So for long time 23me collected genes of 'volunteers', then NIH collected enough and closed that collection end of last year, and now all you will find online is things are disappearing..

BUT all positive covid PCR tests for example in CA were COLLECTING data with every single swipe while analyzing entire genomes.. How else would they end up with trillions of sequences for 'healthcare' ? STOLEN GENOMES.. Just my opinion in particular after the death of OpenAI genius Balaji, and the most recent incident with George Webb...

Genetically modified HUMANS 2.0 AFTER covid jabs, now in process of evolution 2.0:

"Evo 2 can provide insights into DNA, RNA and proteins. Trained on a wide array of species across domains of life — including plants, animals and bacteria — the model can be applied to scientific fields such as healthcare, agricultural biotechnology and materials science."

=>all with stolen data.

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Nothing in the mouth - nothing up the butt!

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Take 2 Putins and call me in the morning.

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"🇨🇳 Meanwhile in China

Ai Robot malfunctions & attacks person before being restrained

A quick glimpse into what the future holds for all of us…."


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Thanks for the link. Very interesting but did it really "malfunction" as they said? Oh, you ain't seen nuthin yet! If I didn't COMPLETELY trust in my Creator God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I would be frightened out of my wits in this age. I'd be wondering how long it would be until AI made its way to the big button and pushed it to start global nuclear war. But God controls AI and satan and will allow ONLY what He allows. Satan isn't the "opposite" of God as many imagine, he is infinitely less powerful than God. God created satan and thus the devil is God's devil. Besides, we know what is going to happen because it was written LONG BEFORE it happened and we are seeing Bible prophecy coming to pass before our very eyes. See my other comments, this page.

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It is good to question that situation. Was the video even real? Was the robot being remotely controlled? Do the satanic deep state want us afraid of robots?

I agree God is in charge

"the gospel By which also ye are saved, [believe that] Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; [Jesus] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins ..., through the forbearance of God; ...by the law of faith. Romans Chapter 3:25-27


\¸.♥ Praise Lord Jesus Christ ♥.¸





/ \ All Glory to God!

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AMEN! I found a true sister; a KJV using, rightly dividing Christian right here in my "home" (favorite) substack! I'm going to follow your substack sis. Blessings to you and we'll be seeing each other so very soon now. Every day I say to myself, how much longer could it possibly be??? Check out my other comments on this substack. I've been commenting here for almost 5 years now, sounding the alarm of His Soon Return for we who love Him and "have been washed from our sins in His Own Blood and hath made us KINGS AND PRIESTS (not a "kingdom" of priests like every other version says) unto GOD AND HIS FATHER! not, "unto His God and Father" Revelation 1:6 Check it out. https://biblehub.com/revelation/1-6.htm This is no small matter! Why does everyone treat it as though it is. God has either preserved His written word or He hasn't but His word tells us He DID, (Psalm 12:7; Matthew 5:18; John 10:35) So which one of the 1000s of translations is it???

One of my biggests struggles today is seeing how so many pastors and teachers use the new versions. I struggle with that daily, seeing pastors like JD Farag - who I have loved for many years - constantly using these new versions which are all, in essence, the Catholic Bible translated from the Gnostic, Alexandrian texts, and so many others not mentioning that the new versions are counterfeits (as shown in Revelation 1:6) Do you have any ideas how to deal with this? How can it be so clear to me yet a topic which most visible Christians in this age avoid? Blessings to you sis and may the Peace of His Holy Ghost indwell, enrich and comfort you in these, the very last days of the Age of Grace.

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Well....MC can just KMA and FRO if that's their plan by 2030. Cash me outside MC!


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Here's a question that came to me due to the talk about Ft Knox gold.

The price of gold is determined by demand. However the demand is driven as an investment tool, not necessarily of utility. Gold is classified as a precious metal, this implies it's a rare metal.

It is said a cube

75' W x 75' L x 75' H

could hold all of the known quantity of gold.

Is using gold as an investment a type of Ponzi scheme or is it a logical instrument to use?

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I think the Temple of God is made from transparent gold? Solomon's Temple all gold? Gold most precious of them all, I think?

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Yes. If you're speaking of the New Jerusalem, yes, it is "...made of pure gold like unto clear glass". (Revelation 21:18) God speaks of the value of gold throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, "The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good:" (Genesis 2:11-12); then skip over to the last book again, "and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass." (Revelation 21:21). I can't wait to see it!!!

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Could it be that this "clone robot" which is now twitching to life, combined with the ability of AI to make its own genome, I mean could we be witnessing the birth of a FALSE mankind? An ANTI mankind? Could this be satan's version of "let us create a man in our image" (Genesis 1:26) With everything else in Bible prophecy coming to pass before our eyes in this age, I believe it could be.

But don't worry. There is nothing in the Bible which suggests that God will allow such a thing to be done. Many things will happen NEXT which would prohibit he and his workers (all of current world government led by spiritual wickedness in high places) from succeeding in such a lofty plan however he will succeed in others. One thing will happen very soon to completely derail his efforts to "be like God" and create his own version of mankind. I can hardly believe what I'm seeing! This is so very surreal, isn't it? It's like a science fiction movie come to real life!

Oh, I forgot to mention what will happen very soon which will stop satan in his tracks. Millions of people the world over will suddenly disappear. That will include all babies and toddlers (including babies in the womb!) and all those who have been washed in the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:5) and have had their sins completely removed. We will be taken by our Creator Jesus Christ in the "catching away of the Saints or Rapture of the church. (the true church; the saved people)

This event will cause chaos on a scale never before imagined and antichrist will reveal himself to the world directly after this event. Look how close it's getting folks! But it's STILL not too late. You can still be saved if you seek Him with your whole heart. Jeremiah 29:13; You must call upon Him when you realize your definite NEED for Him to save you. Romans 10:13; Do it now. One of these coming weeks will usher in a day after which it's going to be too late and you'll find yourself in a world that is scarcely recognizable, that is, if you live because BILLIONS will die during the next 7 years after this event.

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"AI can now write genomes from scratch…"

I said about 9 months ago, when AI "repaired" itself that it was going into hyperdrive now. The changes we are seeing over the last 9 months, and barely comprehending, that are occurring in this world right now are only a FRACTION of what is actually going on behind the scenes. The media are carefully allowing information and technology, (controlled by...wait for it...AI, of course) to reach the general public, i.e. the people (we) but there is new technology being created by AI which will, when revealed, convince those seeing it that it is supernatural and in the eyes of most, GOD HIMSELF!

This hidden technology, which by this time, is exponentially MORE than what they are revealing is being controlled and invented by AI but who is controlling AI? that is the question! Listen to this... "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men," Revelation 13:3 You got it! AI is completely controlled by the antichrist himself! And the rulers of the darkness of this world, having taken all their orders from "spiritual wickedness in high places" and are all on the same page in every effort to bring in the new world order for the antichrist.

Satan is a liar and a copycat. He cannot do anything without copying and counterfeiting what God has already done. God sent John the Baptist (who, if you can accept it, was Elijah; Matthew 11:14) to pave the way for God in the Flesh, Jesus Christ. So, satan does the same. He has sent one who will prepare the way for the antichrist who will be revealed. Who is that? Who is satan's "John the Baptist"? Could it be King Charles? Yuval Noah Harari? Elon Musk? Donald Trump?

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Looks like Manuel covered them all? Ai takes over and Mother Earth gets pissed! Don't want to get in the middle of that because I am soooo ant like!

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