Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by Strange Sounds

Looks like there is an urgent need for hackers who could re-steer the communication towers out of the pre-programmed synchronicity, leading to build up of the water masses.... Actually more important, a global prayer is needed!!! Man, everything is so creepy.

Btw. I had hand 3x the volume shortly AFTER visiting Kaiser Permanente hospital where my family member was 'treated' in Oct 2023.... It was extremely concerning in particular AFTER appearance of ~5mm diameter round red circle with a red dot in the middle, on the inside part of my hand.... It all disappeared after 1 month of abroad trip shortly after the 'bite'(??)

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Strange Sounds

The mosquitos story. I went to leave a comment on the video and, of course, the comments were turned off. Here's what needs to happen by hook or by crook; Oxitec, a company that works with mosquitos, breeding, genetically modifying, and only God knows what else, is largely funded by freaking BILL GATES OF HELL! Need we ask anymore questions about this?????? Hmm, how many ways can we think of to bring about #1 on the Georgia Guidestones; maintain human population at or below 500,000,000 i.e. 7 billion must die; let me count the ways! This story has me freaking spitting mad!! Thanks again Manny! ( I always stop reading when I come across something that gets me this riled. I see Manuel addressed this Bill Gates funded project already)

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Oct 9Liked by Strange Sounds

Wonder what NASA did with all the stars in space ?

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8Liked by Strange Sounds

Even if those in Florida did try to get the heck out of Dodge, this happens....


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Oct 9Liked by Strange Sounds

I tried to tell my son to get his family out of Florida a couple days ago, but they waited until today to try to leave, heading for Atlanta. Fortunately, they are on the Atlantic side rather than the Gulf Coast, so the winds and storm surge probably won't be life-threatening, but still a chance of significant flooding. I've been through many hurricanes, including Category 5 Donna in 1960, and am not one to cut and run - we've never evacuated, but this monster is pretty scary! And after the Helene debacle, you know the government isn't coming to help!

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Oct 8Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks for the Milton shots!! Insane!! And they are still trying to recover in NC/TN!! Appreciate your always keeping us up-to-date, Manuel!! ;-)

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I love those undulating asperatus cloud formations - so apocalyptic appearing! Apparently though, as threatening as they appear, they usually dissipate without even producing any rain. Don't think those are being generated by HAARP, especially since they've been sighted as far away as New Zealand - and what would be the point, if they don't do anything at all other than look fascinatingly cool? Besides, there are photos of asperatus dating back at least as far as 1980, and the HAARP facility in AK didn't even exist until a decade later.

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Oct 10·edited Oct 10

What is your purpose here, Colleen? Everything that this channel stands for is something you have a counter explanation for, that is, you deny every story indicating that there is an evil cabal of wicked billionaires who are killing the population of the world and setting up a global government for the antichrist.

I'd like to know why you're here, that's all. Is there some sort of requirement for those representing the false mainstream to have a presence anywhere the truth is being told? If that's not the case, why are you here if you disagree with everything we on this page seem to agree with?

The government of the US has had weather modification plans AT LEAST since 1966 as the links will show. Just because there are pages and pages of denial of the truth which search engines pull up doesn't make it the truth. It does mean that those controlling the information that the people can see online are controlled by those perpetrating the wickedness on this earth. It's the entire reason this channel exists -to show what most people don't see. I could give many more such examples but time doesn't permit.



As I said, you don't LOOK for these because you are blinded by the MSM which is COVERING UP the truth! Those clouds are the result of chemical ice nucleating elements which they use to lower the freezing temperature of water in the stratosphere causing insanely large hail and snow falling at 50 degrees F.

If you want recognition here, why don't you try reading the 97 page report on weather modification in the first link? Maybe it will begin to crack the hard outer shell of denial and cognitive dissonance within and you'll begin to see the truth; that those in control of this world aren't there for YOU. They have an agenda which DOESN'T INCLUDE YOU and they want you DEAD!

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Sorry I don't fit into a neat easily definable little box that you can figure out. And seriously, do you think the MSM will actually compensate me for being their rep here? I could always use the money - LOL!

And I don't disagree with everything here. I have many interests and I find things here that are entertaining and informative, as well as photos of all sorts of atmospheric phenomena that I think are pretty cool.

