The problem is there’s over 1 million dead children because these pharmaceutical companies are needle profit genocide hungry for maximum profit maximum kill of your immune system
I'm not scared about any controlmind appointee. I don't consent to that psychopathic legal/governmental mess and wish More would withdraw Their consent. When enough of Us stand in aggregate, sovereign on Ethical ground, They will have no power, those moneyed psychopaths in control.
Thanks for the news briefs, Manuel!! I am still applauding The Canadian Truckers!!!
Inject 100 more Covid 19 shots in him and a euthanasia good bye appointment
The problem is there’s over 1 million dead children because these pharmaceutical companies are needle profit genocide hungry for maximum profit maximum kill of your immune system
I'm not scared about any controlmind appointee. I don't consent to that psychopathic legal/governmental mess and wish More would withdraw Their consent. When enough of Us stand in aggregate, sovereign on Ethical ground, They will have no power, those moneyed psychopaths in control.
Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):