake me up when it's one the earth and not ocean, and must be 10+ Then we'll have something to talk about.

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