Not interested in debating weather modification with you - I'd be more willing to consider the possibility of that when I see the weather wizards attaining the ability to accurately predict the weather, which they don't seem any more capable of than they were half a century ago, in spite of all our modern technology. IMO, if you can't predict the weather, you sure as heck can't engineer it or control it. The success of cloud seeding is very spotty and difficult to assess, much less anything else, in spite of claims to the contrary.

You mentioned something about snowfall at 50 degrees, as if that is evidence of something? I remember that happening regularly during my childhood in both Colorado and in the California mountains in the late 50's and early 60's - we'd be playing in the dry snow in short sleeved T-shirts and short pants we used to call pedal-pushers, so that isn't new and isn't the result of evil gov't activity.

I don't deny that the gov't would love to control the weather and that they had plans in that direction going way back, and they've tried really hard, but I see no convincing evidence they have succeeded.

I disagree with your claim that there is an "evil cabal of wicked billionaires who are killing the population of the world and setting up a global government for the antichrist." I do believe there are rich, powerful, hugely arrogant individuals (Noah Harari really pisses me off, as one example) who think they know what's best for all us little peons, and they want more control to further their globalist aspirations.

Fortunately, there is also an uprising of populist sentiment all over the world, much of it inspired by Donald Trump. Globalism will not succeed just as Communism never succeeds in the long term because neither of those ideologies are compatible with human nature or nature's Creator.

As for killing the population, if that is their goal, they are failing miserably, because last I checked, the global population continues to increase at the same rate it has for many years - 8.23 billion humans right now and more being added than taken away every day.

Thing is, you are not the creator or moderator of this site and I'm only replying to your queries about my purposes to be polite - I don't owe you any explanation for anything I say or do. Manuel is the creator and moderator here and I happen to believe, based on what I see here, that he isn't he type of guy who wants his comment section to be nothing but a circle jerk where everyone is compelled to agree. I think, at least I hope, he wants a free exchange of ideas and opinions, and I am entitled to my opinions (which I try to base on facts I have verified from many diverse sources,) just as you are entitled to yours. I'm comfortable with that, but I don't think you are, which is unfortunate I think.

Anyway, I need to get back to crunching numbers - I do have a day job. So, take care, and as we say here in the deep South, "Have a blessed day!"

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Bill Gates did not release genetically modified mosquitoes. His foundation gave a grant to a company called Oxitec, and Oxitec released genetically modified NON-BITING male mosquitoes in California and Florida (not Oklahoma.) The research is designed to test methods to control mosquito populations and reduce the burden of malaria and other mosquito transmitted diseases in developing countries. There's good reason mosquitoes are always ranked #1 on any list of the most dangerous and deadly animals on the planet.

Anyway, these mosquitoes don't bite, so they can't be the cause of bite reactions. Lots of people have bad reactions to mosquito bites, and my daughter and I are among them. We get huge hot red welts about the size of an egg that feel hard to the touch and sometimes lead to cellulitis, which then requires a course of antibiotics for treatment. Our severe reactions predate the existence of genetically modified mosquitoes by literal decades, so this just goes to prove you can't blame everything on the Microsoft guy.

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Oct 9Liked by Strange Sounds

Bill Gates is a mass murderer who wants mostly everyone DEAD. I suppose you side with the "fact checkers" and Snopes when they "debunked" the truth about what he said at that TED talk, "Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent. He's referring to POPULATION GROWTH. How can that statement be debunked in the least? Why are you always coming here with your left leaning rhetoric, defending the wicked? They SAY that they only release male mosquitoes. Do you think they don't lie? What you are doing is regurgitating what the MEDIA says demonstrating that you trust what they say and your whole worldview is skewed by believing lies and deception. Don't you know we are in a spiritual battle and the forces of evil are controlling the leaders of the darkness of this world? Don't you see what's going on? Don't you see what's coming? You defended Gates of Hell when he was promoting the clot shot and now you defend him about his associations with Oxitec. What is a computer nerd doing with mosquitos anyway? His family helped Margaret Sanger found planned parenthood. He's supposed to be a philanthropist yet he leaves a trail of death behind him wherever he goes. Why don't you just come out and say it? Who are you and who and what do you represent?

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