20,000 to 1 Trump was on that list.

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Ah, You have seen the unredacted list, guaranteed the real thing?

I gave a probability I assess. There is no "wrong" in probabilities. There is the probability of "wrong..." Do offer Your probabilities and We can discuss the evidence.

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No way, he’d never talk about them if he were on the flight logs, lists, etc.

Trump ran the Miss America pageants. You think he needed an Israeli pimp like Epstein? My guess is that Trump had his fare share but there were 18+...too old for The Island.

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LOL! I give low probability Trump did not attend an Epstein party. Or five… Or more…

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Manuel, your cosmic news today are the most calming... The rest is hitting the head and creating alienated stars.

Why not to release all these classified info at once??? Wait until everyone involved erases own name from the damn list, which btw. was out there already YEARS BACK! And Mr. Trump at that time was many times on it, including almost his entire family... ANd why not, rich people fly all over, they want to see the beaches, enjoy the coctails, what's wrong with that? What was so special there was NO Bill Gates on it.. Anyway, what will people do with it now, anyway? Epstein killed himself, his money is gone, to someone, oh, yes, to whom actually? Even TOm Renz is outraged about this entire Epstein show business (https://tomrenz.substack.com/p/is-the-epstein-list-being-destroyed .

And now Gold Cards for 5 mln???

Chinese, Rusians, welcome back!

Feel like at home, we do business with you! We like Chinese ideas, the language, nobody can speak.. It will make us happy. You bring us everything what you got, including the new covid?

We welcome everything, as long as the money flows!

Americans first, but not without 5 millions input...

And what about us, the war(p) s(P)eeded victims, the homeless, the burned out, the flooded, the laid off..???

America in DEBT? NO, IN THEFT.

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I repeat: So, more dumb-phukery from the Manuel cult commenters peanut gallery of closet Trump haters that have no real skills for real detective work. This shows all the same lack of skill to find anything of real substance that makes fake news glaringly fake! If the likes of Adam Schiff and Jack Smith, etc., ever did have anything of real substance to use against Trump, ever, they wouldn't have had to make sh!t up like the Russia Hoax scum-phukery claims against Trump! The dumb-phukery of you people is astounding!! The deep state manipulated fake news didn't even try to sacrifice any deep state assets in Hollywood or politics or anywhere else in any effort to try tie Trump to anything "real" BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING REAL TO TIE TO TRUMP!!! AND because you dumb-phuks here, and so many other places, don't get that simple fact, you keep playing a part of the scum-phukery efforts that keep working against the truth that is coming out against every evil bastard thing that has corrupted this country for 150+ years!! This exact form of dumb-phukery shows everyone else that knows where the holes are in all the fake bullsh!t news who the stupid people are that effectively work against the good people that know what the real story is. Congratulations, your dumbasses are show for all the world to see!

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hey, psssss, you clearly can't read and understand the contents, and on top of it you are incapable of getting jokes..,

Given your lang-u-age it is you who is full of extreme hate, not sure why you can't stand undecided minds who need TIME and 100% PROOF of what is really going on... Mr. Renz is very much PRO-Trump, and as said, even he is ASTONISHED of what the hell is going on with Epstein story!

Beyond that, everyone with eyes and ears, sees the corruption, and appreciates the actions, so far, although nothing is perfect, MANY PEOPLE DID NOT APPRECIATE THE WARP SPEED Mr. Ellison thanked President Trump so much for, millions died, countless injured for life, but people, in particular the injected, will get to this hopefully soon, and that includes Trump and his family too,.. This will be the final proof that there is honesty here, but if more of the synthetic crap is going to be produced, financed and forced upon people, animals and the plants, everyone will know, it was all a show. Just my op-In-I-on about the end of this world as we know it.

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Welcome, dipsh!t, the jokes on you as to how many people didn't die from the vaxx because of the way it was rushed out and unprepared. It was designed to kill billions and not just millions!!! Because dumbasses like you that don't see the War that's still going on that's changed EVERYTHING that's corrupted this country for 150+ years that's changing the future for those too ignorant to appreciate what's being done for them. The Georgia Guidestones was blown up to send a message to the evil bastards that put it there and soon their asses will be kicked so hard they will wish they could remember what it was to touch the ground. When they do find land they'll be picking their teeth out of the dirt if they still have a face left. Be grateful if you're not counted as one of them needing to pick up your teeth.

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Your pronouns are: You're/Fired

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which sets everyone on FIRE, including the trans who lost their organs.... Sorry for this lang-u-age

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Well isn't that oh so convenient. The truth will remain in the Vault of Truth, never to be seen again....

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Sort of related as far as files and records go - the head guy also deleted a database that recorded the certain activities of law en FORCE ment that would put their certain behaviours in a not-so-good light. Federal, state and local records gone.

M a y b e a replacement of some kind is in the works, but somehow I highly doubt that.

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Re those files and so many others - my dog just had a dog treat. I thought the world might like to know.

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Phase 2👉🏼https://youtu.be/yhvfsIsF2lw?si=thsuJQ5_rBKNsh9d

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Cernovich and Yids of TikTok? Yeah, I’ll pass. Now if they gave the list to Ye, now you’d have my interest!

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The so called bones of dinosaurs are the remnants of large life forms including giant human beings

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Yep. That and more to come. The truth is being Uncovered.

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There remains in Western Politics an entrenched monarchical principle that political actors enjoy broad immunity, or "sovereignty," from adverse personal consequences for executing official government duties. This seems to changed shape significantly since the emergence of Donald Trump into the political arena.

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A significant portion of "science" since the early 1800s is fake. Einstein, Darwin, Pasteur, Malthus and on and on. We literally live in the Matrix.

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So what is the difference between that and, for example, New Zealand or Australia requiring you to have 3 million liquid net worth for residency? And in NZ they gave huge tax breaks for investing for the first 5 years, like zero. So, what is the difference again? It is so you don't have non-contributory immigration where they just suckle at the government teet.

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Yes, Trump is on it from long ago.

Manual, I believe the report was short because the NY FBI office refuses to release and send the majority of the report to the DOJ. They gave a deadline of tomorrow morning. We'll see what happens. I'm always open that I don't have enough info either. Not enough research for this newsletter... too many quick judgements on many topics.....including political comments that are incomplete. I know you mean well.

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