Here we go! Right on time!
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 3, 2025...
Since many of us have noticed a lot of oddities in the latest plane crashes, and are talking about it, we are now going to have big media push such articles out…
Just to make sure we get strikes or banned on social media for talking about these topics outside of what mainstream news tells us…
Yep, that train is never late…
Thank you NewsWeek and co to let us know we are on the right path…
Mmmmhmm... Sure… In the midde of the night too...
They rushed Diddy to the hospital in the middle of the night cause his knee was bothering him? Yeahhhhhhh…
We are stupid, but not that much…
Uganda to launch Ebola vaccine trial to fight outbreak that killed nurse…
Protocol is being accelerated. 2,000 doses against the Sudan strain of Ebola to be tested in the capital Kampala…
What could go wrong? EU experts warn that emerging avian flu mutations could adapt to humans and increase risks…
Yep, Ebola could become even more deadlier…
Effects of US tariffs on Mexican and Canadian dollar…
Crack boom!
The Canadian dollar sank to its weakest since 2003, with euro and Mexican peso also posting losses.
China's yuan slumped to a record low in offshore trading on Monday, while Mexico's peso and Canada's dollar tumbled to multi-year troughs after U.S. President Donald Trump slapped the countries with tariffs, triggering fears of an escalating trade war…
This will end nasty for everybody… NOT JUST THE OTHERS…
Attention starved…
What’s the deal behind that?
He is going to have to do a lot more things like this to stay relevant in any news cycle…
Hundreds evacuated from Santorini, Greece after earthquake warning…
A seismic crisis northeast of Greece's famous island of Santorini has led to school closures due to the fact of an incredibly strong and ongoing earthquake swarm. Yet, while this earthquake swarm might initially appear to be volcanic, a deeper dive shows a likely different origin. So, is there a legitimate concern that a magnitude 6 or 7 quake might strike? Can we predict earthquakes? What is triggering this earthquake swarm?
Strong earth-directed solar flares…
Fast-growing sunspot 3981 is directly facing Earth and crackling with strong solar flares…
An M8.8-class explosion on Feb 3rd (0358 UT) was only percentage points below category X. So far none of the flares has hurled a significant CME toward Earth…
The scale of the crackling sunspot complex: GIANT!
Sunspot complex 3976-82 contains more than 3 dozen dark cores scattered across more than 500,000 km of the sun's surface:
It also shows an area of magnetic turmoil twice as wide as the planet Jupiter, so large that Earth itself is a speck in comparison.
As the sun slowly turns, parts of this complex will remain Earth-directed for the rest of the week. Any significant explosions will therefore be geoeffective…
And as you know, large solar eruption may induce strong volcanic eruptions and powerful earthquakes… Is a big One on Santorini, Greece, just days ahead?
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Thank you and have a great Monday,
Appreciate the News Roundup as always, Manuel!! ;-)
Jaden Smith: "Gate Keeper"