Dec 3, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Peace and comfort fill your house. All is well

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

How frightening! Glad everything is back to normal. Enjoy your time with the parents!

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praying for your mom & family 🙏

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will do:)

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Well wishes and a speedy recovery for your mother.. You are a great son!

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Blessings to you all. 🙏🏻

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Prayers to your Mother. You are an awesome son to go be with her in her time of need. 🙏💕

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

You're in my prayers Manuel. 🛐

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

God bless mom

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Prayers for your mother and your family........just some helpful input

Seizures are mostly caused by too much ammonia in the blood dumped by the liver....

Supplements can help in some instances and they certainly will not hurt

Milk Thistle is great for the liver function and Gaia has a great Liver support supplement, also L-glutamine........

Here are some great links to many supplements....I found them through 'Startpage', the search engine I use by typing in.......'best herbs for the liver and to reduce ammonia in the blood'

I found this out when dating a lady that had 1-2 seizures a week, alcohol is also a big contributor

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs and Dr Joel Wallach

Hope this can be of help for your mother

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Thanks!! Will look into that…

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Dec 4, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Peace to you, and strength. Walk in beauty

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Dear Manuel,

Sending kind thoughts and prayers up for your mother! So very sorry to hear about her recent Epilectic attack. Glad you have been with her and that she is doing better. Please tell her that she has a lot of people who wish her well and that we are praying for her well being and recovery. Take care! CBPfromTN

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Just said a prayer for your Mom.. Had am epilectic girlfriend once. Petit Mals and Grand mals were tough to endure.

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I am praying for your mother and your family. I'm glad she is much better.

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Prayers for your Mother and your entire family.

GOD Bless you all.

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It was this time last year that I visited my own mother in the hospital. It wasn't long after she got the second covid (whatever that is) booster, on her way to a doctors appointment for treatment for her devastating arthritis when her walker couldn't hold her up any longer and she fell down in the elevator, never again to stand on her own two legs. She was quickly moved into a room and just as quickly moved into a nursing home where she contracted a urinary infection. She was re-hospitalized now with Sepsis. She went downhill over the rest of the month, put in hospice, pumped full of morphine as all her organs shut down. She died on January 7th this year at 85 yrs old.

My brother, two years my senior, couldn't even go to her funeral because he was hospitalized with "covid pneumonia" whatever that is. His fingers and lips turned blue while I was home visiting my mother in the hospital. (I live 8 hours by car away from my family). He and his wife both took the covid (whatever that is) test, both were positive. However, my brother had something completely different than his wife who had symptoms resembling a cold, he had pain in his lungs when he coughed like "shards of glass in his lungs" he said. Of course, he, being unvaxxed was somehow made to look like he would have been saved had he taken the vax and I'm still trying to figure out how he contracted this while his wife didn't. There is great evil at work here and it ain't over yet! We all know now that it wasn't the clot shot that saved her. She took him to the local hospital where they began with 15 L. of 02. for a few weeks, he improved and they sent him home. He already had his first round of Remdesivir (which I advised against) He was home for only a week, ignoring my pleas for him to take Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, he said he was going to get vaxxed as soon as he was well enough. (he never would get on board with me as I tried to show him the truth of this world, he was a MAGA Trump fan) He never got well enough. Back to the hospital and this time intubated and given the second and final round of the deadly Remdesivir. He died by protocol in the "covid" (whatever that is) unit at the hospital full of Fentanyl and Morphine just 34 days after my mother passed. He was 62.

My dad is 89, had the same shots and boosters and lost half of his strength and energy after receiving the shots. However, he lives on only by answered prayer as I beg God every single day to preserve His life until Jesus comes for us to remove us prior to pouring out His WRATH on this wicked world for their rejection of Him - the ONLY way to the Father. He has vowed that if millions of people disappear (including me and my daughter) he will believe in Jesus. That seems to be my only hope for my dad.

I will be praying for your mother, Manuel. Please tell us her name and age (not that God doesn't know it) but for my sake, so that I can picture her as I pray for her. I always like to have a name to go along with those I pray for. I will pray for you also, that God preserve your heart and give you peace through your trials. Look up some Bible verses for those who need comfort in trials, it is full of them and may help you more than you know.

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