During her last visit to Ukraine, Vicky Nuland mentioned in the coming weeks there would be a lot of surprises coming to Russia. Could what happened today in Moscow be one such surprise?

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"Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs of the United States" ~ The first thing I thought when I saw the report, "40 dead, 100 injured" - my brain went immediately to: the "leftist" demoncrats setting the stage for an up-coming "staged" Martial Law event. Maybe that's crazy,

maybe it's not. I'll be SHOCKED if we make it to an actual November election in the U.S.

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I am more scared about what is going to happen after your elections...

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If we get to that point. !

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The leftist elites running America already have a plan to have the elections, just like 2020, they will pull out the dirty tricks and cheating to steal the election. Again. Don't bother to tell me how Basement Biden won the election fair and square. I have seen the mountains of evidence to the contrary that no court in the land would hear. That one fact says it all as well. Corruption in the executive branch, the two Houses of Congress, the judiciary is there for all to see who will see. The rest of you, may we never have known you. These are the ones who will do anything to stay in control and their servants.

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The UFO and USO sightings go hand in hand with all the evidence pointing to many unexplained things in history that mankind could not have accomplished without extraterrestrial help. Could the UFO's and USO's originate from Earth, either from the future or the past and bases in the ocean depths? Of course. Common sense with all the evidence would cause rational people to come to rational conclusions. These USO and UFO craft and all the anomolies from the past that mankind did not have the technology to perform, have happened. What could a rational person take from that? We are not alone... Our governments don't wish that to be known for some reason, let's just call it more of their BS power and control operations against "We The People" who are supposed to be "their masters". Americans appear to be just as weak regarding their government as the rest of the world. Yep, let's call it wimpy pathetic stupidity!!! What it is!!!

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The Disney robots video, on which I attempted to comment but my comment was rejected (failed to post) Hmmm, I wonder if it was censored because it came too close to reality! Here is what was censored. (watch the video first so you understand what I am saying; Nvidia's Project GR00T)

"Obviously designed [the little robots] to activate we humans' "cute" buttons. Awe, look! aren't they darling! Look how their little antenna go up when they're curious! OH! Now they want a snack!!! How absolutely adorable! Yeah, so mechanically snuggly, until they bounce up to you and vaporize your head from your shoulders with hidden DEW laser technology!"

I guess someone at Youtube censorship control saw this comment and said, "how did this guy get the script???" I didn't get the script pal, but allow me to introduce myself, I'm your greatest enemy... a man that can still SEE and THINK logically!

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From the Tennessean: "The research group has debunked the theory, saying that there is no credible evidence for the existence of chemtrails." No credible evidence? Oh, really?



And the best evidence of NO chemtrails ever! (this looks like normal flight paths of commercial jet aircraft, doesn't it???)


We're living in a complete asylum people with the normal behavior noticed by most upon seeing such pictures is "nothing out of the ordinary here... Next?"

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Well done Manuel! Thank you for all of your research. 🙏

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Every time there is a mass shooting or bombing or killing by any means anywhere, the conspiracy theorists among us claim the massacre to be a "false flag" attack committed not by an angry loner, crazy person, or terror group, by rather by some agency of our gov't or by the Israelis.

But it is a logical impossibility that every single attack is a false flag as always claimed. So my question is:

Which mass killings of the past 50 years were NOT false flag attacks? Please list in chronological order.

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In 🇷🇺, was a false flag. Grab the 🍿, find a comfy 🪑with a good 🪟👀, between the 29th and April 22; things may get interesting. Time will tell but keep an ear to happenings in the middle east.

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Appreciate all the World News we don't get anywhere else!! USO's really IS an unexplored subject since we already know there are object surfacing for centuries!! Columbus, for example! ;-)

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