I love your columns but just a clue: the American people DO NOT vote for the insane policies the ruling class institutes here on a regular basis. We're as freaking amazed at the lunatics in power as you are. Nobody called me at 3:00 a m., "Should we invade country A,",etc. keep up the good work.

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You know something stupid? Twitter's name was changed to X but every time it's written it's followed by (formerly Twitter). So, X (formerly Twitter) is its REAL new name which is longer and stupider than just Twitter. But what else is to be expected in this age? Or is there some pernicious reason for it?

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I swear, the lady with the nails was in my retail store Sally's Beauty Supply where I was employed around 9 years ago! We all about fell on the floor when we looked down at her nails. They were about half as long then. Yet still I'm going to say easily 18 to 24 in. Horrible! And all I could think was" how does this woman use a bathroom?" We were all seriously grossed out! A very pretty and well-dressed woman.. but the nails...UGH. it was hard to keep a staight face- and yes she wanted nail products.

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Woman with 4 foot fingernails? I'm saying BULL! But if not, how did she...eat, cook, drive, sleep, go to bathroom (!) clean, shower, etc. etc. etc.? She made herself a complete cripple.

All she could do is stand there and say, "hey! Look at me! I'm in the Guinness book of records for being the stupidest woman alive!" Sorry, I couldn't control that.

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"Do you think something BIG is coming, a significant incident?" The Britons are told to prepare, why aren't we? But to prepare by having "3 days supply of canned food and water" seems a bit lean. And to store away any more than that is futile because in a major catastrophe it would all be stolen from you anyway. I mean, who DOESN'T have 3 days worth of food and water in their house? When it finally comes, it's going to be SO VERY MUCH WORSE than a three day event. I've been telling others to prepare for what's coming for years, even here on this channel. Normal isn't coming back. Jesus is! Prepare for HIM FIRST, then think about stockpiling which if you find truth and accept Him and He removes your sins, you won't desire to be a "prepper".

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BrainBridge: Just a few important observations. If there could be technology this advanced, wouldn't it be logical to see gradual steps toward it such as AI restoring paraplegic and quadriplegic spinal cord injured patients to full mobility? This should be accomplished far before such radical ideas of a head transplant, and nobody has heard of such a miracle of science restoring a spinal cord injury yet.

We all have a being; our consciousness and awareness which is our spirit, inspired, created and given to us by God. Within our bodies, our spirit becomes our three part existence, which is our being created in God's Image body, soul, (the mind) and spirit which is the likeness of our Triune God. Our spirit is immortal and will live forever. This is the part that medical science ignores.

The Bible says that the body cannot exist without the Spirit and since the head of a person is where his "mind" is, it must also be where his "spirit" is and if you disconnect the head from the body it would be impossible to live long enough to fit it to another body regardless of how quickly it could be performed. To be absent from the body is to be present with The Lord. See 1 Corinthians 5:8.

Moreover, such technology is motivated by man's quest for immortality. Such ideas are perpetrated by those who RESIST God's will for their lives. It is where the rubber of the pseudo-science of the modern age (Darwinism) meets the road of atheism. We have done away with God although our very existence, and the existence of the world and universe proves that it all MUST have a Creator. "The Heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament sheweth His handiwork" Psalm 19:1

The Bible also says that we are all given in innate knowledge of God, "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. Romans 1:19 It seems that the ignorance of man in this age is the greatest it has ever been relating to God our Creator and the extremes to which he will go to escape his inevitable judgement are astounding.

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Thanks for the amazing collection of news stories, Manuel!! Everyone have a Great Weekend!! ;-)

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addition to the BrainBridge brain story: apparently currently fake, according to quick MIT reaction at:


H5N1, also in the newest caged nanos gene based therapies, falsely called vaccines, one part of these constructs is called SpyTag....

This new congress move to not allow tracing of the richest is yet another proof of function of politicians, to give lawyers unlimited powers for the evil cabal...

In regard to that lady with the longest finger-nails, but no retirement (due to lack of work), just wonder, if her smiling head, which she can't even scratch, is real. Must be an expensive endeavor to get incapacitated for SO LONG. People who come up with these 'Guinness' award ideas are some kind of cruel animals, making human beings laughable.

Thank you for these unbelievable stories..

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Woman with the long nails. Who does she pay to wipe her *ss ?

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