The topic of this newsletter is very relevant to Bible prophecy and the times we are now living in.

Everything that is being spoken of about the Jews in this age must be scrutinized as with any other media story in this age, most of which are deceptive and are clearly guiding an agenda. There is great motivation in this secular world (and now even among many so-called Christians) to destroy the Jewish nation as has been the world's desire since the very beginning.

Anti-Semitism is off the charts today and there has been a viral and palpable hatred of the Jew culminating against them, especially in these last few months, blaming the latest war in Israel against the Jews and being instigated by the MSM and the many lies they are spreading about the activities of this war which have been proven to be FALSE in many cases.

On the one hand, we have Bible prophecy which tells us EXACTLY what we are seeing right now in this world regarding not only Israel but every other bit of activity of the deep state leading up to global dictatorship. On the other, we see the entire world gathered together against the Jewish nation, disbelieving the prophecies and calling the Bible just an old book of fairy tales.

The world is now placing blame for every wicked machination of mankind unfairly and squarely upon the Jew. Many "Jews" (in name only, that is not practicing; think the Rothschilds) actually are involved in the satanic cabal, yes, but no more than the non-Jew however, the people of the world are believing the lies of the media and unfairly hating the Nation Israel placing blame for ALL of the wickedness of this world upon them, just as prophecy clearly points out.

Bible prophecy tells us that the Jews have been hated by neighboring countries (Canaanites, and most other "ites" in the Middle East) since Biblical times also revealing that in the end days, ALL global attention will be upon the JEWS. "ALL THE PEOPLE shall be gathered against it". Zechariah 12:2-3 and "it shall be a cup of trembling" and "a burdensome stone". Those days have come. And in the news last week, the US is now abandoning its alliance with Israel to fall in with the mention of "all the people" of the world. The modern history of the Jewish nation is briefly as follows:

First, there was a regathering of the Jew into a new homeland which occurred in 1948 fulfilling Ezekiel 11:17; Matthew 24:32; Mark 13:14 and Luke 21; Israel is the fig tree mentioned in those three Gospels. Jesus promised us that the generation of people which saw the return of Israel to their homeland "would not pass till all these things be fulfilled". That is ALL of the things prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24 meaning that ALL of those things Jesus told His disciples up to and including the seven year time of tribulation!

A generation, according to the Bible is 70-80 years. 1948 was 76 years ago! This means that Jesus is coming to take away His saints (not mother Theresa or the pope or any other "man-made" Catholic elected saint but WE the SAVED are the saints) WITHIN THE NEXT 4 YEARS! And that number, 4 years is at the extreme latest possible date according to Scripture! It must be taken into account that the generation Jesus was referring to was the average age of 40 years old when He said these things. Some would be born on the day he said it but others were born 40 years before! So, I expect Him at any moment.

Why not learn the truth of this world, this time we're living in and of Bible prophecy? What could possibly be the harm in looking into this? No harm whatsoever in fact, you will inherit all things if you follow the truth of the Bible and BELIEVE on His Shed Blood as our ONLY hope and redemption of our sins.

BUT, if you don't look into this, to arrive at the truth of who we are, why we're here and HOW we got here (mostly all people believe blatant lies about all three of these most important facts) then you will lose everything including your life, which is ETERNAL consciousness and in which you will have your own consciousness FOREVER AND EVER.

Moreover, you will upon the loss of the body you now occupy, what we call death, receive a NEW, indestructible body which cannot die but will be CAST into a lake of fire burning with brimstone where you will feel the unspeakable pain of eternal torture in a place without hope (it pains me to imagine this but it's most accurately the rock solid truth; it MUST be told) where you'll be assigned your own personal WORM that will eat you forever. Mark 9:46

This is the truth that most people avoid and I'm spelling it out for anyone and everyone to see because I care deeply about my fellow human beings. I completely empathize for everyone as I myself was once a disbeliever. But now, by the Holy Spirit of God within me, I have a love and a desire for EVERY person to seek the truth I'm sharing by forsaking this world's teaching and making an HONEST investigation of their own. To seek for oneself is, at the very least, to make an opinion of their OWN about it.

Right now, most people, the vast majority, have NOT adopted their own worldview but have simply latched onto this world's popular view which is completely FALSE! They believe what they have been told without question. They believe the insanity of everything we see as having come from... nothing. It never ceases to amaze to me that so many believe this without questioning it!

If you honestly investigate what I am saying, you have at the very least satisfied your own mind about the topic. Think about that now while you can be saved for time and eternity or think regrettably about it forever. It is YOUR choice. It's a brand new year and very well could be the LAST "normal" year before this world is turned upside down. Read Isaiah 24 for a sneak peek of what is coming.

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Very interesting.....Human Nature is the same regardless of which 'religion' you might be! ;-)

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Beware, you can catch rabies down there...

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Rabbis or rabies? I'm confused... :)

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Those tunnels were probably for child trafficking. Why else would there be child sized stained beds?

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Manuel, happy new year!

This made me laugh, glad the tenant finally figured it out.

The tunnels are interesting..

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Why am I not surprised? 🙂🙃

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