Outstanding sir! Not real good news, but at this point in time, the only GOOD news will be "us with Him" in the near pending future.

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Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸

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I see you get onto Hal Turner's website, Manuel.

Excellent, as always!

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Wokeism Video:

That dude has a very high voice and pitch to his scream.


Lawn Dick:

God Save The Peen!

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The little Kindergarten girl: She is with Jesus right now. The agenda? Here come the masks again. Look at right screen on YT video as they give symptoms at 0:41 !!! Who and why did they feel it necessary to show a double helix representing DNA or RNA while they blew through the symptoms? Think about it. Subliminal preparation for another MRNA fiasco and shot. Half the world is prepared psychologically; the other half is privy to their agenda. These demonic bastards won't stop until they are stopped. And it won't be us who stops them.

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Be great if Christ would send his Holy Lightning down upon the demonic bastards. He nailed that false idol, the St. Floyd mural. He may have knocked apart the Georgia Guidestones too. I am not sure what happened there yet. I know he is watching and taking notes. I do pray for Christ to heal our Nation, Jimd.

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In the article about the assault on the first grade girl, it seems like any cultural information was intentionally left out of the story. The demographics of the school district may have been enlightening, or maybe not.

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Schools hire pedo/perverts, and I seriously doubt they do psych evals, or criminal background investigation deep enough to uncover sordid past history. Seen enough teacher Dik-Tok videos. I would not let any children near those weirdos.

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Canadian Dope Store:

What the hell is going on over there? How is leagalizing hard dope going to make things better? People will OD same as if they had impure dope cut/laced with fentanyl. Some people may like the impure dope cut with fentanyl better? People do hard dope for a variety of reasons. However, once the body is physically addicted, then they are just using it to not be dope sick or to just get well. Be smarter to open more treatment centers, and keep people off hard dope. If the kids smoke pot or drink, that is part of growing up. If you make hard dope available and easily accessible it will definitely lead to serious addiction and overdoses. This world is so assbackwards it stinks!

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"leagalizing hard dope" would ensure a better quality product for the users, they wouldn't have to hide anymore (so we could more easily see and avoid them), and any increased overdose deaths would help thin the herd and improve the gene pool for the rest of us.

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Well, those people need help, but I see your point. 😉

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Earthquake Reports:

Panama + NW S. America and Indonesia having some antipode ping pong quakes.

Kamchatka Russia getting a pair of quakes. Volcanic activity possibly.

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Fox News could be banned by Truedope and sodomite protestors in Canada:

Why? Fox is full of sodomites. You think that clocksucker Juan Williams is straight? I quit Fox a decade ago, when I trashed my tv. I can't tolerate any of them now.

Conservative AM Radio news is almost done too. Bunch of phoney Conservatives(Beck, Clownitty, Cuck n Buck, Bonginoid). The best program they had was Michael Knowles at 1800hrs. They cut his show, and slotted Mark "LaVin" in there, and he has severe Putinosis.

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