Appreciate the News Roundup as always, Manuel!! ;-)

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The sunspot topic makes me think that no matter how evil our puppet governments & globalists are, mother nature will fuck us all up.

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Jaden Smith: "Gate Keeper"

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Yep, that boy had a horrific childhood from what I can tell.

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Preparations for StarGates, to hell:

NEW YORK — Blood collection device maker Tasso and clinical testing laboratory ARUP Laboratories said Monday that they will join forces to offer biomarker testing services for clinical research using samples collected by participants at home.

Initially, ARUP will offer blood tests for rheumatoid factor (RF), high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), and creatinine, as well as high-sensitivity DNA testing, with Tasso providing at-home collection devices and patient support services. Additional assays and applications will be made available starting later this year as validation protocols are completed, the firms added.

no need to go anywhere, they are coming to you, with => DNA testing????

And that comes together, Gates was 'on it' already last year: https://peforum.org/blackrock-global-infrastructure-partners-gip-microsoft-and-mgx-launch-new-ai-partnership/

what a criminal beast in the year of snakes....

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Get used to all these distractions. Their engines are just warming up, while Trump is in 6th gear. They will try to catch up but won't. You know what that means. More assassination attempts.

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My first thought with Jaden Smith when I watched the actual video was humiliation ritual…

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Feb 4Edited

"Uganda to launch Ebola vaccine trial to fight outbreak that killed nurse…" I know! Why don't they use up the rest of those Remdesivir bottles that they didn't get to use to kill "covid" patients with 4 years ago? That's what it was used for in the first place.

"Yep, Ebola could become even more deadlier…" That's the purpose, isn't it? Murder under the guise of health CARE. What a farce.

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The only thing that could go wrong with that "ebola" jab is the same issues all jabs have. Toxicity and nanotech. There are no such things as viruses or contagion!!! Neither have been proven to this day.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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Gates’ GAVI and USAID preventative vaccinations to Africa, India, Somoa. Ebola and Marburg in 2 countries I'm aware of, India-marburg and Africa-Ebola. Marburg Class of hemorrhagic diseases includes Ebola ‘virus’.

And the US taxpayers unknowingly helped fund it through USAID. Burn it down!

@!#$**t GD

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Gates’ GAVI and USAID preventative vaccinations to Africa, India, Somoa. Ebola and Marburg in 2 countries I'm aware of, India-marburg and Africa-Ebola. Marburg Class of hemorrhagic diseases includes Ebola ‘virus’.

And the US taxpayers unknowingly helped fund it through USAID. Burn it down!

@!#$**t GD

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Just remove the tool - the single tool - to power They have to affect all these unEthical things:

The ONLY Tool (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-only-tool

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Any chance Gates is involved is the real question on this "outbreak."

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It really does not matter... Gates is just a character on the stage, the cave wall (Our screens). The moneyed psychopaths in control, who write the scripts, cast the actors, and direct from the wings, use Him amongst Others.

We might want to...

Escape the Cave! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/escape-the-cave

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True, but taking out their puppets could put a damper on their recruiting efforts.

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Their recruitment efforts depend on money, and They have plenty - quadrillions if not more. And I would never lower Myself to Their unEthical level by breaking the Laws of Ethics. To do so would put Me beneath the beasts with Them.

Better is to take Their tool to power away.

The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):

1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther

2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone

3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy

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Good essay but you failed to mention the reason for the condition of this world at this time. Please allow me to lay a foundation for this short comment. At the start of the industrial revolution it became apparent that some control was necessary to prevent too much money from landing in the hands of too few. JD Rockefeller was the first billionaire and he acquired his wealth by stymieing the introduction of free energy that Tesla was working on at the time. Instead of using Tesla's invention, JP Morgan, Tesla's financier asked the question, "how can it be monitored?" It can't be so it was defunded and Edison's DC current transmission lines were utilized (which were not feasible until Tesla introduced alternating current which Edison graciously stole from him). This began the era of energy created the first billionaires which influenced government, law and every social infrastructure.

The use of carbon based fuels; coal from the plants and trees buried in the Great Flood of Noah and oil which came from the animals and people which were buried in the Flood became THE source of energy for the planet. However, there is free energy which is also very abundant. Zero point energy is not only an idea, it's being used underground in the massive cities and tunnels which the elite have been building for the last century.

Now to the reason for the condition of this world. I have often imagined how a world with abundant, clean, FREE energy would look and in the term of my lifetime thus far (62.79 years) I have learned the reason for the current state of this world. I can sum it up with one simple word: GREED. Too much money in the hands of too few people creates an unsustainable, polluted, poisoned world which is controlled by these wicked, greedy men; 300 of them and their families.

They have been controlling the weather too. In a program of geoengineering they employ the use of jet aircraft to spray particulates of nanoparticles of metals; aluminum, barium and strontium and polymer fibers which help them to stay aloft. These metals are heated by ground based (HAARP) and satellite FREQUENCY GENERATING STATIONS which heat up these particles into plasma causing the cool air on the surface to rise thus creating high and low pressure systems wherever and whenever they choose stalling systems over one area and inundating it with flood waters. It's weather warfare conducted on any who don't toe the line for these wicked elite.

They serve Baal (satan) in underground satanic ceremonies of human sacrifice, torture and vampirism. This is a hard fact kept from the general populous who only want to live their lives competing with their neighbors with who can have the better job, the bigger house, car, et. al. This world belongs to Satan and those who now serve him are so many and so powerful that they are nearly unstoppable. We live in the very last days of this age, the Age of Grace or the 2000 years after God in the Flesh of a Man died willingly for the sins of all mankind (those who would believe) and rose back up into Heaven and is seated at the Right Hand of the Father.

He is coming back as the Bible says but it says more; it details what this world would look like at the time of His coming (for those who accepted His Propitiatory Sacrifice of Himself for the redemption of their sins.) Those details are the PROPHECIES of Scripture which should serve as a warning to any who read them. See Isaiah 24 and Revelation 8-10 for a glimpse of what will happen shortly after millions of people disappear in the Rapture. The antichrist will arise onto the world stage and say that we were taken by aliens in UFOs to be trained in "Spiritual Evolution" or something like that and we would be returned when that training was complete.

We will soon disappear according to the Bible which they have successfully denigrated to the bin of fairy tales and kept the people from knowing the truth by ridicule and scorn. The Bible is the TRUTH,. Read it starting in Romans to learn the Plan of God through Jesus Christ. There is very little time left to know these truths before millions of us disappear and God begins to pour out His WRATH on the unbelieving world. It's all true!

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there is no ebola, there is poison

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Yeah, concerning the "effects of US tariffs on Mexican and Canadian dollar…"

Did you notice how quickly commie Trudeau and cartel puppet Sheinbaum begged for a seat at the negotiating table? Like it or not, WINNING!!! America is being made great again, and in record time, and with or without your participation and/or encouragement.

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